
The best supporter of glorious glory, the servant of the Glorious

خير حام مجد مجير العبيد

1. The best supporter of glorious glory, the servant of the Glorious
He supported the good course of the servant of the Praiseworthy

١. خَيرُ حامِ مجدٍ مجيرِ العبيدِ
حاطَ خيراً مجرى لعبدِ المجيدِ

2. He supported him from the disgrace of curly, quivering cowardice
Yielding, denying the custom of binding covenants

٢. حاطهُ عَن عثارِ جعدٍ برجفٍ
مُنتجٍ جحدَ عرفِ ربقِ العهودِ

3. The family of Uthman took on the burden of a lofty, solid lineage
They healed the severest injuries of defiant trembling

٣. آلُ عثمانَ كفلُ رهجٍ برجمٍ
جَبَروا الأطمَ ثلمَ رجفٍ عنودِ

4. A branch of inherited glory, high and majestic in men
A branch of eagles fallen with might and existence

٤. فَرعُ إرثٍ سَما وجلّ بنجلٍ
فَرعَ النسرَ جُثّ بأس وجودِ

5. They hoped for calm but the clouds fell short of their limit
The trembling of clouds that were frightened of stillness

٥. سابَ رجواً فقصّرت عَن جداهُ
رُجفُ سحبٍ قد روِّعت مِن جمودِ

6. I grieved over the harmony of tying villages together
And the harmony of trembling in parental bereavement

٦. فُجِعت باِنسِجامِ ركمِ قراهُ
وَاِنسِجام رجفٍ بثكل رعودِ

7. O light of returning with the whispering of an ally
For one slain with tingling, brought down with good

٧. يا ثِمالَ رجعٍ بِنجوى نصير
لِصريعٍ برثدِ مجنى نجيدِ

8. Victory of a barren rock and freeing of a firmly rooted tree
But rather the light of an eagle in the trembling existence

