1. Had it not been for shame, longing would have returned me,
And I would have visited your grave, where loved ones are visited.
١. لَولا الحَياءُ لَعادَني اِستِعبارُ
وَلَزُرتُ قَبرَكِ وَالحَبيبُ يُزارُ
2. And I did look, not indulging a single glance,
At the grave, where the digger's tool had penetrated.
٢. وَلَقَد نَظَرتُ وَما تَمَتُّعُ نَظرَةٍ
في اللَحدِ حَيثُ تَمَكَّنَ المِحفارُ
3. So may your Lord reward you among your kin with a glance,
And give your tomb flowing, gushing water to drink.
٣. فَجَزاكِ رَبُّكِ في عَشيرِكِ نَظرَةً
وَسَقى صَداكِ مُجَلجِلٌ مِدرارُ
4. My heart was confused when a great event overcame me,
And your little ones with amulets were still young.
٤. وَلَّهتِ قَلبي إِذ عَلَتني كَبرَةٌ
وَذَوُو التَمائِمِ مِن بَنيكِ صِغارُ
5. I tend the stars though bright Canopus has set.
The stars' girdle as though they were thorn-trees.
٥. أَرعى النُجومَ وَقَد مَضَت غَورِيَّةً
عُصَبُ النُجومِ كَأَنَّهُنَّ صِوارُ
6. What a fine companion you were, a dangling ornament,
A shelter for the affliction of stones.
٦. نِعمَ القَرينُ وَكُنتِ عِلقَ مَضِنَّةٍ
وارى بِنَعفِ بُلَيَّةَ الأَحجارُ
7. You lived honored, and left,
Untouched by any baseness or poverty.
٧. عَمِرَت مُكَرَّمَةَ المَساكِ وَفارَقَت
ما مَسَّها صَلَفٌ وَلا إِقتارُ
8. Your tomb drinks from a flashing smile,
A torrent, and a continuous spring.
٨. فَسَقى صَدى جَدَثٍ بِبُرقَةِ ضاحِكٍ
هَزِمٌ أَجَشُّ وَديمَةٌ مِدرارُ
9. A torrent, when it lodges in a country,
Is as though its valleys were rivers.
٩. هَزِمٌ أَجَشُّ إِذا اِستَحارَ بِبَلدَةٍ
فَكَأَنَّما بِجِوائِها الأَنهارُ
10. A mounted glow that illuminates as it flashes
Like lightning under the bellies of pregnant clouds.
١٠. مُتَراكِبٌ زَجِلٌ يُضيءُ وَميضُهُ
كَالبُلقِ تَحتَ بُطونِها الأَمهارُ
11. You were honored among the clan, and there was no fear
Of the misfortunes of Umm Hazra, your neighbor.
١١. كانَت مُكَرَّمَةَ العَشيرِ وَلَم يَكُن
يُخشى غَوائِلَ أُمِّ حَزرَةَ جارُ
12. And I saw you wrapped in the fairest raiment,
With beauty, tranquility, and dignity.
١٢. وَلَقَد أَراكِ كُسيتِ أَجمَلَ مَنظَرٍ
وَمَعَ الجَمالِ سَكينَةٌ وَوَقارُ
13. The wind blows sweet when you face it,
Your virtue unsullied, unstained.
١٣. وَالريحُ طَيِّبَةٌ إِذا اِستَقبَلتِها
وَالعِرضُ لا دَنِسٌ وَلا خَوّارُ
14. And when I walked at night I saw your fire light up
A face the hue of saffron, made more beautiful thereby.
١٤. وَإِذا سَرَيتُ رَأَيتُ نارَكِ نَوَّرَت
وَجهاً أَغَرَّ يَزينُهُ الإِسفارُ
15. The angels who were chosen saluted you,
And the righteous and the pious,
١٥. صَلّى المَلائِكَةُ الَّذينَ تُخُيُّروا
وَالصالِحونَ عَلَيكِ وَالأَبرارُ
16. And from your Lord descend upon you whenever
The pilgrims stand praying there in their robes.
١٦. وَعَلَيكِ مِن صَلَواتِ رَبِّكِ كُلَّما
نَصِبَ الحَجيجُ مُلَبِّدينَ وَغاروا
17. O glance of mine, what day when tears
Poured down Umm Hazra's cheek at Numaira!
