1. Alas! You were yesterday beneath a people,
They who denied protection to your neighbors, the treacherous sons of Ghudran,
١. ألا إنّ قَوْمًا كُنتمُ أمسِ دُونَهُمْ
همْ مَنعوا جاراتِكُمْ آلَ غُدْرَانِ
2. Uwayr and the likes of Uwayr and his group,
And As'ad who was overjoyed during the night of misfortune.
٢. عُوَيرٌ ومَن مِثلُ العُوَيرِ وَرَهْطِهِ
وَأسْعَدَ في لَيْلِ البَلابلِ صَفْوَانُ
3. The garments of the clan of ‘Awf are clean and pure,
And their faces at places of prayer are glowing.
٣. ثِيَابُ بَني عَوْفٍ طَهَارَى نَقِيّةٌ
وَأوْجُهُهُمْ عِنْدَ المَشَاهدِ غُرَّانُ
4. They have made the misguided people reach their families,
And have taken them on the journey between Iraq and Najran.
٤. هُمُ أَبلَغُوا الحَيَّ المُضَلَّلَ أَهْلَهمْ
وساروا بهمْ بينَ العراقِ ونجرانِ
5. So by Allah they have become the purest of people through it,
More loyal to covenants and kinder to neighbors.
٥. فَقَدْ أصْبَحُوا وَالله أصْفَاهُمُ بِهِ
أبرَّ بميثاقٍ وأوفى بِجِيرانِ