1. When asked, which people are the best tribe,
And most steadfast on a day when its glory does not fade,
١. إِذا قيلَ أَيُّ الناسِ خَير قَبيلَة
وَأَصبرُ يَوماً لا تُوارى مَواكِبُه
2. The Bani Lam, sons of Amr are truly noble,
Rising high above difficulty, unreachable by critics.
٢. فَإِنَّ بَني لأم بنِ عمرٍو أَرومَةٌ
عَلَت فَوقَ صَعبٍ لا تَنالُ مَراقِبُه
3. Their lineages and faces shine bright,
Piercing the darkness of night when panic spreads.
٣. أَضاءَت لَهُم أَحسابُهُم وَوُجوهُهُم
دُجى اللَيلِ حَتّى نَظَّمَ الجَزعَ ثاقِبُه
4. They have a gathering where kindness overflows,
When the seekers of good are left barren by their mounts.
٤. لَهُم مَجلِسٌ لا يُحصَرونَ عَنِ النَدى
إِذا مَطلَبُ المَعروفِ أَجدَبَ راكِبُه
5. I am of the people who, when their chief dies,
His successor rises to take the place of the departed.
٥. وَإِنّي مِنَ القَومِ الَّذينَ هُمُ هُمُ
إِذا ماتَ مِنهُم سَيِّدٌ قامَ صاحِبُه
6. Stars in the sky, whenever one star disappears,
Another star appears, to which its satellites turn.
٦. نُجومُ سَماءٍ كُلَّما غابَ كَوكَبٌ
بَدا كَوكَبٌ تَأوي إِلَيهِ كَواكِبُه
7. And they have remained, wherever there was an armor-clad knight,
Death marches wherever its battalions marched.
٧. وَمازالَ مِنهُم حَيثُ كانَ مُسَوَّدٌ
تَسيرُ المَنايا حَيثُ سارَت كَتائِبُه