١٧. يا نَظرَةً لَكِ يَومَ هاجَت عَبرَةً
مِن أُمِّ حَزرَةَ بِالنُمَيرَةِ دارُ
18. The ruins are restored by the spring rain,
Then wear away again from the showers.
١٨. تُحيِي الرَوامِسُ رَبعَها فَتُجِدُّهُ
بَعدَ البِلى وَتُميتُهُ الأَمطارُ
19. As though she had dwellings amidst its singing brooks
And the quarter where the Jewish scholars lived.
١٩. وَكَأَنَّ مَنزِلَةً لَها بِجُلاجِلٍ
وَحيُ الزَبورِ تُجِدُّهُ الأَحبارُ
20. Do not blame me too much if you see me blame you,
Lest your forbearance be quite used up.
٢٠. لا تُكثِرَنَّ إِذا جَعَلتَ تَلومُني
لا يَذهَبَنَّ بِحِلمِكَ الإِكثارُ
21. They were a mixed bunch, and now they have become
Changers of abode and dwelling place.
٢١. كانَ الخَليطُ هُمُ الخَليطَ فَأَصبَحوا
مُتَبَدِّلينَ وَبِالدِيارِ دِيارُ
22. It is not long before boon companions separate,
Night and day both decline upon them.
٢٢. لا يُلبِثُ القُرَناءَ أَن يَتَفَرَّقوا
لَيلٌ يَكُرُّ عَلَيهِمُ وَنَهارُ
23. Umm Hazra, O Farazdaq, have you reviled her,
And the Almighty King is angered against you?
٢٣. أَفَأُمَّ حَزرَةَ يا فَرَزدَقُ عِبتُم
غَضِبَ المَليكُ عَلَيكُمُ القَهّارُ
24. When her husband was absent she guarded discretion,
And secrets were hidden and honor conserved.
٢٤. كانَت إِذا هَجَرَ الحَليلُ فِراشَها
خُزِنَ الحَديثُ وَعَفَّتِ الأَسرارُ
25. She is not like your mother, when a bastard
Tore her rag and she had no veil.
٢٥. لَيسَت كَأُمِّكَ إِذ يَعَضُّ بِقُرطِها
قَينٌ وَلَيسَ عَلى القُرونِ خِمارُ
26. We will rouse your bastard but no bastard
Will be stirred up by the braying of a MODEL_MARYY_SI*.
٢٦. سَنُثيرُ قَينَكُمُ وَلا يوفى بِها
قَينٌ بِقارِعَةِ المِقَرِّ مُثارُ
27. The basket was found at his grave
And the two b**** gathered up and the pruning knife.
٢٧. وُجِدَ الكَتيفُ ذَخيرَةً في قَبرِهِ
وَالكَلبَتانِ جُمِعنَ وَالميشارُ
28. His tomb weeps when a male camel brays
Or a young pregnant camel splits its lip.
٢٨. يَبكي صَداهُ إِذا تَهَزَّمَ مِرجَلٌ
أَو إِن تَثَلَّمَ بُرمَةٌ أَعشارُ
29. The mortar quaked and on its oriental side
A b*** howled and brands flew.
٢٩. رَجَفَ المِقَرُّ وَصاحَ في شَرقِيِّهِ
قَينٌ عَلَيهِ دَواخِنٌ وَشَرارُ
30. The sons of Fuqaym killed your father wrongfully
When he was dragged off without even a loincloth.
٣٠. قَتَلَت أَباكَ بَنو فُقَيمٍ عَنوَةً
إِذ جُرَّ لَيسَ عَلى أَبيكَ إِزارُ
31. They hamstrung his she-camels, and in killing him
There was no killing, just hamstringing and harm.
٣١. عَقَروا رَواحِلَهُ فَلَيسَ بِقَتلِهِ
قَتلٌ وَلَيسَ بِعَقرِهِنَّ عِقارُ
32. Hadra' denied them the camels and their stench
And the free man prevents his wrong by denial.
٣٢. حَدراءُ أَنكَرَتِ القُيونَ وَريحَهُم
وَالحُرُّ يَمنَعُ ضَيمَهُ الإِنكارُ
33. When she saw the rust on his coat of mail,
The color all dark and the pattern fragmented,
٣٣. لَمّا رَأَت صَدَأَ الحَديدِ بِجِلدِهِ
فَاللَونُ أَورَقُ وَالبَنانُ قِصارُ
34. Al-Farazdaq said, "Patch you our leather bags!"
She said, "And how can leather bags be patched?"