٨. نَصرُ جفّ جمّ وإِعتاقُ ربلٍ
بَل ثمالُ نسرٍ لرجف الوجودِ

9. The bone of a neighbor bending the torrent towards him
Diverting the flood into a new victory of armies

٩. عَضمُ جارٍ يثني الجريّ به نا
جى الثريّا نصراً بديعَ الجنودِ

10. Where the fire of meteors is an eye for the zenith
Where good fortune flowed with a good victory

١٠. حيثُ نارَ البرجيسُ للأوجِ عيناً
حيثُ سعداً جَرى بنصر نجيدِ

11. Was the root of glory struck or did you hurl a rock
At the horseman? A truth of sincerity in treaties

١١. فُقتَ نجراً أم أصل المجد برّ
رُمتَ لِلبجلِ نجر صدق فرودِ

12. So stars rose with your ascent in the month of Rajab
They shone from you the most brilliant light of good fortune

١٢. فَنجومٌ راقَت صعودك رجباً
فَرَقت منكَ أوجَ برجِ السعودِ

13. They wore down glory from branches with unbreakable stone
Successful, its sharp edge an example of high resolve

١٣. آثلوا المجدَ مِن فروعٍ بحجرٍ
مُنجحاً بُرهَ جدل عرف ثعودِ

14. They equaled their example with the loftiest glory
They likened their example with endurance

١٤. ماثَلوا نَجرهُم بِأرفعِ مجدٍ
أَثمَلوا نجرَ عرفهم بالجدودِ

15. Who did great deeds like them were protected from trembling cowardice
Not allowing unrest in groups of twisted evil

١٥. مِثلهم مَن أبارَ ملجور رجفاً
لاثَ عجراً فَجوس نكبٍ مرودِ

16. They gave refuge from disgrace, a drawn sword of determination
Baring naked steel in assemblies of solid darkness

١٦. فَأجارَ العثارَ مسبلَ نجدٍ
فارِعاً بصلادِ ثجر النجودِ

17. They preferred righteousness over empty boasting and rejection
With the dishonesty of spies spreading whisperings

١٧. جَلّلوا النفرَ لبسَ رجوٍ وثالوا
سَبر جودٍ مِن حفلِ ثجمٍ مرودِ

18. Dawn brought wailing to the wicked
Breaking through darkness roaring with lamentations

١٨. فَثَرانا مسجولُ برٍّ بجملٍ
ثرّ سجمٍ لنفح سجل برودِ

19. What great corruption from the wicked with hatred
Seeking darkness roaring with sturdy determination

١٩. ناصروا الحقّ كبتُ عجوٍ ورجفٍ
باكِتُوا الفجرَ صدقُ رهنِ المجودِ

20. He attained by reckless ignorance the sin of stony wickedness
But rewards like the benefit of despised Thamud's sin

٢٠. أَمّنوا الجمعَ حربَ رجفٍ قتامٍ
أرجَفوا أمنَ جمعِ لبث الحرودِ

21. Terror made him taste bitterness and urging
Deterring the violence of denying obligation

٢١. آثَروا البرّ عَن جفالٍ وصدٍّ
مِن جفاء جسوس ثرب سرودِ

22. The event of trembling with the patience of slow passion
A lesson crossing wastelands so he stirred the stillness

٢٢. بَعثَ الفجرَ للأراجسِ نوحاً
جاسرَ الثلبَ مرجفاً للنهودِ

23. The depravity of injustice for a people who were blinded
So they parted from the lineage of a holy settlement

٢٣. كَم فجورٍ مِنَ الرجاسِ بمقتٍ
رامَ ثلباً نجها لرجف صلودِ

24. An eye of scum that ran to a deep burrow
An old man tired of traveling and a new guide

٢٤. نالَ بالسفهِ إثمَ أرجاسِ حجرٍ
بَل أجوراً كنفعِ رجسِ ثمودِ

25. They have treated disgrace as a pasture so a group
Stirs to defend the sanctity of twisted evil

٢٥. جرّعَ الرعبُ منه جحفٌ وحثٌّ
رادعٌ عنفَ جحدِ ربث المجودِ

26. Whoever bent his neck supported birds of stone throwing
Casting rocks from the bending of the Praiseworthy servant

٢٦. حدثُ رجفٍ بحلمِ إعناج روعٍ
عبرُ مسراه فحث حجن الهجودِ

27. They committed immorality with the wicked at nightfall
Defiling the cowardice of clapping evil in the dark

٢٧. فُسقُ جورٍ لعدس جبتٍ أرنّوا
فارَقوا نسلَ كعبةٍ مرج جودِ

28. The fruit of dishonesty after its affliction turned bitter
From corruption living in the settlements of virtue

٢٨. عينُ نبثٍ جرى لجحرٍ عسيّ
ريثَ سجرٍ قدموسِ سبيٍ جديدِ

29. Stumbling whomsoever turned to the course of a Guide
A time of stumbling the course of the Distant Guide

٢٩. قَد جَروا وعراً فمنبتّ جمعٍ
هم بنجفٍ لحرجِ رعث المرودِ

30. Where does he flow with treachery, the uncle of disgraceful?
A wonder of treachery flowing in one who keeps covenants

٣٠. مَن ثَنى الجيدَ عمد طيرٍ برجمِ
يُرم حجراً مِن ثني عبد المجيدِ

31. Lord, rouse whomsoever kept glory erected
And aid glory and dampen the stagnation of stillness

٣١. قَد جنَوا بالرجوسِ مرسل شفقٍ
مُوجساً جبنَ صفق شرّ الرقودِ

32. Lord, and raise he who exalted inherited glory
Raising a banner what gathered from the settlements of virtue

٣٢. ثمرُ الجفوِ بعدَ مَجناه مرّاً
مِن فجورٍ عاث مرابع جودِ

٣٣. عثرٌ من عنى بِمجرى مميحٍ
هاجَ حينٌ مِن عثر مجرى بعيدِ

٣٤. أَينَ يَجري بالنكثِ عمه جعارٍ
يعجبُ الرينَ نكث جاري العهودِ

٣٥. ربّ وعّث مَن راعَ مجدا جفاهُ
وَاِنصرِ المجدَ واِطف ربث جمودِ

٣٦. ربّ واِرفَع مَنجى مؤثّل مجدٍ
رَفع ربوٍ ما جمّ منثال جودِ