
We are the sons of Qahtan from Juthma

نحن بنو قحطان من جذمة

1. We are the sons of Qahtan from Juthma
Our uncles are from it and from it Al Khawwal

١. نَحنُ بَنو قَحطانَ مِن جُذمَةٍ
أَعمامُنا مِنهُ وَمِنهُ الخَؤول

2. We found Hud despite whoever
Opposed and deceived him, gossip and hearsay

٢. وَجَدّنا هودٌ عَلى رَغمِ مَن
عانَدَ وَاِستَغواهُ قالٌ وَقيل

3. From us is he who established generosity, Hatem
And Thabit the eloquent speaker from us

٣. مِنّا الَّذي سَنَّ النَدى حاتمٌ
وَثابِتٌ منّا الخَطيبُ القَؤول