
In the radiant White Quarter there's a chief with absolute power.

وبالحيرة البيضاء شيخ مسلط

1. In the radiant White Quarter there's a chief with absolute power.
When he swears an oath in God's name, it's kept to the letter.

١. وَبِالحيرَةِ البَيضاءِ شَيخٌ مُسَلَّطٌ
إِذا حَلَفَ الأَيمان بِاللَهِ بَرَّتِ

2. They plucked from me bunches as though they were clusters
Of ripened grapes from a vine when vintage was over.

٢. لَقَد حَلَقوا مِنّي غُدافاً كَأَنَّهُ
عَناقيدُ كَرمٍ أَينَعَت فَاِسبَكَرَّتِ

3. So the virgins, the day my hair was shorn for my sake,
Ran behind me picking it up wherever it fell.

٣. فَظَلَّ العَذارى يَومَ تُحلَقُ لِمَّتي
عَلى عجلٍ يَلقُطنَها حَيثُ خَرَّتِ