1. My greetings, O joyful one whose smile and mouth of happiness have blossomed
What good news you bring and what glad tidings of joy have arrived
١. مُحيّا الهَنا طلقٌ وَثَغر المُنى اِفترّا
فيا لكَ من بشرٍ يروقُ وَمن بُشرى
2. After delay, promises of happiness came to fruition
With the coolness of union that soothes the burning liver
٢. وُعودُ سرورٍ ماطَلت ثمّ أسعفت
ببردِ وصالٍ يُثلِجُ الكبدَ الحرّى
3. Absence concealed itself so yearning exposed all the lovebirds
And disturbed the heart and patience from their dens
٣. تَوارى فَأَورى الشوقُ كلّ حشاشةٍ
وَأَزعجَ عَن أوكارهِ اللبّ وَالصبرا
4. The trial of the faithful was thorough
And sufficient in repelling the aggression of others
٤. وَكانَ اِبتلاء المُؤمنينَ ممحّصاً
وَكفٌّ لعدوانٍ سواهُم به أحرى
5. The essence of wisdom for people of intellect is to realize
That He who regulates affairs knows best
٥. قُصارى ذَوي الألبابِ أن يَتبيّنوا
بِأنّ الّذي ساسَ الأمورَ بها أدرى
6. You are one who, with forgiveness, disarmed his enemies
And with knowledge you excelled, and with the remedy you cured
٦. وَإنّك مَن بالصفحِ أردى عداتهُ
وَبالعلّ قد أَظما وبالداءِ قَد أبرا
7. You probed the wound in the matter with insight
And treated it gently, hastening to remedy it
٧. وإنّك شمتَ القرحَ في الأمرِ جائفاً
فَعالجته كيّاً وعاجَلته فَجرا
8. The principles of Islamic law are nothing but a divine policy
That follows the appropriate approach
٨. وَلَيست أصولُ الشرعِ إلّا سياسةً
إِلهيّةً تًحذو من العلّة المجرى
9. The secondary branch was not neglected in its growth
For fear of uprooting the fundamental origin
٩. وَما خُسِرَ الفرع الذويُّ بنبتهِ
مَخافةَ أَن تستأصلَ العلّة الجذرا
10. In determination, to give slack to deviance for a moment
Then seize the opportunity at the right time
١٠. وَفي العزمِ أن يُرخي العنانَ لفرّةٍ
مراوغُ قرنٍ ثمّ ينتهزُ الكرّا
11. Patience, gentle one, be still, for
Tolerance makes the pasture green
١١. رُويدَ دلاءٍ تستجمُّ فإنّما
عَلى دمنَةٍ مرعى المُساهلة اِخضرّا
12. No injustice has been done, rather it is wise politics
That has shown us the beauty of justice in gentleness
١٢. وَما ضمّها ضيمٌ وَلَكن سياسةٌ
أَرتنا مُحيّا العدلِ بالفدعَةِ اِغبرّا
13. If any folly or zeal disapproves of it
How frequently the outward opposes the hidden secret
١٣. فَإن أَنكرتهُ غرّةٌ أو حَميّةٌ
فَكَم ظاهرٍ قد ساءَ عن باطِن سرّا
14. Congratulations to our Lord for protecting us through your justice
We will not exchange it for ungratitude
١٤. نَبوءُ لِمَولانا بنعمةِ حِفظِنا
بعدلكَ فينا لا نُبدّلها كفرا
15. We testify that God has chosen you as the elite
Of the family of Hussein, and honored you in this age
١٥. وَنَشهدُ أنّ اللّه خارَك صفوةً
لآلِ حسينٍ ثمّ زانَ بك العَصرا
16. Through you He has enlivened benevolence, justice and guidance
And honoring one's kin, and through you He has repelled estrangement
١٦. وَأَحيا بكَ الإحسانَ والعدلَ والهدى
وَإِيتاء ذي القربى وَأَردى بك النكرا
17. You have treated all your subjects kindly
And through justice have granted them joy and comfort
١٧. وَفرتَ عَلى كلّ الرعيّة تالداً
وَأَكسبتَهم بالعدلِ مِن طارفٍ وفرا
18. For you are the brother of generosity, freely giving
To those who seek, not those who squander wastefully
١٨. فَأَنت أَخو الجودِ الّذي هو باذلٌ
لِمَن يَبتغي لا من يُبذِّرهُ خُسرا
19. You surpass your ancestors in ignorance and bend down
With a frowning face, although your palm has turned yellow
١٩. تُباري جداكَ السحبُ جهلاً وتَنثَني
بِوجهٍ عَبوسٍ أَصبحت كفّه صفرا
20. Between a face whose water has poured into the earth
And your cheerful visage that gives life to creation, how great the contrast
٢٠. وَكَم بين وجهٍ سالَ في التربِ ماؤهُ
وبين محيّا منكَ يحيي الوَرى نضرا
21. My lord, my refuge is your noble threshold
For who is it that envies me, and who chases me away?
