
Have you not seen that a burning coal came

ألم تر أن جمرة جاء منها

1. Have you not seen that a burning coal came
from which the truth became clear if the words were true

١. أَلَم تَرَ أَنَّ جَمرَةَ جاءَ مِنها
بَيانُ الحَقِّ إِن صَدُقَ الكَلامُ

2. He eulogized it for us, loin cloth
The most rightful thing the loin cloth says to us

٢. نَعاها بِالبَديعِ لَنا حِزامٌ
أَحَقُّ ما يَقولُ لَنا حِزامُ

3. So do not go far away when you have sent my fervor
to a grave covered by clouds

٣. فَلا تَبعُد وَقَد بَعّدَت وجدى
عَلى قَبرٍ تَضَمَّنَها الغَمامُ