
Every friend is covered in doubt and falsehood

وكل خليل عليه الرعاث

1. Every friend is covered in doubt and falsehood
And the mountains are nothing but lies

١. وَكُلُّ خَليلٍ عَلَيهِ الرِعا
ثُ وَالجُبُلاتُ كَذوبٌ مَلِق

2. She stood and swore to me
By the necklaces that strangle her neck

٢. وَقامَت إِلَيَّ فَأَحلَفتُها
بِهَديٍ قَلائِدُهُ تَختَنِق

3. That I will not betray you in what I know
For betrayal is the worst trait

٣. بِأَن لا أَخونَكَ فيما عَلِم
تَ فَإِنَّ الخِيانَةَ شَرٌّ خَلِق