1. Sad will cry in the tomb of Salma son of Jundal
The marriage of Abu al-Dahma to the daughter of Sa'id
١. سَيُبكي صَداً في قَبرِ سَلمى ابنِ جَندَلِ
نِكاحُ أَبي الدَهماءِ بِنتَ سَعيدِ
2. They got a stallion that was not tethered by them
And Abu al-Dahma was not excellent
٢. أَصابوا جَواداً لَم يَكُن في رِباطِهِم
وَكانَ أَبو الدَهماءِ غَيرَ مُجيدِ
3. So she came with him from Dhu Dhawa as if he
Troops of mules in the rest area of soldiers
٣. فَجاءَت بِهِ مِن ذي ضَواةٍ كَأَنَّهُ
جَحافِلُ بَغلٍ في مُناخِ جُنودِ