
Through your efforts, you attain the highest ranks

بسعيك تبلغ الرتب العظام

1. Through your efforts, you attain the highest ranks
And gain precedence over fate, you dignified one

١. بِسعيكَ تبلغُ الرتبُ العظامُ
وَتستعدي عَلى الدهر الكرامُ

2. And from your heights, glories are derived
As you hold the reins of its wildness

٢. وَمِن علياكَ تُقتبسُ المعالي
وَيُملكُ من جوامحها الزمامُ

3. Has any glorious feat been achieved by a hand
That your help did not make steadfast?

٣. وَهل ظَفرت بمكرمةٍ يمينٌ
وَليسَ لَها بعروتكَ اِعتصامُ

4. Has any arrow reached its destination
If it was not from your capable bow?

٤. وَهَل بَلغت إِلى غرضٍ سهامٌ
وَلَم تكُ من كنانتك السهامُ

5. Has any warrior achieved his purpose
Without your care and concern for him?

٥. وَهَل وافى لِغايتهِ مجلّ
وَلَيس لَكم بِفارسه اِهتمامُ

6. Have piercing calamities reached the core
If the sword was not from your right hand?

٦. وَهَل مَضتِ الضرائبُ في صميمٍ
وَلَم يَك مِن يمينكم الحسامُ

7. Every merit is attributed to your support
As clouds are attributed to the sea

٧. إِلى مَغناك ينسبُ كلّ فضلٍ
كَما يُعزى إِلى البحر الغمامُ

8. Oh Abu Abdillah, my soul is sacrificed for you
As your loyalists sacrifice their souls

٨. أَبا عبدِ الإلهِ فَدتكَ نَفسي
وقَد يفدي مواليه الغلامُ

9. In this world, it is honor and glory enough for me
That you accept me, nothing else suffices

٩. وَحَسبي في الوَرى شرفاً ومجداً
ذمامٌ مِن قبولك لا يضامُ

10. How could this be when your kindness has clothed me
With praise that is not marred by time

١٠. فَكيفَ وَقَد كَسا عطفيَّ مِنكم
ثناء لَيس يُخلقهُ الدوامُ

11. I flaunt it, trailing the skirts of pride
While it lodges gravel in the mouths of enviers

١١. أَجرّ بهِ ذيولَ الفخرِ تيهاً
وَفي فمِ حاسِدي منها الرغامُ

12. Are you not the best in the ranks of the exalted
When their lofty minbars are struck?

١٢. أَلستَ الصدرَ في رتبِ المَعالي
إِذا قُرِعَت مَنابرها الضخامُ

13. You did not gain leadership by pursuit
As the vile amongst us pursue it

١٣. وَما حُزتَ الرئاسة باِكتسابٍ
كَما يسعى لنا فيها لئامُ

14. But your superiority was destined
For you to rise above all people

١٤. وَلَكِن كانَ فضلكَ مستحقّاً
لأن يَعلو فدان له الأنامُ

15. So the leadership adorned itself with you
For you are its beauty and reverence

١٥. فَمَن تكنِ الرئاسةُ جمّلتهُ
فَأنتَ جَمالُها وَالإحترامُ

16. You were created with endless virtues
That will never diminish or divide

١٦. فُطِرتَ على مكارمَ ليسَ تُحصى
وَلا يعرو جَواهرها اِنقسامُ

17. You embodied its perfection and became peerless
Though the generous were already many

١٧. حَويتَ كَمالها فَغدوت فرداً
وَقد عدَّ الكرامُ وهم توامُ

18. Eloquent speech, astute mind
Excellent manners, nothing blamable

١٨. فَصاحةُ منطقٍ وذكاء فكرٍ
وَحُسنُ تخلّقٍ ما فيه ذامُ

19. Subtle humor clothed in dignity
And charm against gloom that has no peer

١٩. وَلطفُ فكاهةٍ كُسيَت وقاراً
وَأنساً بِالسآمة لا يسامُ

20. Knowledge that is not marred by turbidity
And faith not contaminated by rubble

٢٠. وَعلمٌ لا تكدّرهُ دلاءٌ
وَدينٌ لا يدنّسه حطامُ

21. Your companions wish they were but an ear
And that all senses only heard your speech

٢١. يودّ جليسُكم لو صارَ سمعاً
وَكلّ المدركاتِ له كلامُ

22. The stars of Al-Bayram have risen in rank
While you are the sun and the full moon

٢٢. نُجومٌ آلُ بيرمَ في المعالي
وَأنتَ الشمس والبدر التمامُ

23. You remain in the throats of virtue a unique pearl
That order cannot touch

٢٣. بَقيتُم في نحورِ الفضل عقداً
فريداً ليسَ يسلمه النظامُ

24. When an old man takes hold of the goals
A youth nurtured by you rises in them

٢٤. إِذا اِستولى على الغاياتِ كهلٌ
تَرعرعَ مِنكمُ فيها غلامُ