1. The enlightened one sold his father and mother
For flocks of goats - miserable is the profit of the seller
١. باعَ أَباهُ المُستَنيرُ وَأُمَّهُ
بِأَشخابِ عَنزٍ بِئسَ رِبحُ المُبايِعِ
2. You have confronted me without Barzah and her son
O son of an ignoble woman, O frequenter of ruins
٢. تَعَرَّضتَ لي مِن دونِ بَرزَةَ وَاِبنِها
أَلُؤمَ اِبنَ لُؤمٍ يا دَعِيَّ البَلاتِعِ
3. I forbade the daughters of the enlightened one from performing spells
And from walking at night between the farms
٣. نَهَيتُ بَناتِ المُستَنيرِ عَنِ الرُقى
وَعَن مَشيِهِنَّ اللَيلَ بَينَ المَزارِعِ
4. The enlightened one of wickedness is but a moth
Which plunged between the kindlers of the two great fires, shining
٤. وَما مُستَنيرُ الخُبثِ إِلّا فَراشَةٌ
هَوَت بَينَ مُؤتَجِّ الحَريقَينِ ساطِعِ