
If your soul asks you to see us

إذا سألتك نفسك أن ترانا

1. If your soul asks you to see us
As kings with noble hearts

١. إِذا سَأَلَتكَ نَفسُكَ أَن تَرانا
بِمُلكِ الجَوفِ النِجادا

2. You will see us steadfast, without doubt
Guiding them like noble steeds

٢. تَرانا بِالقَرارَةِ غَيرَ شَكٍّ
نُقَوِّدُها مُسَوَّمَةً جِيادا

3. Upon us are all the disheveled and scattered
And swords inherited from our forefathers

٣. عَلَينا كُلُّ فَضفاضٍ دِلاصٍ
وَأَسيافٌ وَرَثناهُنَّ عادا

4. We will protect the heart as long as we have support
With its depths facing warriors

٤. سَنَحمي الجَوفَ ما دامَت مَعينٌ
بِأَسفَلِهِ مُقابِلَةً عُرّادا

5. And we attach whoever contends with us over it
To the heights of al-Yamamah or locusts

٥. وَنُلحِقُ مَن يُزاحِمُنا عَلَيهِ
بِأَعراضِ اليَمامَةِ أَو جُرّادا

6. We spend the night with foxes wherever they sleep
And make their gum our provision

٦. نَبيتُ مَعَ الثَعالِبِ حَيثُ باتَت
وَنَجعَلُ صَمغَ عُرفُطِهِنَّ زادا