
It's as if Zawra never had a virtuous day

كأن لم يكن يوما بزورة صالح

1. It's as if Zawra never had a virtuous day
And the palace never had lasting shade and friend

١. كَأَن لَم يَكُن يَوماً بِزورَةَ صالِحٌ
وَبِالقَصرِ ظِلٌّ دائِمٌ وَصَديقُ

2. I did not want the lowland to mix its water
A drink of aged wine from the two transparent cups

٢. وَلَم أرِدِ البَطحاءَ يَمزِجُ ماءَها
شَرابٌ مِنَ البَرّوقَتَينِ عَتِيقُ

3. With me, every loose fold of the shirt is as if
When the wine flows through it becomes elegant

٣. مَعي كُلُّ فَضفاضِ القَميصِ كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا ما سَرَت فيهِ المدامُ فنيقُ

4. And though they be Christians, I love them
And my heart inclines toward them and yearns

٤. وَإِنّي وَإِن كانوا نَصارى أُحِبُّهُم
وَيَرتاحُ قَلبي نَحوَهُم وَيَتوقُ