
Tunis, the city of felicity, is blessed

تونس الأنس بلدة ميمونه

1. Tunis, the city of felicity, is blessed
In its governance it is protected by kindness

١. تُونس الأنسِ بلدةٌ ميمونه
وهيَ باللّطفِ في القضاءِ مَصونه

2. It is the way of God that whoever intends it harm
Will be brought low, as is well known

٢. عادَة اللّه أنّ مَن رامها بالس
سوءِ تُرديه نعيهُ المَسنونه

3. And whoever wishes it good is granted
By God support and aid

٣. وَالّذي أمّها بخيرٍ توافي
هِ مِنَ اللّه نصرةٌ وَمَعونه

4. Like the noble kings, the family of Hussein
Who strove to populate its realm

٤. كَالملوكِ الكرامِ آلِ حسينٍ
إِذ تباروا لِقُطرها يعمرونه

5. Thus their kingdom in it became established
Where none can grasp what is around it

٥. فَغدا مُلكهم بِها في قرارٍ
حَيثُ ما حولهُ تخطّف دونَه

6. And they succeeded one another, jewels of a necklace
With the unique hidden pearl as its center

٦. وَتَوالَوا بِها جواهرَ عقدٍ
أَوسطته الفَريدةُ المَكنونه

7. The state of the Truthful King, whom God
Strengthened and approved his authority

٧. دَولةُ الصادِقِ المليك الذي أي
يَدهُ اللّه وَاِرتَضى تَمكينه

8. He knew the good intentions toward
All creation, so he aided them

٨. عَلمَ النيّة الجَميلةَ منهُ
لِجميعِ الوَرى فَكان مُعينَه

9. He held fast to the Trustworthy, the Faithful one, and made him
His minister and confidant

٩. شَدّ بالمُصطفى الأمينِ لَه أز
راً فَأَضحى وَزيره وَأَمينه

10. Guarding his kingdom with wisdom and effort
If he called on a star it became his obedient slave

١٠. حارساً ملكَه برأيٍ وجدٍّ
لَو دَعا النجمَ صارَ فوراً قَطينه

11. God imprinted in him what overwhelmed
Mortals, who never attained his qualities

١١. طَبعَ اللّه فيهِ ما أَعجز الخل
قَ فَلَم يَبلغوا دُناهُ ودينَه

12. In his smile for happiness is a title
Of light that illuminated his forehead

١٢. في مُحيّاه للسعادَةِ عنوا
نٌ مِنَ النور قَد أضاءِ جبينه

13. So may Tunis last forever with the state of Truth
Its vestiges through him clearly visible

١٣. فَلتطُل تونسُ بِدولة صدقٍ
غرّ آثارِها بِهِ مُستبنه

14. If enumerated, from it would flow
The work of the diligent, copious as a torrent

١٤. إنّ مِنها إن عُدّدت سَلسبيلاً
عَمل المُستقي به مَنجَنونه

15. It would flow thirty miles
In an iron-clad canal, impregnable

١٥. سيقَ يَجري به ثلاثينَ ميلاً
في قناةٍ مِنَ الحديدِ حَصينه

16. Volunteering in obedience from the era of the ancients
None complied except the firm pillars

١٦. فَاِنبرى طائعاً وَمِن عهدِ عادٍ
لَم يُطاوِع إلّا الحَنايا الرّصينه

17. Tunis through it became a verdant garden
Its beauty and adornment like its name

١٧. أَصبَحَت تونس بِه رَوضةً خض
راء مثلَ اِسمها بهاءً وزينه

18. It clothed the coasts that none can match
And irrigated the Nile with no protector or ally

١٨. بَردى جلّق حَوت لا رداها
وَروا النيلِ لا حماهُ ونونَه

19. The orchards and gardens became laden
With its fruits, abundant and sweet

١٩. فَالرساتينُ وَالبساتينُ منها
مُفعماتٌ من سيبِهِ مسنونَه

20. Tunis was gladdened by what they recorded
The waters of Zaghouan endowed it with bounty

٢٠. أُبهِجَت تونس بِما أرّخوه
طَودُ زغوان قَد حَباها معينَه

21. It flowed through the city, so whoever saw it dating
The waters of Zaghouan flowing through the city

٢١. جالَ فيها فمن رَآها يؤرّخ
ماءُ زغوان جائلٌ في المدينَه

22. May God make its realm endure and protect it
From all evil, doubling its security

٢٢. عَمّر اللّه قُطرها ووقاهُ
كلَّ سوءٍ مضاعفاً تحسبينه

23. And guard it with the Truthful in his promise as King
And the minister whom He chose as his confidant

٢٣. وَرَعاهُ بِصادقِ الوعدِ ملكاً
وَالوزير الّذي اِصطفاه خدينه

24. This is a prayer of the chronicler, may it be beneficial
So let each listener conclude with an Amen

٢٤. ذا دعاءٌ جارى المؤرّخ نفعاً
فَليبن كلّ سامعٍ تَأمينَه