1. I will praise a chief among all tribes
I met them and leave behind all disgrace
١. سَأَمدَحُ مالِكاً في كُلِّ رَكب
لَقيتُهُم وَأَترُكُ كُلَّ رَذلِ
2. Neither am I a virgin or in childbirth
Bones piled high, a sixth and remnants
٢. فَما أَنا وَالبكارَةُ أَو مَخاضٌ
عِظامٌ جِلَّةٌ سُدسٌ وَبُزلُ
3. Yet your dogs knew my clothes
As if I'm one of you, forgot my people
٣. وَقَد عَرَفَت كِلابُكُم ثِيابي
كَأَنِّي مِنكُمُ وَنَسيتُ أَهلي
4. Many from the sons of Shamkh committed sins with you
You have whatever you wished of branches and roots
٤. نَمَت بِكَ مِن بَني شَمخٍ زِنادٌ
لَها ما شِئتَ مِن فَرعٍ وَأَصلِ