
Many a son of Tha'labah, his hands numbed with cold,

رب رام من بني ثعل

1. Many a son of Tha'labah, his hands numbed with cold,
Sheltering them in his armpits, complains of fate,

١. رُبَّ رامٍ مِن بَني ثُعَلٍ
مُتلِجٍ كَفَّيهِ في قُتَرِه

2. A quiver, with its arrows, slung across his back,
Its string not hummed by plucking, on his shoulder,

٢. عارِضٍ زَوراءَ مِن نَشمٍ
غَيرُ باناةٍ عَلى وَتَرِه

3. When there came to him wild beasts to water,
He recoiled, startled, and drew his bow with his right hand,

٣. قَد أَتَتهُ الوَحشُ وارِدَةً
فَتَنَحّى النَزعُ في يَسَرِه

4. And let fly his arrows right into their drinking-place,
Or their lair, opposite the pond,

٤. فَرَماها في فَرائِصِها
بِإِزاءِ الحَوضِ أَو عُقُرِه

5. With feathers from his quills, that glanced off sparks,
Like fire flickering out from glowing embers.

٥. بِرَهيشٍ مِن كِنانَتِهِ
كَتَلَظّي الجَمرِ في شَرَرِه

6. Their feathers he chose carefully,
Then despatched them with practiced aim.

٦. راشَهُ مِن ريشِ ناهِضَةٍ
ثُمَّ أَمهاهُ عَلى حَجَرِه

7. Yet his shooting brought no profit,
He had no tribe to back his valor.

٧. فَهوَ لا تَنمى رَمِيَّتُهُ
مالُهُ لا عُدَّ مِن نَفَرِه

8. Only feeding the game, with none but himself
To earn his bread, burdened by age.

٨. مُطعِمٌ لِلصَيدِ لَيسَ لَهُ
غَيرُها كَسبٌ عَلى كِبَرِه

9. I left behind a loved companion there,
Yet shed no tears at his departure.

٩. وَخَليلٍ قَد أُفارِقُهُ
ثُمَّ لا أَبكي عَلى أَثَرِه

10. And a cousin I bequeathed pure water
From the pond's depth, undisturbed.

١٠. وَاِبنِ عَمٍّ قَد تَرَكتُ لَهُ
صَفوَ ماءِ الحَوضِ عَن كَدَرِه

11. Converse with the caravan that day,
Converse that left no trace.

١١. وَحَديثُ الرَكبِ يَومَ هَنا
وَحَديثٌ ما عَلى قِصَرِه

12. And for a cousin there I keen
Like the moon's waning glow.

١٢. وَبنُ عَمِّ قَدْ فُجِعْتُ بِهِ
مِثْلِ ضَوْءِ البَدْرِ في غُرَرِهْ