
Lo! Those you were above yesterday,

ألا إِن قوماً كنتم أمس دونهم

1. Lo! Those you were above yesterday,
They who forbade your treacherous neighbors,

١. أَلا إِنَّ قَوماً كُنتُمُ أَمسَ دونَهُم
هُمُ مَنَعوا جاراتِكُم آلَ غُدرانِ

2. 'Uwayr and the like of 'Uwayr and his folk,
And Sa'd in the night of fluttering banners,

٢. عُوَيرٌ وَمَن مِثلُ العُوَيرِ وَرَهطِهِ
وَأَسعَدَ في لَيلِ البَلابِلِ صَفوانِ

3. The raiment of Bani 'Awf is unsullied and pure,
And their faces at spectacles are ruddy,

٣. ثِيابُ بَني عَوفٍ طَهارى نَقِيَّةٌ
وَأَوجُهُهُم عِندَ المُشاهِدِ غِرّانِ

4. They who restored the misguided people to their true clan,
And marched with them between Iraq and Najran,

٤. هُمُ أَبلَغوا الحَيَّ المُضَلَّلَ أَهلَهُم
وَساروا بِهِم بَينَ العِراقِ وَنَجرانِ

5. They have now, by Allah, the noblest of them in conduct,
Been truest to covenant and best towards neighbors.

٥. فَقَد أَصبَحوا وَاللَهِ أَصفاهُمُ بِهِ
أَبَرَّ بِميثاقٍ وَأَوفى بِجِيرانِ