1. My phantoms visited while my friends slept,
An apparition came from Umm al-Husn.
١. أَلَمَّ بِصُحبَتي وَهُم هُجودٌ
خَيالٌ طارِق ٌ مِن أُمِّ حصن
2. Did you not see her appear to you at dawn
With eyes full of generosity and beauty?
٢. أَلَم تَرَها تُريكَ غَداةَ قامَت
بِمِلءِ العَينِ مِن كَرَمٍ وَحُسنِ
3. She was nourished among rivers and valleys,
And lasting crops and folded vineyards.
٣. سُقَيّت بَينَ أَنهارٍ ووَدورٍ
وَزَرعٍ ثابِتٍ وَكُرومَ جَفنِ
4. She has whatever she desires, filtered honey
When she wants, and maidens with oils,
٤. لَها ما تَشتَهي عَسَلٌ مُصَفّى
إِذا شاءَت وَحُوّاري بِسَمنِ
5. She gave whenever asked, youth,
Sprouting plants unlike any withered ones.
٥. فَأَعطَت كُلَّما سُئِلَت شَباباً
فَانبتها نَباتاً غَيرَ جَحنِ
6. So I said, how did Sulayma ensnare me,
Without my seeing her until she shot me?
٦. فَقُلتُ كَيفَ صادَتني سُلَيمى
وَلَمّا أَرمِها حَتّى رَمَتني
7. She is an idol that does not refuse or avoid,
When her ropes are tied to the neck.
٧. كَنودٌ لا تَمُنُّ وَلا تُفادي
إِذا عَلِقَت حَبائِلُها بِرَهنِ
8. I said to my friends, what made her crazed,
Disheveled, with a right hand dyed red?
٨. وَقُلتُ لِصحبَتي ماذا دَهاها
إِذا شَعثٍ وَاِنضاءِ يُمني
9. Mysterious in their attributes, yet they are docile,
As if their skins are silken garments.
٩. خَفِيّاتُ الشُخوصِ وَهُنَّ عيس
كَأَنَّ جُلودَهُنَّ ثِيابُ مَرنِ
10. They left the monastery and returned to it,
After equating me to the highest monk.
١٠. خَرَجنَ مِنَ الخُوارِ وَعُدنَ فيهِ
وَقَد وازَنَّ مِن أَجلي بَرَعنِ
11. Oh, would that I were a rock in a valley
That stayed put! Would that my mother had not birthed me!
١١. أَلا يا لَيتَني حَجَرٌ بِوادٍ
أَقامَ وَلَيتَ أُمي لَم تَلِدني
12. Oh guide, enough! Do not blame me!
And do not ruin yourself, leave me be!
١٢. أَلا يا حادِ وَيحَكَ لا تَلُمني
وَنَفسُكَ لا تُضَيِّعُها وَدَعني
13. For I have worn out life until
I grew weary of living, so I said, "Finish me!"
١٣. فَإِنّي قَد لَبِستُ العيشَ حَتّى
مَلَلتُ مِنَ الحَياةِ فَقُلتُ قدني
14. I met disasters and they went wrong against me,
Accumulated evils that rose over my peak.
١٤. وَلاقَيتُ الخُيورَ وَأَخطَأَتني
شُرورٌ جَمَّةٌ وَعَلَوتُ قِرني
15. My brother blames me for wasting my money,
But it did not go down my throat or into my belly.
١٥. يَلومُ أَخي عَلى إِهلاكِ مالي
وَما إِن غالَهُ ظَهري وَبَطني
16. Nor did I squander it, so do not blame me,
For wasting your money brings no benefit.
١٦. وَلا ضَيَّعتُهُ فَألام فيها
فَإِنَّ ضَياعَ مالِكَ غَيرُ مَعنِ
17. Rather, every destitute leech will say,
"Listen, let me tell you of my plight!"
١٧. وَلَكِن كُلَّ مُختَبِطٍ فَقيرٍ
يَقولُ أَلا اِستَمِع أُنبِئكَ شَأني
18. A blind beggar once said,
"Help me, for God's sake, do not leave me!"
١٨. وَمِسكنٌ وَأَعمى قالَ يوماً
أَغِثني لِلآلِهِ وَلا تَدَعَني
19. Giving to relatives,
And being generous to the frail and poor,
١٩. وَإِعطائي ذوي الأَرحامِ مِنهُ
وَتَوسيعي لِذي عَجزٍ وَضَفنِ
20. I protect my reputation through this, and preserve my honor
From me when the record keepers come for me.
٢٠. أَقي حَسبي بِهِ وَيَعِزُّ عِرضي
عَلَيَّ إِذا الحَفيظَةُ أَدرَكَتني
21. And I know the Destroyer will come for me,
For if I do not follow, it will pursue me.
٢١. وَأَعلَمُ أَن سَتُدرِكُني المَنايا
فَإِن لا اِتَّبَعَها تَتَّبِعني
22. I saw those who hoard wealth one day,
Their fate is to meet burial.
٢٢. رَأَيتُ المانِعينَ المالَ يَوماً
مَصيرُهُم لالقاء فَدَفنِ