
Each person's world has a limit to it

كل امرئ دنياه ذا حدها

1. Each person's world has a limit to it
What young man is safe from its limit?

١. كلّ اِمرئٍ دُنياه ذا حدّها
أيّ فتىً سالَمهُ حدّها

2. Do you not see a graveyard
And how many glories it contains within its limit?

٢. أَما تَرى تربة ماميّةٍ
وَكَم حَوى مِن مفخرٍ لَحدها

3. The sister of the advising king, the daughter of Pasha Hussein
Her glory was goodly

٣. شَقيقةُ الملكِ المشيرِ اِبنة ال
باشا حسينٍ حبّذا مَجدها

4. The wife of the Lord Minister, Abu Fida
By ancestry her ancestry was noble

٤. حَليلة المولى الوزير أبي الفدا
ء من جد به جدها

5. I saw in her modesty, chastity
Loyalty to a husband and piety in her coolness

٥. وارى حياءً وحوى عفّةً
وبِرّ زوجٍ وتقى بردها

6. In the season of Mi'raj she gave birth
So the night of grief was prolonged for her

٦. في موسمِ المِعراجِ قَد وَضَعت
فَطالَ في ليلِ الضنى سُهدها

7. Then in the month of fasting on the night of Friday she died
And the earth became her cradle

٧. ثمّ في شهرِ الصومِ في ليلة ال
جمعةِ ماتَت وَالثرى مَهدها

8. She was singled out by her Lord
When the family of Al Mustafa was her necklace

٨. فَريدةٌ آنَسها ربّها
إِذ آلُ بيتِ المُصطفى عقدُها

9. She left when her sun set
At a new moon whose fullness was incomplete

٩. قَد غادَرت إِذ غربت شَمسُها
أهلّةً لَم يَكتمل مدُّها

10. But the grace of God is better for her
And for the one whom she left, her loss

١٠. لَكنّ فضلِ اللّه خيرٌ لها
وَللّذي خلّفهُ فقدُها

11. So may her Lord protect him whom she entrusted
When the distance made them anxious after her loss

١١. فَليَهنها من ربّها حفظهُ
مَن أودَعت إِذ راعَهم بُعدها

12. And may Paradise house her
In chambers built by her devoutness

١٢. وَليهنها الفِردوسُ تأوي بهِ
لِغرفٍ قَد شادَها زُهدها

13. And it suffices her that the date of her death
Was Mamia her intercessor, her ancestor

١٣. وَحَسبُها أن كانَ تاريخُها
ماميّة شَفيعها جدّها