
I blame not what has befallen me, I see the beloved bid farewell

أعاذل ما بالي أرى الحي ودعوا

1. I blame not what has befallen me, I see the beloved bid farewell
And sleep upon their mats as they crumble and fall apart

١. أُعاذِلَ ما بالي أَرى الحَيَّ وَدَّعوا
وَباتوا عَلى طِيّاتِهِم فَتَصَدَّعوا

2. When her name is mentioned his heart takes flight
At the bird of passion, and the eye flows with tears

٢. إِذا ذُكِرَت شَعثاءُ طارَ فُؤادُهُ
لِطَيرِ الهَوى وَاِرفَضَّتِ العَينُ تَدمَعُ

3. She desires his love with false excuses
And the lover's needs are refused and denied

٣. تَمَنّى هَواها مِن تَعَلُّلِ باطِلٍ
وَتَعرِضُ حاجاتُ المُحِبِّ فَتُمنَعُ

4. If she willed she could have offered him
A drink to quench his thirst and settle his unease

٤. وَلَو أَنَّها شاءَت لَقَد بَذَلَت لَهُ
شَراباً بِهِ يَروى الغَليلُ وَيَنقَعُ

5. Disheveled hair upon slender twigs as if
It were a bracelet of arteries displayed and mended

٥. وَشُعثٍ عَلى خوصٍ دِقاقٍ كَأَنَّها
قِسِيٌّ مِنَ الشِريانِ تُبرى وَتُرقَعُ

6. When they raised the tent cover you would see it
Like a bird catcher in the marshlands shimmering

٦. إِذا رَفَعوا طَيَّ الخِباءِ رَأَيتَهُ
كَضارِبِ طَيرٍ في الحِبالَةِ يَلمَعُ

7. You see the people therein holding to its edges
While the wind takes one side fluttering free

٧. تَرى القَومَ فيهِ مُمسِكينَ بِجانِبٍ
وَلِلريحِ مِنهُ جانِبٌ يَتَزَعزَعُ

8. Oh people whom no firm-planted stakes can steady
More rigid than them are withered grass and lavender

٨. أَلا يا لَقَومٍ لا تَهِدكُم مُجاشِعٌ
فَأَصلَبُ مِنها خَيزُرانٌ وَخِروَعُ

9. They lost the noble neighbor and I do not see
One held in such esteem as that neighbor tossed aside

٩. فَهُم ضَيَّعوا الجارَ الكَريمَ وَلا أَرى
كَحُرمَةِ ذاكَ الجارِ جاراً يُضَيَّعُ

10. The Quraysh say after the betrayal of Mujashi
May Allah disfigure the neighbors of al-Zubayr and return them

١٠. تَقولُ قُرَيشٌ بَعدَ غَدرِ مُجاشِعٍ
لَحى اللَهُ جيرانَ الزُبَيرِ وَرَجَّعوا

11. If the little spider had invited them when it called
Its bags would have come together completely torn apart

١١. فَلَو أَنَّ يَربوعاً دَعا إِذ دَعاهُمُ
لَآبَ جَميعاً رَحلُهُ المُتَمَزِّعُ

12. They handed over the Prophet's close companions and his family
To their tribes and then afterward boasted or blamed

١٢. فَأَدّوا حَوارِيَّ الرَسولِ وَرَحلَهُ
إِلى أَهلِهِ ثُمَّ اِفخَروا بَعدُ أَو دَعوا

13. Do you not see the house of villainy between Mujashi
Settled there until the end of time entire

١٣. أَلَم تَرَ بَيتَ اللُؤمِ بَينَ مُجاشِعٍ
مُقيماً إِلى أَن يَمضِيَ الدَهرُ أَجمَعُ

14. We rose above them as stars rise above them
And it stooped until there was no escape for its palms

١٤. عَلَونا كَما تَعلو النُجومُ عَلَيهِمُ
وَقَصَّرَ حَتّى ما لِكَفَّيهِ مَدفَعُ

15. If you ask of my clan, the noble Nizar, foretell
When war takes off its veil, who shall harm and benefit

١٥. فَإِن تَسأَلوا حَيِّي نِزارٍ تُنَبَّأوا
إِذا الحَربُ شالَت مَن يَضُرُّ وَيَنفَعُ

16. We suffice to guard the mountain passes, if only they thank us
The undulations of death and the spears fluttering free

١٦. وَإِنّا لَنَكفي الخورَ لَو يَشكُرونَنا
ثَنايا المَنايا وَالقَنا يَتَزَعزَعُ

17. We carry to the formidable mountain pass while you
Are a mirage upon the glowing sands fluttering weak

١٧. نَحُلُّ عَلى الثَغرِ المَخوفِ وَأَنتُمُ
سَرابٌ عَلى قيقاءَةٍ يَتَرَيَّعُ

18. And Tanfek denies you the protection of her tribal alliance
While for you with your Kirek tribe there is only degradation

١٨. وَتَنفيكَ عَمروٌ عَن حِماها وَعامِرٌ
فَما لَكَ إِلّا عِندَ كيرِكَ مَطبَعُ