
A house was ruined after prosperity

شطت بجمرة دار بعد إلمام

1. A house was ruined after prosperity,
Remote and long separated from kinsfolk.

١. شَطَّت بَجَمرَةَ دارٌ بَعدَ إلمامِ
نَأَي وَطول بِعادٍ بَينَ أَقوامِ

2. It lodged in Taima' among a people who,
When they gather in the morning, their crier calls to ruin.

٢. حَلَّت بِتَيماءَ في قَومٍ إِذا اِجتَمعوا
في الصُبحِ نادى مُندايهِم بِأَشآمِ

3. And I have reveled in it while it was a rallying-place
For al-Kharj, then an-Nahy, then al-'Awra' and ad-Dam.

٣. وَقَد لَهَوتُ بِها وَالدارُ جامِعَةٌ
بِالخَرجِ فَالنَهي فَالعَوراءِ فَالدَامِ

4. Until my sickness for it was healed,
And naught increases healing save sickness.

٤. حَتّى اشتَفى وَشفى مِنها لُبانَتهُ
وَما يَزيدُ شِفاءً غَيرَ اِسقامِ

5. As if Jamra or, mayhap, 'Azza resembled it
To my eye the day we met at Arma.

٥. كَأَنَّ جَمرَةَ أَو عَزَّت لَها شَبهاً
في العَينِ يَومَ تَلاقينا بَأَرمامِ

6. Maytha poured on it a torrential rain,
So it became good for nothing through loss of years.

٦. مَيثاءُ جادَ عَلَيها مُسبَل هَطلٌ
فَامرَعَت لِاِحتِيالِ فَرطَ أَعوامِ

7. When its ground dried up, continuous rain wetted it
From a star that descended with pouring water.

٧. إِذا يَجِفُّ ثَراها بَلَّها ديمٌ
مِن كَوكَبٍ نَزل بِالماءِ سَجّامِ

8. None pastured it, so it remained wild a long time,
Preceded by an owl from the earth with flags.

٨. لَم يَرعَها أَحَدٌ وأربَتّا زَمَناً
فَأوٌ مِنَ الأَرضِ مَحفوفٌ بِأَعلامِ

9. You hear for its birds in its environs a warbling
As if their voices were the voices of dragging chains.

٩. تَسمَعُ لِلطَيرِ في حافاتِها زَجِلاً
كَأَنَّ أَصواتَها أَصواتُ جُرّامِ

10. As if the wind of its chamomile and lavender
Were by night the wind of Yalnjawj and Ahdam.

١٠. كَأَنَّ ريحَ خُزاماها وَحَنوَتِها
بِاللَيلِ ريحُ يَلَنجوجٍ وَأَهضامِ

11. Is it not folly in a hoary old man
To recall a playground of bygone days and years,

١١. أَلَيسَ جَهلاً بِذي شَيبٍ تَذكُرُهُ
مَلهى لَيالٍ خَلَت مِنهُ وَأَيامِ

12. And a watering-place whose people did not sleep
For fear its bitter water was poisoned?

١٢. وَمَنهَلٍ لا يَنامُ القَومُ حَضَرتَهُ
مِنَ المَخافَةِ أُجنٌ ماؤُهُ ظامي

13. I would keep watch over it alone though the sounds
Of wild beasts in it would greet me at morn and dusk.

١٣. قَد بِتُّ أَحرُسُهُ وَحدي وَيَمنَعُني
صَوتُ السِباعِ بِهِ يَضبَحنَ وَالهامِ

14. That was only my entering it furtively,
Then returning to the shelter of a perforated Mihjam.

١٤. ما كانَ إِلّا إِطِّلاعي في مُدالَجَةٍ
ثُمَّ اِنصِرافي إِلى وَجناءَ مِجذامِ

15. I poured in its basin a skin to drink from
In the ruins of the encampments of A'dad's descendants.

١٥. أَفرَغتُ في حَوضِها صُفناً لِتَشرَبَهُ
في داثِر خَلقِ الأَعضادِ أَهدامِ

16. But the water was foul, so it retched with its nozzle,
Then its spout continued pouring unchecked.

١٦. فَعافَت الماءُ وَاِستافَت بِمَشفَرِها
ثُمَّ اِستَمَرَّت سَواءُ طَرفِها سامِ

17. It acted as one acts who may not legally drink
Wine from a Nazarene's hand before Easter's end.

١٧. صَدَّت كَما صَدَّ عَمّا لا يَحِلُّ لَهُ
ساقي نَصارى قَبيلِ الفَصحِ قَوامِ

18. I cast it toward a land which casts it away from land
Until it was set down on the cisterns of Dirsam.

١٨. أَرمي بِها بَلَداً تَرميهِ عَن بَلَدٍ
حَتّى أُنيخَت عَلى أَحواضِ ضِرسامِ