٢١. أَميري إلى أعتابِ عزّك ملجئي
فَمَن ذا الّذي يَبغي عليّ ومن يَجرا
22. You have honored me with kindness and favor
Embroidered with glory and decorated with nobility
٢٢. خَلعتَ على عِطفيّ يمنةَ منّة
مُطرّزةٍ عزّاً وَمعلمةً حَصرا
23. You have unsheathed my thoughts from the scabbard of unemployment
When it had met with difficulty, you made it easy
٢٣. وَجَرّدت من غمدِ العطالةِ فِكرتي
وقَد صَدِيَت عسراً فجلّيتها يسرا
24. You extracted my merits from the fire of jealous ones
So that all the folds you had concealed are now spread
٢٤. وضوّعت مِن نارِ الحَسودِ فَضائلي
فَأصبَح ما قَد رامَ مِن طيّها نَشرا
25. He gasped but did not know that it would ignite for my sake
The sparks of knowledge and remembrance
٢٥. فَصَعّدَ أَنفاساً وَلَم يدرِ أنّها
تشبُّ لِفَضلي في ذُرى علم ذكرا
26. My soul has not ceased to hope for an honored position with you
Where I see the eagle and the young eagle gather around it
٢٦. وَما بَرِحَت نَفسي ترجِّي مكانةً
لَدَيك أرى من حَولِها النسرَ والغفرا
27. So I can withstand the plots of enemies, for I will inundate
Their ignorance with the flood of my superiority
٢٧. فَأكفي بِها كيدَ العداةِ فإنّني
مُلقي بِفضلي من سفاهَتِهم غمرا
28. It bears fruit contrary to my request
And my nature reaps gratitude to its benefactor
٢٨. فَتُثمرُ إسعافاً خلاف مَطالبي
وَتَجني طِباعي شكرَ مُنعِمِها زهرا
29. Whoever you favor is successful,
And whoever you clothe with awe will not be stripped
٢٩. فَمن أنتَ توليهِ العنايةَ ظافرٌ
وَمن أنتَ تَكسوهُ المهابةَ لا يعرى
30. To its bonds with the chosen Mustafa as pledges
Whoever's house you oversee is proud of its pillar
٣٠. وَها أَنا ذا حسّان بيتكَ مولياً
لَه بِعُرى سلمانهِ المُصطفى الأسرا
31. Fearing no burden thereafter, nor any reproach
I have muted my praise, falling short of his due
٣١. وَمَن أمَّ بَيتاً أَنتَ ركنُ فَخارهِ
فَلا وزراً يَخشاه بعد وَلا وِزرا
32. But I have obtained ample reward from your generosity
I have attained my purpose, which has become the place of slaughter for my enviers
٣٢. أَطفتُ بِه مَدحي وَقصّرت دونهُ
وَلَكِنّني اِستوفرتُ مِن فضلكَ الأجرا
33. And obtained a hand that casts their hearts into embers
I have blinded their eyes that vied
٣٣. بَلغتُ منىً أَضحَت منى نحر حسّدي
وَنلتُ يداً ترمي قلوبهمُ جمرا
34. To obscure my precedence, outstripping all other runners
I have watered the mouths of narrators with a chain
٣٤. وَأرمَدتُ منهم أعيُناً قَد تَطامَحَت
بعثير سبقي سابقاً كلَّ مَن أَجرى
35. That covers words, wrapped in eloquence
I have immortalized my pride in praising you, inscribing