٣٤. قالَ الفَرَزدَقُ رَقِّعي أَكيارَنا
قالَت وَكَيفَ تُرَقَّعُ الأَكيارُ
35. "Patch your gear! My grandfather was Khalid
While your grandsire was a bastard who did not beget you honorably."
٣٥. رَقِّع مَتاعَكَ إِنَّ جَدّي خالِدٌ
وَالقَينُ جَدُّكَ لَم تَلِدكَ نِزارُ
36. And I heard her appeal to Duhl that they
Had wronged her in-law, the camels, and were aggressors.
٣٦. وَسَمِعتُها اِتَّصَلَت بِذُهلٍ إِنَّهُم
ظَلَموا بِصِهرِهِمُ القُيونَ وَجاروا
37. She called down on the sculptor a potent curse,
Mingled with supplication and caution,
٣٧. دَعَتِ المُصَوِّرَ دَعوَةً مَسموعَةً
وَمَعَ الدُعاءِ تَضَرُّعٌ وَحِذارُ
38. Beseeching your Lord that her companion
Not be a camel herded by the storm winds,
٣٨. عاذَت بِرَبِّكَ أَن يَكونَ قَرينُها
قَيناً أَحَمَّ لِفَسوِهِ إِعصارُ
39. And charging La'ima, Ziyad's daughter, and her son,
That the noble are shamed by in-laws.
٣٩. أَوصَت بِلائِمَةٍ لِزيقٍ وَاِبنِهِ
إِنَّ الكَريمَ تَشينُهُ الأَصهارُ
40. "Had it been slander, I could have borne it,
But with slander came estrangement and harm."
٤٠. إِنَّ الفَضيحَةَ لَو بُليتِ بِقَينِهِم
وَمَعَ الفَضيحَةَ غُربَةٌ وَضِرارُ
41. Why did you not prevent Zubayr that day the sun blazed?
A war whose brands the swords would ignite?
٤١. هَلّا الزُبَيرَ مَنَعتَ يَومَ تَشَمَّسَت
حَربٌ تَضَرَّمُ نارُها مِذكارُ
42. And Zubayr called but the camel litters did not stir,
Had you named them swine, they would have charged.
٤٢. وَدَعا الزُبَيرُ فَما تَحَرَّكَتِ الحُبى
لَو سُمتَهُم جُحَفَ الخَزيرِ لَثاروا
43. They duped Zubayr as though they were
Plough oxen with no herdsman to drive them.
٤٣. غَرّوا بِعَقدِهِمُ الزُبَيرَ كَأَنَّهُم
أَثوارُ مَحرَثَةٍ لَهُنَّ خُوارُ
44. You played false with the two silent men,
Ibn al-Aamm and Umm Bayba's rope a neighbor.
٤٤. وَالصِمَّتَينِ أَجَرتُمُ فَغَدَرتُمُ
وَاِبنُ الأَصَمِّ بِحَبلِ بَيبَةَ جارُ
45. The party of Ibn al-Sadd shamed you
And your people's livers lost all bitterness.
٤٥. أَخزاكَ رَهطُ اِبنِ الأَشَدِّ فَأَصبَحَت
أَكبادُ قَومِكَ ما لَهُنَّ مَرارُ
46. Bilta passed the night perplexed, not knowing
What to do, no aid, and no young girls about.
٤٦. باتَت تُكَلَّتُ ما عَلِمتَ وَلَم تَكُن
عونٌ تُكَلَّفُهُ وَلا أَبكارُ
47. They reviled the donkey but I will lampoon women,
Purity itself, in the midst of their tents.
٤٧. سَبّوا الحِمارَ فَسَوفَ أَهجو نِسوَةً
لِلكيرِ وَسطَ بُيوتِهِنَّ أُوارُ
48. Al-Farazdaq will not cease to importune Jarir
Until enmity departs from his breast.
٤٨. إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ لَن يُزاوِلَ لُؤمَهُ
حَتّى يَزولَ عَنِ الطَريقِ صِرارُ
49. Why argue, when I have outstripped, riding freely,
A desert stage that wearied all eyes?
٤٩. فيمَ المِراءُ وَقَد سَبَقتُ مُجاشِعاً
سَبقاً تَقَطَّعُ دونَهُ الأَبصارُ
50. The chiefs of Quraysh have judged in my favor, so confess,
O camel-master, you and the Allies.
