1. Do you forget the day of departure and entering,
And our stance at the ruins that decay?
١. أَتَنسى يَومَ حَومَلَ وَالدَخولِ
وَمَوقِفَنا عَلى الطَلَلِ المُحيلِ
2. And she said, "You've become gaunt and grey after me,
By the right of greyness after you and leanness."
٢. وَقالَت قَد نَحِلتَ وَشِبتَ بَعدي
بِحَقِّ الشَيبِ بَعدَكِ وَالنُحولِ
3. As if the wind rustled in glass,
With the water of spouts in a shady pavement.
٣. كَأَنَّ الراحَ شُعشِعَ في زُجاجٍ
بِماءِ المُزنِ في رَصَفٍ ظَليلِ
4. Your friend says to you, O Abu Firas,
May God shame Al-Farazdaq from his friend.
٤. يَقولُ لَكَ الخَليلُ أَبا فِراسٍ
لَحى اللَهُ الفَرَزدَقَ مِن خَليلِ
5. You left Iraq while you were filth,
Wearing the garb of tyrants in the shadows.
٥. خَرَجتَ مِنَ العِراقِ وَأَنتَ رِجسٌ
تَلَبَّسُ في الظِلالِ ثِيابَ غولٍ
6. And the drink of Hadd is not hidden from you,
Nor the fox of the absent wasteland.
٦. وَما يَخفى عَلَيكَ شَرابُ حَدٍّ
وَلا وَرهاءُ غائِبَةُ الحَليلِ
7. If he enters the city, then stone him,
And do not let him near the Prophet's grave.
٧. إِذا دَخَلَ المَدينَةَ فَاِرجُموهُ
وَلا تَدنوهُ مِن جَدَثِ الرَسولِ
8. Al-Farazdaq knew that Taym
Gets drunk when they drink and urinate.
٨. لَقَد عَلِمَ الفَرَزدَقُ أَنَّ تَيماً
عَلى شِربٍ إِذا نَهِلوا وَبيلِ
9. We have the ancestors, O son of Taym,
If the path narrows.
٩. لَنا السَلَفُ المُقَدَّمُ يا اِبنَ تَيمٍ
إِذا ما ضاقَ مُطَّلَعُ السَبيلِ
10. And I take pride in the perfect ones of Tamim,
While you take pride in the vile and little.
١٠. وَأَفخَرُ بِالقَماقِمِ مِن تَميمٍ
وَتَفخَرُ بِالخَبيثِ وَبِالقَليلِ
11. So you will not be able, O son of begging Taym,
To withstand the onslaught of warriors.
١١. فَلَن تَسطيعَ يا اِبنَ دَعيِّ تَيمٍ
عَلى دَحضٍ مُزَحَمَةَ القُيولِ
12. As if Taym were castrated among the clans of Tamim,
A eunuch among virile men.
١٢. كَأَنَّ التَيمَ وَسطَ بَني تَميمٍ
خَصيٌّ بَينَ أَحصِنَةٍ فُحولِ
13. I censure Taym, the sons of Tamim
Wore on them my camel load.
١٣. أَعَبدَ التَيمِ إِنَّ بَني تَميمٍ
تَلَبَّسَ فيهِمُ أَجَمي وَغَيلي
14. And I have pelted you from Tamim
With a burden you cannot withstand, O heavy one.
١٤. وَإِنّي قَد رَمَيتُكَ مِن تَميمٍ
بِعِبءٍ لا تَقومُ لَهُ ثَقيلِ
15. I am done with the bows, and Taym is bitten,
A steed of battle, not one who lingers.
١٥. فَرَغتُ مِنَ القُيونِ وَعَضَّ تَيماً
فِرِندُ الوَقعِ لَيسَ بِذي فُلولِ
16. And I advised the clan of 'Adiyy
To wash their clothes and the blood of the slain.
١٦. وَقُلتُ نَصاحَةً لِبَني عَديٍّ
ثِيابَكُمُ وَنَضحَ دَمِ القَتيلِ
17. You have brought the horsemen of Taym, who returned
With the zeal of racers and the noble.
