
Oh the sorrow of the heart after today, no longer caring

يا بؤس للقلب بعد اليوم ما آبه

1. Oh the sorrow of the heart after today, no longer caring
For the memory of a loved one in some corner of the earth distanced

١. يَا بُؤسَ لِلقَلْبِ بَعْد اليَوْمِ ما آبَهْ
 ذِكرَى حَبيبٍ ببعضِ الأرْضِ قد رَابهْ

2. Sulayma said, today I see you melancholic
And after me, I see the gray hair has marked you

٢. قالّتْ سُلَيْمى أرَاكَ اليومَ مُكْتَئِباً
والرَّأْسُ بَعدي رَأيتُ الشّيْبَ قد عابه

3. And after the blackness of your hair confounded its neatness
As with its mane scattered, when you let down its braids

٣. وحَارَ بَعْدَ سَوَادِ الرَّأْسِ جُمَّتَهُ
كمِعْقَبِ الرَّيطِ إذْ نَشَّرْتَ هُدَّابهْ

4. And a watchtower where ravens rest its fewness
I looked upon it bare while my soul recoiled

٤. ومَرْقَبٍ تَسْكُنُ العِقْبانُ قُلَّتَهُ
أشْرَفْتُهُ مُسْفِراً والنَّفْسُ مُهْتَابَهْ

5. Intent to watch what the weather grants of blessings
So a viewer going to it while its inhabitants left

٥. عَمْداً لأرْقُبَ مَا لِلجَوِّ مِنْ نَعَمٍ
فَناظِرٌ رائِحاً مِنْهُ وعُزَّابَهْ

6. And I descended to a caravan ragged
With disheveled hair as if above them a cloud

٦. وقدْ نَزَلْتُ إلى رَكْبٍ مُعَقَّلَةٍ
شُعْثِ الرُّووسِ كأنَّ فَوْقَهُمْ غابَهْ

7. When we rode, we raised them with a whimper
Until we encompassed beasts, then their owners

٧. لَمَّا رَكِبْنا رَفَعناهُنَّ زَفْزَفَةً
حَتى احْتَوَيْنَا سَوَاماً ثمَّ أرْبَابَهْ