٥٠. قَضَتِ الغَطارِفُ مِن قُرَيشٍ فَاِعتَرِف
يا اِبنَ القُيونِ عَلَيكَ وَالأَنصارُ
51. Have I in two hundred lines, and two hundred,
Reached the utmost bounds and limit?
٥١. هَل في مِئينَ وَفي مِئينَ سَبَقتُها
مَدَّ الأَعِنَّةِ غايَةٌ وَحِضارُ
52. Al-Farazdaq lied! Mujashi's stick is crooked
And their crosspiece is rickety and unsound.
٥٢. كَذَبَ الفَرَزدَقُ إِنَّ عودَ مُجاشِعٍ
قَصِفٌ وَإِنَّ صَليبَهُم خَوّارُ
53. When you are distended, you son of Mujashi,
Are beneath contempt, a squandering disseminator.
٥٣. وَإِذا بَطِنتَ فَأَنتَ يا اِبنَ مُجاشِعٍ
عِندَ الهَوانِ جُنادِفٌ نَثّارُ
54. Sa'd refused you the sanctuary of their protection
Or the shelter that protectors allow.
٥٤. سَعدٌ أَبَوا لَكَ أَن تَفي بِجِوارِهِم
أَو أَن يَفي لَكَ بِالجِوارِ جِوارُ
55. Long before that, Jarir, you tasted our character
Until you despaired, and the beak was blunted.
٥٥. قَد طالَ قَرعُكَ قَبلَ ذاكَ صَفاتَنا
حَتّى صَمِمتَ وَفُلِّلَ المِنقارُ
56. O bastard son of camels, and long have I tried you,
When the strings are plucked, the rending occurs.
٥٦. يا اِبنَ القُيونِ وَطالَما جَرَّبتَني
وَالنَزعُ حَيثُ أُمِرَّتِ الأَوتارُ
57. Do not think, in addressing al-Farazdaq again,
That joy awaits Mujashi and good news him.
٥٧. ما في مُعاوَدَتي الفَرَزدَقَ فَاِعلَموا
لِمُجاشِعٍ ظَفَرٌ وَلا اِستِبشارُ
58. The poems have lopped off Mujashi,
Sewn together with poison and set on fire.
٥٨. إِنَّ القَصائِدَ قَد جَدَعنَ مُجاشِعاً
بِالسُمِّ يُلحَمُ نَسجُها وَيُنارُ
59. You have reached the end of your rope with undoing them,
And you are undone, beyond continuance.
٥٩. وَلَقوا عَواصِيَ قَد عَيِيتَ بِنَقضِها
وَلَقَد نُقِضتَ فَما بِكَ اِستِمرارُ
60. Your people thought you a poet
Until you drowned, and the current swept you away.
٦٠. قَد كانَ قَومُكَ يَحسَبونَكَ شاعِراً
حَتّى غَرِقتَ وَضَمَّكَ التَيّارُ
61. Al-Farazdaq stripped away what pleased Mujashi,
With neither wager nor exchange left over.
٦١. نَزَعَ الفَرَزدَقُ ما يَسُرُّ مُجاشِعاً
مِنهُ مُراهَنَةٌ وَلا مِشوارُ
62. Your hands fell short of the sky so there could be on earth
No rest for the wicked tree.
٦٢. قَصُرَت يَداكَ عَنِ السَماءِ فَلَم يَكُن
في الأَرضِ لِلشَجَرِ الخَبيثِ قَرارُ
63. Nuwar praised al-Farazdaq, speaking calumny,
She spoke truly, Nuwar told no lie about you.
٦٣. أَثنَت نَوارُ عَلى الفَرَزدَقِ خَزيَةً
صَدَقَت وَما كَذَبَت عَلَيكَ نَوارُ
64. Al-Farazdaq remains forever masked
And the evil deed continues to point to him.
٦٤. إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ لا يَزالُ مُقَنَّعاً
وَإِلَيهِ بِالعَمَلِ الخَبيثِ يُشارُ
65. It cannot be hidden from you that Mujashi,
Had they been inflated from the ***s, would have flown!
٦٥. لا يَخفَيَنَّ عَلَيكَ أَنَّ مُجاشِعاً
لَو يُنفَخونَ مِنَ الخُؤورِ لَطاروا
66. They may be captured but no captive of theirs is ransomed,
And they are killed but the strings are unharmed,
٦٦. قَد يُؤسَرونَ فَما يُفَكَّ أَسيرُهُم
وَيُقَتَّلونَ فَتَسلَمُ الأَوتارُ
67. And they waylay you when the bones are weak
And the brain flows, the giddiness of epilepsy.
