
Help me with a lightning I see flashing

أعني على برق أراه وميضِ

1. Help me with a lightning I see flashing
Illuminating a loved one in white dovecotes

١. أَعِنّي عَلى بَرقٍ أَراهُ وَميضِ
يُضيءُ حَبِيّاً في شَماريخَ بيضِ

2. And calming a twisting he once shaped
Like the bending of a fragile, broken palm frond

٢. وَيَهدَأُ تاراتٍ سَناهُ وَتارَةً
يَنوءُ كَتَعتابِ الكَسيرِ المَهيضِ

3. And out of it emerge shining lights as though they are
Palms receiving success at the outpouring

٣. وَتَخرُجُ مِنهُ لامِعاتٌ كَأَنَّها
أَكُفٌّ تَلَقّى الفَوزَ عِندَ المَفيضِ

4. I sat for it while my friends were between a loud gurgling
And the croaking of frogs in the wide valley

٤. قَعَدتُ لَهُ وَصُحبَتي بَينَ ضارِجٍ
وَبَينَ تِلاعِ يَثلُثٍ فَالعَريضِ

5. It struck two wildcats so their wounds poured forth
Into the valley's basin, so I moved to the smooth ground

٥. أَصابَ قَطاتَينِ فَسالَ لِواهُما
فَوادي البَدِيِّ فَاِنتَحي لِلأَريضِ

6. A wide land and smooth earth
Repelling a downpour in a wide open space

٦. بِلادٌ عَريضَةٌ وَأَرضٌ أَريضَةٌ
مَدافِعُ غَيثٍ في فَضاءٍ عَريضِ

7. So it began to sweep the water off every cleft
And gather the mist into white folds

٧. فَأَضحى يَسُحُّ الماءَ عَن كُلِّ فَيقَةٍ
يَحوزُ الضِبابَ في صَفاصِفَ بيضِ

8. I watered with it my weak sister when she came
Since the wellspring was far, not near

٨. فَأَسقي بِهِ أُختي ضَعيفَةَ إِذ نَأَت
وَإِذ بَعُدَ المَزارُ غَيرَ القَريضِ

9. A watchtower like a flagpole I looked out from atop
Turning my gaze in the wide open space

٩. وَمُرقَبَةٌ كَالزِجِّ أَشرَفتُ فَوقَها
أُقَلِّبُ طَرفي في فَضاءٍ عَريضِ

10. I remained and the atmosphere stayed by me with its moisture
As if I were adding wings to a broken palm frond

١٠. فَظِلتُ وَظَلَّ الجَونُ عِندي بِلَبدِهِ
كَأَنّي أُعَدّي عَن جَناحٍ مَهيضِ

11. So when the sun veered its setting away from me
I went down to it standing on the gravel

١١. فَلَمّا أَجَنَّ الشَمسَ عَنّي غِؤورُهَا
نَزَلتُ إِلَيهِ قائِماً بِالحَضيضِ

12. A cheek as smooth as an ostrich feather blade
Like the sword's polished steel surface

١٢. يُباري شَباةَ الرُمحِ خَدٌّ مُذَلَّقٌ
كَصَفحِ السِنانِ الصُلَّبِيِّ النَحيضِ

13. I lower it by tapping whenever it rises high
And it lifts an eye that is not dry or dirty

١٣. أُخَفِّضُهُ بِالنَقرِ لَمّا عَلَوتُهُ
وَيَرفَعُ طَرفاً غَيرَ جافٍ غَضيضِ

14. It grew excited and the birds in their nests
With clutched hands filled with milkweed

١٤. وَقَد أَغتَدي وَالطَيرُ في وُكُناتِها
بِمُنجَرِدٍ عَبلِ اليَدَينِ قَبيضِ

15. It has the legs of a male ostrich and the legs of an ostrich hen
Like the stallion of a herd shying from a wolf pack

١٥. لَهُ قَصرَيا عيرٍ وَساقا نَعامَةٍ
كَفَحلِ الهَجانِ يَنتَحي لِلعَضيضِ

16. It gathers its eyelids over the eyes after tiring
Like the swoop of an eagle after the hunt

١٦. يَجِمُّ عَلى الساقَينِ بَعدَ كَلالِهِ
جُمومَ عُيونِ الحِسيِ بَعدَ المَخيضِ

17. I startled with it a flock, pure white of skin
As gazelles startle next to a wolf

١٧. ذَعَرتُ بِها سِرباً نَقِيّاً جُلودُهُ
كَما ذَعَرَ السَرحانُ جَنبَ الرَبيضِ

18. It pursued three, two, and four
And left others in the path of flowing water

١٨. وَوالى ثَلاثاً وَاِثنَتَينِ وَأَربَعاً
وَغادَرَ أُخرى في قَناةِ الرَفيضِ

19. Then it came back without fatigue or reluctance
And left water after water gushing

١٩. فَآبَ إِياباً غَيرَ نَكدٍ مُواكِلٍ
وَأَخلَفَ ماءً بَعدَ ماءٍ فَضيضِ

20. With teeth like lances, formed and shaped
I startled with the sword's blade unsheathed

٢٠. وَسِنٍّ كَسُنَّيقٍ سَناءً وَسُنَّماً
ذَعَرتُ بِمِدلاجِ الهَجيرِ نَهوضِ

21. I see the man with helpers becoming enflamed
Like the enflaming of a camel in the abode of the sick

٢١. أَرى المَرءَ ذا الأَذوادِ يُصبِحُ مُحرَضاً
كَإِحراضِ بَكرٍ في الدِيارِ مَريضِ

22. It's as if the lad never sang among people for a moment
When the two jaws met at the camel's knee

٢٢. كَأَنَّ الفَتى لَم يَغنَ في الناسِ ساعَةً
إِذا اِختَلَفَ اللَحيانِ عِندَ الجَريضِ