٣٥. وَأرويتُ أَفواه الرواةِ بسلسلٍ
تَغشّى مِنَ الألفاظِ مَشمولةً بكرا
36. Your achievements on the pages of time in every land
I have composed in the margins of your glory a robe
٣٦. وَخلّدت فَخري بِاِمتداحك راقماً
عَلى صَفحاتِ الدهرِ آثارك الغرّا
37. Whose beauty has folded the ornaments of banners
An eloquence that sorcery wishes it could attain its subtlety
٣٧. وَأذهبتُ في أَعطافِ مجدك حلّةً
طَوى حُسنَها من مذهبات الألى نشرا
38. And poetry that wisdom grew, descending on the poetic mind
I decorate it with your good traits as a necklace
٣٨. بَيانٌ يودُّ السحرُ لو نالَ لطفهُ
وَشعرٌ نَمَته حكمة تُنزِلُ الشعرى
39. For the bride of my thoughts, so she may excel in her dowry
I cannot match the glory due you even if
٣٩. أُرصِّعُ فيهِ من سَجاياكَ حليةً
لِغادةِ فِكري كَي تُجيدَ لَها مَهرا
40. I present the best poetry and prose as a gift
So appreciate the tenets of my thoughts
٤٠. وَما أَنا بالمُهدي لِمجدك كُفأهُ
وَإِن كنتُ أهدي بالثنا النظمَ والنثرا
41. And release the rest with benevolence, and no arrogance
Overlook her, a maiden satisfied with modesty
٤١. فَأمسِك بمعروفٍ عقائِلَ فِكرتي
وسرّح بِإِحسانٍ سِواها ولا فخرا
42. For I have an excuse for delaying her
She has lingered during periods of inactivity
٤٢. وَدونكها عَذراء يُقنعها الحيا
عَلى أنّ لي عن ذنبِ إِبطائِها عُذرا
43. Due to illness that emaciates the body and mind
Perhaps the days will feel ashamed before you
٤٣. فَقد خولِسَت في فترةٍ ثمّ فترةٍ
لِسورة سقم ينهكُ الجسمَ والفكرا
44. That I have complained of them to you, and will renew their kindness
Stay well and succeed, be aided and victorious, attain difficult hopes
٤٤. عَسى تشعر الأيّام أنّي شَكَوتها
إِليكَ فَتَستحي وتستأنِفُ البرّا
45. Live long, be steadfast, triumph and reach high goals
You remain close to us, repelling enemies, fulfilling hopes
٤٥. وَدُم واِسمُ واِسعد واِسلم الدهرَ واِنتصر
وَفُز وَاِحم وَاِظفر وَاِبلُغ الأملَ الوَعرا
46. Curing stumbling, guiding aright, reviving the dejected
With determination wearing the clothing of honor of its Lord
٤٦. بَقيتَ لنا داني الندى قاصي المَدى
مُبيدَ العدى مُبدي الهدى منعش العثرا
47. And watching over the nights of affliction in your auspicious days
Your hands have not ceased in peace and war
٤٧. تجرّدُ عزماً يلبسُ العزّ ربّهُ
وتُرعي اللّيالي الدهم أيّامكَ الغرّا
48. Sealed with ten fingers conveying good news
You remain the near one, fulfilling hopes, repelling enemies
٤٨. وَلا بَرِحَت كفّاك في السلمِ وَالوَغى
مُختّمتي عشر الأناملِ بالبُشرى