
My two friends, pass by Umm Jundab

خليلي مرا بي على أم جندب

1. My two friends, pass by Umm Jundab
To soothe the agonized heart's yearning

١. خَليلَيَّ مُرّا بي عَلى أُمِّ جُندَبِ
نُقَضِّ لُباناتِ الفُؤادِ المُعَذَّبِ

2. For if you both wait to look on me an hour
Of time, you'll aid me with Umm Jundab

٢. فَإِنَّكُما إِن تُنظِرانِيَ ساعَةً
مِنَ الدَهرِ تَنفَعني لَدى أُمِّ جُندَبِ

3. Have you not seen me, whenever I came by night
I found her kind, though she was unadorned

٣. أَلَم تَرَياني كُلَّما جِئتُ طارِقاً
وَجَدتُ بِها طيباً وَإِن لَم تُطَيَّبِ

4. A chaste woman of noble lineage is she
Of excellent character, if you but look closely

٤. عَقيلَةُ أَترابٍ لَها لا ذَميمَةٌ
وَلا ذاتُ خَلقٍ إِن تَأَمَّلتَ جَأنَبِ

5. Oh, would that I knew how fares her troth
And how she keeps faith with the absent one

٥. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري كَيفَ حادِثُ وَصلِها
وَكَيفَ تُراعي وَصلَةَ المُتَغَيِّبِ

6. Did our love remain as it was before
Or turned to mere words from the slanderer?

٦. أقامَت عَلى ما بَينَنا مِن مَوَدَّةٍ
أُمَيمَةُ أَم صارَت لِقَولِ المُخَبِّبِ

7. If you shun her for some time without meeting
You cause what the experienced know full well

٧. فَإِن تَنأَ عَنها حِقبَةً لا تُلاقِها
فَإِنَّكَ مِمّا أَحدَثَت بِالمُجَرِّبِ

8. She said: when did I stingily withhold myself
Or make excuse that hurt you, though unmeant?

٨. وَقالَت مَتى يُبخَل عَلَيكَ وَيُعتَلَل
يَسُؤكَ وَإِن يُكشَف غَرامُكَ تَدرُبِ

9. Look, my friend; do you see, of calamities
A cleft amidst the two slopes of Sha'baab

٩. تَبَصَّر خَليلي هَل تَرى مِن ظَعائِنٍ
سَوالِكَ نَقباً بَينَ حَزمَي شَعَبعَبِ

10. They ascended Antioch, above Aqmah
Like a palm tree, or an oasis of Yathrib

١٠. عَلَونَ بِأَنطاكِيَّةٍ فَوقَ عَقمَةٍ
كَجِرمَةِ نَخلٍ أَو كَجَنَّةِ يَثرِبِ

11. By God, cursed be he who saw our parting
And left, avoiding the tie of love

١١. وَلِلَّهِ عَينا مَن رَأى مِن تَفَرُّقٍ
أَشَتَّ وَأَنأى مِن فُراقِ المُحَصَّبِ

12. Some of them crossed the trunks of palms
Others cut through the plateau of Kabkab

١٢. فَريقانِ مِنهُم جازِعٌ بَطنَ نَخلَةٍ
وَآخَرُ مِنهُم قاطِعٌ نَجدَ كَبكَبِ

13. Your eyes are like a rivulet in a meadow
Like the sea water confined in an aqueduct

١٣. فَعَيناكَ غَربا جَدوَلٍ في مَفاضَةٍ
كَمَرِّ الخَليجِ في صَفيحٍ مُصَوَّبِ

14. No vain boaster has gloried over you
Nor weakling conquered you, like conquerors do

١٤. وَإِنَّكَ لَم يَفخَر عَلَيكَ كَفاخِرٍ
ضَعيفٍ وَلَم يَغلِبكَ مِثلُ مُغَلِّبِ

15. You've not cut off a lover's heart and soul
With a morning visit or an evening goodbye

١٥. وَإِنَّكَ لَم تَقطَع لُبانَةَ عاشِقٍ
بِمِثلِ غُدُوٍّ أَو رَواحٍ مُؤَوَّبِ

16. With the blood of cubs as though their necks
Were stained with henna on tattooed skin

١٦. بِأَدماءَ حُرجوجٍ كَأَنَّ قُتودَها
عَلى أَبلَقِ الكَشحَينِ لَيسَ بِمُغرِبِ

The turtle-dove sings at dawn from every nest

١٧. يُغَرِّدُ بِالأَسحارِ في كُلِّ سَدفَةٍ
تَغَرُّدَ مَيّاحِ النَدامى المُطَرَّبِ

