
I deny my eyes of you though the eyes speak truth

أكذب طرفي عنك والطرف صادق

1. I deny my eyes of you though the eyes speak truth
And make my ears hear from you what cannot be heard

١. أُكذِّبُ طَرفي عَنكِ وَالطَرفُ صادِق
وَأُسمِعُ أُذني مِنكِ ما لَيسَ يُسمَعُ

2. And I did not reside in the land you reside
So they won't say: patient, not broken from agony

٢. وَلَم أَسكُنِ الأَرضَ الَّتي تَسكُنينَها
لِكَي لا يَقولوا صابِرٌ لَيسَ يَجزَعُ

3. So neither does my determination grow weak, nor you have mercy
Neither do I fall short from you, nor in you, hopes I keep

٣. فَلا كَمَدي يَبلى وَلا لَكِ رَحمَةٌ
وَلا عَنكِ إِقصارٌ وَلا فيكِ مَطمَعُ

4. I have met with things from you, the like of them I have not met
And greater than them, from you what I expect

٤. لَقيتُ أُموراً فيكِ لَم أَلقَ مِثلَها
وَأَعظَمُ مِنها مِنكِ ما أَتَوَقَّعُ