1. Behold, the promise of Truth is the most truthful promise
And what He has decreed for His creation cannot be undone
١. أَلا إنّ وعدَ الحقّ أصدق موعودِ
وَما قَد قَضى في خلقهِ غير مردودِ
2. All matters will return to Him, the Exalted
As everything that exists originated from Him
٢. إِليهِ تَعالى يَرجعُ الأمر كلّهُ
كَما إنّه بَدا منه كلّ موجودِ
3. These lifetimes are but a distance
To an appointed time with the Overseer, already counted
٣. وَما هذهِ الأعمارُ إلّا مسافةٌ
إِلى أجلٍ عندَ المهيمن معدودِ
4. O heedless of the remembrance of death, as though
He will never be promised the cup of death
٤. فَيا مُغفلاً ذكرَ المَنايا كأنّه
بِكأسِ المَنايا ليسَ يوماً بموعودِ
5. If it would spare you, it would spare
A youth like Abu Al 'Abbas Ahmad Dawood
٥. أَما إنّها لو سالَمتكَ لَسالمت
فَتى كأبي العبّاس أحمد داوودِ
6. A youth who walked the earth with ease
Content with the simplest of the world's refuse
٦. فَتىً كانَ ذا هونٍ عَلى الأرضِ مشيهُ
قَنوعاً مِنَ الدنيا بِأيسر مرفودِ
7. He armed himself against the world, and his passion for it
Was a flowing white garment of renunciation
٧. تَدرّع لِلدّنيا وكانَ هوى لها
بِأبيضَ فَضفاضٍ مِن الزهد مسرودِ
8. The blackness of the nights would trouble him
So the whiteness of meanings would manifest from black pages
٨. تُؤرّقهُ سودُ الليالي لِيَجتلي
بياضَ المَعاني من صحائف سودِ
9. Thus he came to reside in the house of blessings
In the company of lovely wide-eyed maidens, having attained all that was promised
٩. فَأصبحَ في دارِ الكرامةِ آنساً
بِحورٍ حسانٍ بالغاً كلّ موعودِ
10. And in eternity, when he met his appointed day
The maidens of Ahmad Dawood rejoiced in celebration
١٠. وَفي الخلدِ إِذ وافى بيومٍ مؤرّخٍ
تُبينُ اِحتفالاً حورُ أحمد داوودِ