١٧. أَعِبتَ فَوارِساً رَجَعوا بِتَيمٍ
وَرَكضَهُمُ مُبادَرَةَ الأَصيلِ
18. The last riders, the daughters of Taym, returned them
To the riders, men without deviation.
١٨. فَرَدَّ المُردَفاتِ بَناتِ تَيمٍ
لِيَربوعٍ فَوارِسُ غَيرُ ميلِ
19. We saved Uyaynah and Ibn Shamkh
When they passed by them in a field.
١٩. تَدارَكنا عُيَينَةَ وَاِبنَ شَمخٍ
وَقَد مَرّا بِهِنَّ عَلى حَقيلِ
20. They saw the hidden behinds of the daughters of Taym
Bared from dresses cast off.
٢٠. رَأوا قُعسَ الظُهورِ بَناتِ تَيمٍ
تَكَشَّفُ عَن عَلاهِبَةٍ رُعولِ
21. My seas have drowned the origin of Taym,
For they drowned in the torrent's surge.
٢١. لَقَد خاقَت بُحوري أَصلَ تَيمٍ
فَقَد غَرِقوا بِمُنتَطِحِ السُيولِ
22. You have paired the most wicked, your father Taym,
To a camel at its utmost burden.
٢٢. قَرَنتَ أَبا اللِئامِ أَباكَ تَيماً
بِأَدفى في مَناكِبِهِ صَؤولِ
23. With Zayd Manat he crushes every bone,
His camels and more than the kneeling ones.
٢٣. بِزَيدِ مَناةَ يَحطِمُ كُلَّ عَظمٍ
بُوازِلُهُ وَزِدنَ عَلى البُزولِ
24. He stomped the necks of Taym,
Heavy of step, of noble descent.
٢٤. عَلى تَيماً فَدَقَّ رِقابَ تَيمٍ
ثَقيلُ الوَطءِ ذو جَرَزٍ نَبيلِ
25. You have met for us the protectors, steadfast,
And a raid that hurls itself at you after a raid.
٢٥. لَقيتَ لَنا حَوامِيَ راسِياتٍ
وَجولاً يَرتَمي بِكَ بَعدَ جولِ
26. As if Taym, when boasting of Sa'd,
The slave girls of the tribe boast of pregnancies.
٢٦. كَأَنَّ التَيمَ إِذ فَخَرَت بِسَعدٍ
إِماءُ الحَيِّ تَفخَرُ بِالحُمولِ
27. You see the Taymi crawling like a locust
To a Taymi woman, like a twisted staff.
٢٧. تَرى التَيمِيَّ يَزحَفُ كَالقَرَنبى
إِلى تَيمِيَّةٍ كَعَصا المَليلِ
28. If she grins at him, he says without shame,
"You have grinned without beauty or grace!"
٢٨. إِذا كَشَرَت إِلَيهِ يَقولُ بَلوى
بَلا حَسَنٍ كَشَرتِ وَلا جَميلِ
29. Saffron stains the bride of Taym
And she walks the walk of a loping hyena.
٢٩. تَشينُ الزُعفُرانَ عَروسُ تَيمٍ
وَتَمشي مِشيَةَ الجُعَلِ الزَحولِ
30. The meddlers say the bride of Taym
Roasted the mother of the two loves and the head of an elephant.
٣٠. يَقولُ المُجتَلونَ عَروسُ تَيمٍ
شَوى أُمِّ الحُبَينِ وَرَأسُ فيلِ
31. If she were washed with my pitcher of Dujayl,
She would say, "I am not satiated from washing."
٣١. وَلو غُسِلَت بِساقِيَتي دُجَيلٍ
لَقالَت ما اِكتَفَيتُ مِنَ الغَسولِ
32. When she frowns at him
With a frown in a grimacing eye.
٣٢. إِذا ما اِستَبعَرَت كَلَحَت إِلَيهِ
بِقَحفٍ في عَنيَّةِ مُستَبيلِ