
You left before finishing the farewell cup

رحلت ولم تقض اللبانة من جمل

1. You left before finishing the farewell cup
Though parting was foolish for one so loving and close

١. رَحَلْتَ وَلَمْ تَقْضِ اللُّبَانَةَ مِن جُمْلِ
وكانَ سِفَاهًا صَرْمُ ذي الوُدِّ والوَصْلِ

2. It wasn't out of carelessness or disdain that you left
But pressing affairs kept me from attending to you

٢. وما ذاك مِن صَرْمٍ بَدَا لِي ولا قِلًى
ولكنْ مُلِمَّاتٌ عَرَضْنَ مِن الشُّغْلِ

3. Matters distract the lover from his beloved
And keep the wise from some youthful indulgences

٣. وخَطْبٌ يُعَدِّي ذا الهَوَى عن صَدِيقِهِ
وَيَمْنَعُ مِن بَعْضِ الصَّبَابَةِ ذا العَقْلِ

4. I sent off riders who sought rest
On a swift camel rising above the sand dunes

٤. وَرَكْبٍ يُرِيدونَ الرُّقَادَ بَعَثْتُهُمْ
على لاحِبٍ يَعْلُو الأَحِزَّةِ كالسَّحْلِ

5. They rose reluctantly, brushing off their clothes
Enduring hardship for my sake

٥. فَقَامُوا نَشَاوَى يَلْمَسُونَ ثِيَابَهُمْ
يَشِيمُونَ أَبْرَاقَ المَشَقَّةِ مِن أَجْلِي

6. I went to the edge of the well, its pulley wheels
Like the necks of stallions when the lead mare is in heat

٦. وَقُمْتُ إلى حَرْفٍ كَأَنَّ قُتُودَها
إذا دُقَّ أَعْنَاقُ المَطِيِّ على فَحْلِ

7. Hard wheels to guide the bucket’s shoulders
Connected by strong ropes, platform straddling the pit

٧. شَدِيدَةِ دَرْءِ المَنْكِبَينِ جُلالَةٍ
وَثِيقَةِ وَصْلِ الدَّفِّ مَفْرُوشَةِ الرِّجْلِ

8. The water was the color of stale urine
Murky in the stone trough, echoes faint

٨. ومَاءٍ كَلَونٍ البَوْلِ قَدْ عَادَ آجِنًا
قِلِيلٍ به الأصواتُ في كَلإٍ مَحْلِ

9. There a wolf howled as if it were
A wanton outcast, bereft of wealth and kin

٩. لَقِيتُ عليه الذِّئْبُ يَعْوِي كأَنَّهُ
خَلِيعٌ خلا مِن كلِّ مَالٍ ومِن أَهْلِ

10. I said: O wolf, would you accept a brother
To console you without obligation or stinginess?

١٠. فقلتُ له يا ذِئْبُ هَلْ لك في أَخٍ
يُوَاسِي بلا أُثْرَى عليكَ ولا بُخْلِ

11. It replied: May God guide you, you invite me
To what no wolf before me has ever known

١١. فقال هَدَاكَ اللهُ إِنَّك إِنَّما
دَعَوتَ لِمَا لَمْ يَأْتِهِ سَبْعٌ قَبْلِي

12. I cannot accept it nor do it
But let me drink if your water has some to spare

١٢. فَلَسْتُ بِآتِيهِ ولا أَسْتَطِيعُهُ
وَلاكِ اسْقِنِي إِنْ كانَ مَاؤُك ذا فَضْلِ

13. I said: The trough is yours, I left it
With remnants from the buckets and rope fibers

١٣. فَقَلْتُ عليكَ الحوضَ إِنِّي تَرَكْتُهُ
وفي صَفْوِهِ فَضْلُ القَلُوصِ مِن السَّجْلِ

14. It howled joyfully, calling many wolves
While I was preoccupied with my own affairs

١٤. فَطَرَّبَ يَسْتَعْوِي ذِئَابًا كَثِيرَةً
وَعَدَّيْتُ كُلٌّ مِن هَوَاهُ على شُغْلِ