18. The songs of regret of the repentant lovers
It gathered young she-camels of 'Amayah

١٨. أَقَبَّ رَباعٍ مِن حَميرِ عَمايَةٍ
يَمُجُّ لِعاعَ البَقلِ في كُلِّ مَشرَبِ

19. Braying for fresh legumes in every watering-hole

١٩. بِمَحنِيَّةٍ قَد آزَرَ الضالُ نَبتَها
مَجِرَّ جُيوشٍ غانِمينَ وَخُيَّبِ

20. In a rugged land whose herbs the lost beasts grazed
An army of despoilers and defeated men

٢٠. وَقَد أَغتَدي وَالطَيرُ في وُكُناتِها
وَماءُ النَدى يَجري عَلى كُلِّ مِذنَبِ

21. And it fed while the birds were in their nests
And the dew water flowed over every tail

٢١. بِمُنجَرِدٍ قَيدِ الأَوابِدِ لاحَهُ
طِرادُ الهَوادي كُلَّ شَأوٍ مُغَرِّبِ

In Munjad, where the camels of the devout are tied

٢٢. عَلى الأَينِ جَيّاشٌ كَأَنَّ سُراتَهُ
عَلى الضَمرِ وَالتَعداءِ سَرحَةُ مَرقَبِ

23. Warding off every roaming beast of prey
With copious flowing water as though its currents

٢٣. يُباري الخَنوفَ المُستَقِلَّ زِماعُهُ
تَرى شَخصَهُ كَأَنَّهُ عودُ مَشجَبِ

24. Were pouring down on the steppe and mountainside

٢٤. لَهُ أَيطَلا ظَبيٍ وَساقا نَعامَةٍ
وَصَهوَةُ عيرٍ قائِمٍ فَوقَ مَرقَبِ

25. It competes with the untamed onager whom none can ride
You'd think its figure like a firmly planted peg

٢٥. وَيَخطو عَلى صُمٍّ صِلابٍ كَأَنَّها
حِجارَةُ غيلٍ وارِساتٌ بِطُحلُبِ

26. With the legs of a gazelle and an ostrich's shanks
And the neigh of a led mare above a hillock

٢٦. لَهُ كَفَلٌ كَالدِعصِ لَبَّدَهُ النَدى
إِلى حارِكٍ مِثلِ الغَبيطِ المُذَأَّبِ

And it steps surely on hard smooth ground as though

٢٧. وَعَينٌ كَمِرآةِ الصَناعِ تُديرُها
لِمِحجَرِها مِنَ النَصيفِ المُنقَّبِ

28. The pebbles of Ghayl or firm slabs of Tuhlub
Its cheek is like the thickets soaked by the dew

٢٨. لَهُ أُذُنانِ تَعرِفُ العِتقَ فيهِما
كَسامِعَتَي مَذعورَةٍ وَسطَ رَبرَبِ

29. To a defiled, intertwined and twisted branch

٢٩. وَمُستَفلِكُ الذِفرى كَأَنَّ عِنانَهُ
وَمِثناتَهُ في رَأسِ جِذعٍ مُشَذَّبِ

30. Its eye is like the mirror of an artisan
Turned in its socket of carved white marble

٣٠. وَأَسحَمُ رَيّانُ العَسيبِ كَأَنَّهُ
عَثاكيلُ قِنوٍ مِن سَميحَةَ مُرطِبِ

31. Its ears discern fatigue when still far off
Like the hearing of a startled creature midst the throng

٣١. إِذا ما جَرى شَأوَينِ وَاِبتَلَّ عِطفُهُ
تَقولُ هَزيرُ الريحِ مَرَّت بِأَثأَبِ

