
When she recalls Zayd, her tears flow

إذا ذكرت زيدا ترقرق دمعها

1. When she recalls Zayd, her tears flow
With eyelashes dripping, a yearning doe

١. إِذا ذَكَرَت زَيداً تَرَقرَقَ دَمعُها
بِمَطروفَةِ العَينَينِ شَوساءَ طامِحِ

2. She weeps for Zayd though she's not seen his like
Hale and hearty, stout of build

٢. تُبَكّي عَلى زَيدٍ وَلَم تَرَ مِثلَهُ
صَحيحاً مِنَ الحُمّى شَديدَ الجَوانِحِ

3. I console you for what you know, though I see
In your eyes, Zayd's speck that won't flee

٣. أُعَزّيكِ عَمّا تَعلَمينَ وَقَد أَرى
بِعَينَيكِ مِن زَيدٍ قَذىً غَيرَ بارِحِ

4. If you intend, my intent's well-matched
If you scowl, you'll get the cup of death

٤. فَإِن تَقصِدي فَالقَصدُ مِني خَليقَةٌ
وَإِن تَجمَحي تَلقَي لِجامَ الجَوامِحِ