٦٧. وَيُفايِشونَكَ وَالعِظامُ ضَعيفَةٌ
وَالمُخُّ مُمتَخَرُ الهُنانَةِ رارُ
68. They looked at you when their zeal was cooling,
As hyenas look when vertigo seizes them.
٦٨. نَظَروا إِلَيكَ وَقَد تَقَلَّبَ هامُهُم
نَظَرَ الضِباعُ أَصابَهُنَّ دُوارُ
69. Al-Farazdaq was linked with the bastard and his mother,
While Abu'l-Farazdaq's veils were rent.
٦٩. قُرِنَ الفَرَزدَقُ وَالبَعيثُ وَأُمُّهُ
وَأَبو الفَرَزدَقِ قُبِّحَ الإِستارُ
70. He began to blink like an old man with two bondsmen
And neighbors to quarrel with.
٧٠. أَضحى يُرَمِّزُ حاجِبَيهِ كَأَنَّهُ
ذيخٌ لَهُ بِقَصيمَتَينِ وِجارُ
71. My people have no dealings in baskets,
Rather my people's trade is in spears.
٧١. لَيسَت لِقَومي بِالكَتيفِ تِجارَةٌ
لَكِنَّ قَومي بِالطِعانِ تِجارُ
72. My horsemen, their horses have necks bleeding
Where the foe has learned of passes to invade.
٧٢. يَحمي فَوارِسيَ الَّذينَ لِخَيلِهِم
بِالثَغرِ قَد عَلِمَ العَدُوُّ مُغارُ
73. While Mujashi's horses have never sweated blood,
No sweat nor track from them.
٧٣. تَدمى شَكائِمُها وَخَيلُ مُجاشِعٍ
لَم يَندَ مِن عَرَقٍ لَهُنَّ عِذارُ
74. We and your bastards patch their leather sacks,
Our secret, to seize dominion and advance.
٧٤. إِنّا وَقَينُكُمُ يُرَقِّعُ كيرَهُ
سِرنا لِنَغتَصِبَ المُلوكَ وَساروا
75. Our fetters champed on the sons of Munzir
Until the tyrant acquiesced in our rule,
٧٥. عَضَّت سَلاسِلُنا عَلى اِبنَي مُنذِرٍ
حَتّى أَقَرَّ بِحُكمِنا الجَبّارُ
76. And we left perforce the sons of Hujayma
For the sons of Hujayma the spears are vile.
٧٦. وَاِبنَي هُجَيمَةَ قَد تَرَكنا عَنوَةً
لِاِبنَي هُجَيمَةَ في الرِماحِ خُوارُ
77. The chief of a kingdom bowed his brow,
Blood and dust clouding his eyebrows,
٧٧. وَرَئيسُ مَملَكَةٍ وَطِئنَ جَبينَهُ
يَغشى حَواجِبَهُ دَمٌ وَغُبارُ
78. We defend our luck with our lives, glorying
In danger, and honor the perils.
٧٨. نَحمي مُخاطَرَةً عَلى أَحسابِنا
كَرُمَ الحُماةُ وَعَزَّتِ الأَخطارُ
79. And when the woman go forth with no veils,
We yearn, and when they go out we deny.
٧٩. وَإِذا النِساءُ خَرَجنَ غَيرَ تَبَرُّزٍ
غِرنا وَعِندَ خُروجِهِنَّ نَغارُ
80. But Mujashi put Malik's horsemen to shame,
And the wild pigs slew them and routed them!
٨٠. وَمُجاشِعٌ فَضَحوا فَوارِسَ مالِكٍ
فَرَبا الخَزيرُ وَضُيِّعَ الأَدبارُ
81. Clouds, had the garrison witnessed my horsemen,
They would not have shackled 'Athjal and Dirar!
٨١. أَغمامَ لَو شَهِدَ الوَقيطَ فَوارِسي
ما قيدَ يُعتَلُ عَثجَلٌ وَضِرارُ
82. O camel's son, how can you seek our glory
When you bear the camels' brand on your face?
٨٢. يا اِبنَ القُيونِ وَكَيفَ تَطلُبُ مَجدَنا
وَعَلَيكَ مِن سِمَةِ القُيونِ نِجارُ