The well-trodden road is as though its bridle

٣٢. يُديرُ قُطاةً كَالمُحالَةِ أَشرَفَت
إِلى سَنَدٍ مِثلُ الغَبيطِ المُذَأَّبِ

33. And both reins are on a smoothly planed branch
Red are its forelocks like the torrents rushing down

٣٣. وَيَخضِدُ في الآرِيِّ حَتّى كَأَنَّم
بِهِ عُرَّةٌ مِن طائِفٍ غَيرِ مُعقِبِ

34. As though it dashes along the channel of Sha'b

٣٤. فَيَوماً عَلى سِربٍ نَقِيِّ جُلودُهُ
وَيَوماً عَلى بَيدانَةٍ أُمِّ تَولَبِ

35. When it breaks into a gallop and swerves aside
You'd say the murmur of the wind passed by Athab

٣٥. فَبَينا نِعاجٌ يَرتَعينَ خَميلَةً
كَمَشيِ العَذارى في المِلاءِ المُهَدَّبِ

36. Circling about like an unleashed mare whose neck
Inclines to a trunk like the defiled and twisted branch

٣٦. فَكانَ تَنادينا وَعَقدَ عِذارِهِ
وَقالَ صِحابي قَد شَأَونَكَ فَاِطلُبِ

It remains in the barren land until you'd say

٣٧. فَلَأياً بِلَأيٍ ما حَمَلنا غُلامَنا
عَلى ظَهرِ مَحبوكِ السَراةِ مُحنَّبِ

38. A band of the Tai tribe passed without returning
One day among a flock with glossy hides

٣٨. وَوَلّى كَشُؤبوبِ العشِيِّ بِوابِلٍ
وَيَخرُجنَ مِن جَعدٍ ثَراهُ مُنَصَّبِ

39. Another day by the dunes of Umm Tulayb

٣٩. فَلِلساقِ أُلهوبٌ وَلِلسَوطِ دُرَّةٌ
وَلِلزَجرِ مِنهُ وَقعُ أَهوَجَ مُتعَبِ

40. While ewes were grazing greensward
With the gait of girls strolling in an open space

٤٠. فَأَدرَكَ لَم يَجهَد وَلَم يَثنِ شَأوَهُ
يَمُرُّ كَخُذروفِ الوَليدِ المُثَقَّبِ

41. It called us and held back its she-camels
And said: My friends, your mounts have strayed. Go seek!

٤١. تَرى الفارَ في مُستَنقَعِ القاعِ لاحِباً
عَلى جَدَدِ الصَحراءِ مِن شَدِّ مُلهَبِ

How excellent was that excellent advice which made us bear

٤٢. خَفاهُنَّ مِن أَنفاقِهِنَّ كَأَنَّما
خَفاهُنَّ وَدقٌ مِن عَشِيٍّ مُجَلَّبِ

43. Our boy upon the saddlecloth of Mahboob the striped
And he rushed off like heavy evening rain

٤٣. فَعادى عِداءً بَينَ ثَورٍ وَنَعجَةٍ
وَبَينَ شَبوبٍ كَالقَضيمَةِ قَرهَبِ

44. Coming out from between two braided tresses

٤٤. وَظَلَّ لِثيرانِ الصَريمِ غَماغِمٌ
يُداعِسُها بِالسَمهَرِيِّ المُعَلَّبِ

45. The whip had a quick blow, the riding-crop a pearl bead
And his shout a terrifying crash of thunder

٤٥. فَكابٍ عَلى حُرِّ الجَبينِ وَمُتَّقٍ
بِمَدرِيَّةٍ كَأَنَّها ذَلقُ مِشعَبِ

46. Till he found them unflagging and unwearied
Passing like the pierced cartilage of Al-Walid

٤٦. وَقُلنا لِفِتيانٍ كِرامٍ أَلا اِنزِلوا
فَعالوا عَلَينا فَضلَ ثَوبٍ مُطَنَّبِ

You see the rat in the marsh mud, slipping

٤٧. وَأَوتادَهُ ماذَيَّةٌ وَعِمادُهُ
رُدَينِيَّةٌ بِها أَسِنَّةُ قُعضُبِ

48. Over the new desert sands from the intense glowing heat
The lizards hid from their burrows as though

٤٨. وَأَطنابَهُ أَشطانُ خوصٍ نَجائِبٍ
وَصَهوَتُهُ مِن أَتحَمِيٍّ مُشَرعَبِ

49. They hid from an evening visitor in the dark

٤٩. فَلَمّا دَخَلناهُ أَضَفنا ظُهورَنا
إِلى كُلِّ حارِيٍّ جَديدٍ مُشَطَّبِ

50. So it raced with enmity between a bull and ewe
And between a youth like a dried-upwraith

٥٠. كَأَنَّ عُيونَ الوَحشِ حَولَ خِبائِنا
وَأَرجُلِنا الجَزعَ الَّذي لَم يُثَقَّبِ

51. Remaining for the cattle's herd a terror
Frightening them with the watchful yellow snake

٥١. نَمُشُّ بِأَعرافِ الجِيادِ أَكُفَّنا
إِذا نَحنُ قُمنا عَن شِواءٍ مُضَهَّبِ

Cheeks covered in the flushed sweat of effort

٥٢. وَرُحنا كَأَنّا مِن جُؤاثى عَشِيَّةٍ
نُعالي النِعاجَ بَينَ عَدلٍ وَمُحقَبِ

53. Girded with a Medean sword like a polished spearhead
And we said to noble youths: Come down to us

٥٣. وَراحَ كَتَيسِ الرَبلِ يَنفُضُ رَأسَهُ
أَذاةٌ بِهِ مِن صائِكٍ مُتَحَلِّبِ

54. So they granted us the surplus of a striped garment

٥٤. كَأَنَّ دِماءَ الهادِياتِ بِنَحرِهِ
عُصارَةُ حَنّاءٍ بِشَيبٍ مُخَضَّبِ

55. Its pegs were from Maadhyah, its poles
Rudainiyah, with iron nails of Qudayb

٥٥. وَأَنتَ إِذا اِستَدبَرتَهُ سَدَّ فَرجَهُ
بِضافٍ فُوَيقَ الأَرضِ لَيسَ بِأَصهَبِ