
Is it from mentioning Salma that we come to you wavering,

أمن ذكر سلمى إن نأتك تنوص

1. Is it from mentioning Salma that we come to you wavering,
So you fall short in your step and look askance?

١. أمِنْ ذِكرِ سلمَى أنْ نأتْكَ تَنوصُ
فَتَقْصُرُ عنها خُطوةًَ وتَبُوصُ

2. How many perils and wildernesses are below it,
And how much barren land is below it, frequented by thieves!

٢. وكم دونَها مِن مَهْمَهٍ ومَفَازةٍ
وكم أرضِ جَدْبٍ دونَها ولُصُوصُ

3. One day it appeared to us at Unayzah’s side,
And now to move camp from it was imperative.

٣. تَرَاءَتْ لَنَا يَوْمًا بجَنْبِ عُنَيزَةٍ
وَقَد حانَ مِنها رِحلَةٌ فَقُلُوصُ

4. With black camels wound with plaited halters
And young she-camels that you incite and prod.

٤. بأسودَ مُلْتَفِّ الغَدَائِرِ واردٍ
وذي أُشُرٍ تَشُوفُهُ وَتشُوصُ

5. Their resting places are like sdus-plants and their color
Is like torrential rain-water, sweet and overflowing.

٥. مَنَابِتُهُ مِثْلُ السُّدُوسِ وَلَوْنُهُ
كشوكِ السَّيالِ فهو عَذْبِ يُفِيضُ

6. Will an impenetrable shawl console you for anxiety
That penetrates the bones of the deaf adders?

٦. فهل يُسْلِيَنَّ الهَمَّ عنكِ شِمِلَّةٌ
مُدَاخِلَةٌ صُمُّ العِظَامِ أَصُوصُ

7. The purpose in it is evident; it is no young camel
Nor one with a frayed bridle-rein and bit.

٧. تَظَاهَرَ فِيهَا النِّيُّ لا هيَ بَكْرَةٌ
وَلا ذاتُ ضِغنٍ في الزِّمامِ قَمُوصُ

8. Tiresome, fidgety, not halting her movement
When they say: “Move on in the dark, O travelers!”

٨. أَوُوبٌ نَعوبٌ لا يُواكِلُ نَهْزُها
إذا قيلَ سيرُ المُدْلِجِينَ نَصِيصُ

9. As if I, my camel-litter, my kinsfolk and my guide,
When the small camels stir, were all one group

٩. كأنِّي وَرَحْلِي والقِرَابَ ونُمْرُقِي
إذا شَبَّ للمرْوِ الصِّغارَ وَبِيصُ

10. On a creaking litter for him and his bride,
White, marked on the side, climbing the undulating ground.

١٠. عَلى نِقْنِقٍ هَيْقٍ لَهُ وَلِعِرْسِهِ
بمُنعَرَجِ الوَعساءِ بَيضٌ رَصِيصُ

11. When he moves lethargically to couple with her,
She avoids him and holds back in alarm.

١١. إذا رَاحَ لِلأُدْحيِّ أوْبًا يَفُنُّهَا
تُحَاذِرُ منْ إدْرَاكِهِ وَتَحيصُ

12. Is that so or a lustful stallion pursuing young she-camels
Who have conceived and whose pregnancies are evident?

١٢. أذَلِكَ أمْ جَوْنٌ يُطَارِدُ آتُنًا
حَمَلنَ فأرْبَى حَمْلِهِنَّ دُرُوصُ

13. Need has drawn his belly tight so his ribs are visible
And his flank clings to his spine so that he is pinched.

١٣. طوَاهُ اضْطِمارُ الشَّدِّ فالبَطنُ شازِبٌ
معالًى إلى المتنينِ فهو خَمِيصُ

14. On his forehead are bumps from blows, bringing disgrace,
And his scruff is calloused from contention and conflict.

١٤. بحاجِبِهِ كَدْحٌ مِن الضَّربِ جالبٌ
وحاركهُ من الكِدامِ حَصِيصُ

15. As if his vertebrae and the hair of his back
Were lovers creeping stealthily between them.

١٥. كَأنَّ سَرَاتَهُ وَجُدَّةَ ظَهْرِهِ
كنائنُ يَجْرِي بينهنَ دَلِيصُ

16. They graze on the plentiful desert-grass ratb and la’u’
Swollen with food, he staggers as he walks.

١٦. ويأْكُلْنَ مِن قَوٍِّ لُعَاعًا وَرِبَّةً
تَجَبَّرُ بعدَ الأكلِ فهو نَمِيصُ

17. Raising dust like a sdus-plant when the winds lift it
And whirl it about till it can rise no more.

١٧. تُطِيرُ عِفَاءً مِنْ نَسِيلٍ كَأنّهُ
سُدُوسٌ أطَارَتهُ الرِّيَاحُ وَخُوصُ

18. She drove them on until, no longer able to continue,
There was a mountain pass above them and a gorge.

١٨. تَصَيّفَهَا حَتى إذا لمْ يَسُغْ لهَا
حَليٌّ بأعْلى حَائِلٍ وَقَصِيصُ

19. They struggled there; were it not for rock-climbers
Their young would be prey for them in the gorge.

١٩. تَغَالَبْنَ فيه الجَزْءَ لولا هَوَاجِرٌ
جَنَادِبُهَا صَرْعَى لهُنّ قَصِيصُ

20. When he spied them from nearby he moaned at them
With wrists as slender as those of a nursing baby.

٢٠. أَرَنَّ عليها قاربًا وانْتَحَتْ له
طُوالَة ُ أرْساغِ اليَدَيْنِ نَحُوصُ

21. So he gave them to drink late at night a beverage
Green, whose water was brackish and scarce.

٢١. فأَوْرَدَها مِن آخِرِ الَّليلِ مَشْرَبًا
بلائِقَ خُضْرًا ماؤُهُنَّ قَلِيصُ

22. They drank it in gasps while they shook with fear
And their kidneys quivered at it, as did their chests.

٢٢. فَيَشْرَبْن أنفاسًا وَهُنَّ خَوَائِفٌ
وَتَرْعَدُ مِنْهُنَّ الكُلَى والفَريصُ

23. Then he brought them out ascending the mound at night,
More wrinkled than the sole of an unborn baby’s foot.

٢٣. فأصْدَرَها تَعْلو النِّجادَ عَشِيَّةً
أقَبُّ كَمِقْلاءِ الوليدِ شَخِيصُ

24. Some halted behind them while others faced their cunning
And warded it off, staying close to their side.

٢٤. فَجَحْشٌ على أَدْبَارِهِنَّ مُخَلَّفٌ
وَجَحْشٌ لَدى مَكَرِّهِنَّ وَقِيصُ

25. And he brought them out while the star of good fortune shone,
More twisted than an Andarawi jug’s handle.

٢٥. وَأصْدَرَها بادي النّواجِذِ قارِحٌ
أقبُّ كَكَرِّ الأَنْدَرِيِّ مَحِيصُ