1. Help me with a lightning whose flash you show me
It allures when you make clear a right lightning
١. أَعِنّي عَلى بَرقٍ أُريكَ وَميضَهُ
يَشوقُ إِذا اِستَوضَحتَ بَرقاً يَمانِيا
2. I was sleepless for it while the lightning was without darkness
And of noble origin, oh how far its place from my place
٢. أَرِقتُ لَهُ وَالبَرقُ دونَ طَمِيَّةٍ
وَذي نَجَبٍ يا بُعدَهُ مِن مَكانِيا
3. Have you not seen that I and the son of Abuadh have become frightened
The land shrinking for us unless we walk carefully
٣. أَلَم تَرَ أَنّي وَاِبنَ أَبيَضَ قَد خَفَت
بِنا الأَرضُ إِلّا أَن نَؤُمَّ الفَيافِيا
4. Outcasts from two clans who have hardened us
Our fearfulness until our compactness weakened
٤. طَريدَينِ مِن حَيَّينِ شَتّى أَشَدَّنا
مَخافَتُنا حَتّى عَلَلنا التَصافِيا
5. And he has no firmness or help in a matter of resolution
Nor do I regarding my concerns and stratagems
٥. وَما لِمتُهُ في أَمرِ حَزمٍ وَنَجدَةٍ
وَلا لامَني في مِرَّتي وَاِحتِيالِيا
6. And I said to him when the early dawn came to give drink and take drink
And the light of dawn had been a guide to the night
٦. وَقُلتُ لَهُ إِذ حَلَّ يَسقي وَيَستَقي
وَقَد كانَ ضَوءُ الصُبحِ لِلَيلِ حادِيا
7. By my life, your riding camels have come upon pasturage
If it does not become high upon them, morning will not come
٧. لَعَمري لَقَد لاقَت رِكابُكَ مَشرَباً
لَئِن هِيَ لَم تُصبِح عَلَيهِنَّ عالِيا