
Are you still my friend after the estrangement,

أواصل أنت سلمى بعد معتبة

1. Are you still my friend after the estrangement,
Or has the rope of friendship with Salma been severed?

١. أَواصِلٌ أَنتَ سَلمى بَعدَ مَعتَبَةٍ
أَم صارِمُ الحَبلِ مِن سَلمى فَمَصرومُ

2. I used to conceal my desires and keep them hidden
Until when will this burning passion remain concealed?

٢. قَد كُنتُ أُضمِرُ حاجاتٍ وَأَكتُمُها
حَتّى مَتى طولُ هَذا الوَجدِ مَكتومُ

3. Umma said, "He is lovesick like a traveling companion
As if he is spellbound by the dark night's sorcery."

٣. قالَت أُمامَةُ مُعتَلٌّ أَخو سَفَرٍ
كَأَنَّهُ مِن سُرى الإِدلاجِ مَأمومُ

4. As if the scent of musk on her pillows
Has made her drunk with yearning and desire.

٤. كَأَنَّ نَشرَ الخُزامى في مَلاحِفِها
قَد بَلَّ أَجرَعَها طَلٌّ وَتَهميمُ

5. Imagination kindled the wants of the lovesick one
Such that passions almost burst out from within.

٥. هاجَ الخَيالَ عَلى حاجاتِ ذي أَربٍ
تَكادُ تَنفَضُّ مِنهُنَّ الحَيازيمُ

6. An ailment befell us walking with unease
In the waist and in the hips indigestion.

٦. زَورٌ أَلَمَّ بِنا يَمشي عَلى وَجَلٍ
في الخَصرِ مِنهُ وَفي الكَشحَينِ تَهضيمُ

7. You were greeted by a frequent visitor of our abodes
With Indian musk and ambergris perfumed.

٧. حُيِّيتَ مِن زائِرٍ يَعتادُ أَرحَلُنا
بِالمِسكِ وَالعَنبَرِ الهِندِيِّ مَلغومُ

8. Oh my friend, this guide found his way to us
While the darkness of night was piled up.

٨. يا صاحِبَيَّ سَلا هَذا المُلِمَّ بِنا
أَنّى اِهتَدى وَسَوادُ اللَيلِ مَركومُ

9. Did he come straight walking the length of his night?
Or lost from the path of purpose confused?

٩. أَعامِداً جاءَ يَسري طولَ لَيلَتِهِ
أَم جائِرٌ عَن طَريقِ القَصدِ مَهيومُ

10. To the frightful places of death he ventured
Where horrors and calamities determination emboldened.

١٠. إِلى طَلائِحَ بِالمَوماةِ صادِيَةٍ
فيها عَلى الهَولِ وَالعِلّاتِ تَصميمُ

11. How to speak to a caravan made anxious
By the howling winds whose echoes confuse?

١١. كَيفَ الحَديثُ إِلى رَكبٍ تُؤَدِّؤُهُم
يَهماءُ صادِيَةٌ أَصدائُها هَيمُ

12. It casts them from the dark places of death for honor
When confusions of straying ignite.

١٢. تَرمي بِها قاتِمَ الموماةِ عَن عُرُضٍ
إِذا تَوَقَّدَتِ التيهُ الدَياميمُ

13. Disheveled camels, ruins upon a journey
On which sandals and patches abound.

١٣. شُعثٌ عِجالٌ وَأَنقاضٌ عَلى سَفَرٍ
قَد شاعَ فيهِنَّ أَنعالٌ وَتَخديمُ

14. An uproar, pots - its locusts
Become leaves and its battles confused ideas.

١٤. دَويَّةٌ قَزَفٌ تُضحي جَنادِبُها
وُرقاً وَحِربائُها صَديانُ مَهيومُ

15. We traveled to you on mounts we tasked
With the journey of day and night's roaming.

١٥. سِرنا إِلَيكَ مَطايانا نُكَلِّفُها
سَيرَ النَهارِ وَما في اللَيلِ تَهويمُ

16. We traveled to you, our mounts Syrian
With no warmth in their armors from their breezes.

١٦. سِرنا إِلَيكَ نُصادِيها شَآمِيَةً
لا يُدفِئُ القَلبَ مِن صُرّادِها نيمُ

17. It makes the old man unshelter his turban
While snow upon the highest peaks lies piled.

١٧. تَستَوفِضُ الشَيخَ لا يَثني عِمامَتَهُ
وَالثَلجُ فَوقَ رُؤوسِ الأُكمِ مَركومُ

18. It suffices the Caliph that Allah has robed him
In the raiment of kingship with which outcomes are hoped.

١٨. يَكفي الخَليفَةَ أَنَّ اللَهَ سَربَلَهُ
سِربالَ مُلكٍ بِهِ تُرجى الخَواتيمُ

19. He whom amongst you Allah gives, gives extra
And whom He deprives today, deprived.

١٩. مَن يُعطِهِ اللَهُ مِنكُم يُعطَ نافِلَةً
وَيُحرَمِ اليَومَ مِنكُم فَهوَ مَحرومُ

20. O House of Marwan, Allah has preferred you
With an ancient preference and in striving, uprightness.

٢٠. يا آلَ مَروانَ إِنَّ اللَهَ فَضَّلَكُم
فَضلاً قَديماً وَفي المَسعاةِ تَقويمُ

21. A people whose father was Abu Al-‘Aas and bequeathed them
An inherited leadership which no leaderships can equal.

٢١. قَومٌ أَبوهُم أَبو العاصي وَأَورَثَهُم
جُرثومَةً لا تُساميها الجَراثيمُ

22. He has attained the highest pinnacle so seized it
A towering ascent when the climbers scramble.

٢٢. قَد فاتَ بِالغايَةِ العُليا فَأَحرَزَها
سامٍ خُروجٌ إِذا اِصطَكَّ الأَضاميمُ

23. He protects his protege with warriors for him of sternness
By whom the earth from their strength in it trembles.

٢٣. يَحمي حِماهُ بِجَرّارٍ لَهُ لَجَبٌ
لِلأَرضِ مِن وَأدِهِ فيها هَماهيمُ

24. Thirsty they came but his buckets quenched their thirst
From a sea in which whales splash about.

٢٤. جاؤوا ظِماءً فَقَد رَوّى دِلاءَهُمُ
مِن زاخِرٍ تَرتَمي فيهِ العَلاجيمُ

25. Kingship will not transfer from you to anyone
Nor will your exemplary building be razed.

٢٥. ما المُلكُ مُنتَقِلٌ مِنكُم إِلى أَحَدٍ
وَلا بِناؤُكُمُ العادِيُّ مَهدومُ