1. The sign of God's selection of a servant is his knowledge,
And his honor is that He reveals the truth to his understanding,
١. دَليلُ اِصطفاءِ اللّه للعبدِ علمهُ
وتشريفُهُ أن يكشفَ الحقّ فهمهُ
2. The branches of knowledge are but ways,
By which each person pursues what concerns him,
٢. وَليسَت فنونُ العلمِ إلّا طرائق
يؤمُّ بِها كلّ اِمرئٍ ما يهمّهُ
3. And people's concerns for benefit vary,
Each according to diverse aspects, and each has his claim,
٣. وهمُ الوَرى في النفعِ لكن فهومهم
لأوجهٍ شتّى فكلٌّ وزعمهُ
4. They were not created but in conformity to a wisdom,
By which the order and system of existence is perfected,
٤. وَما خلقُهم إلّا وفاقٌ لحكمةٍ
بِها تمّ تأليفُ الوجود ونظمهُ
5. So between a shepherd who knows none but himself,
And another engaged in the ranks of his rule,
٥. فَما بينَ راع لم يَسُس غيرَ نفسه
وآخرَ ماضٍ في طوائفَ حكمهُ
6. And each builds his direction on a foundation of knowledge,
Whether for guidance therein or for its destruction,
٦. وكلّ على أسّ منَ العلمِ تنبنى
إِشادتهُ فيما يسوسُ وهدمهُ
7. How can an ignorant man govern himself or others,
With natural disposition and zeal for his people?
٧. وَكيفَ يَسوسُ النفسَ والناسَ جاهلٌ
بعاد وطبعٍ والحميّة قومهُ
8. Therefore, when God appointed Adam as successor,
He was endowed with a share of the knowledge of realities,
٨. لِذلكَ لمّا اِستخلفَ اللّه آدماً
توفّرَ من علمِ الحقائقِ قسمهُ
9. Until he knew the secret of harmony between them,
And how the named requires what is its name,
٩. إِلى أَن درى سرّ التناسبِ بينها
وَوجه المسمّى المقتضي ما هو اِسمهُ
10. So he came to teach the angels their knowledge,
By directing them, not by what was his knowledge,
١٠. فَأَصبحَ يُلقي للملائكِ علمها
بِتوقيفهم لا بالّذي هو علمهُ
11. And the superiority of knowledge was shown when they prostrated to him,
And the one who arrogantly refused was pelted with stones,
١١. وَأَعلنَ فضلُ العلمِ أن سَجدوا له
وَحاقَ بمَن عنه تكبّر رجمهُ
12. And when he embarked upon the earth as its settler,
He undertook a struggle the self abhors undertaking,
١٢. وَلمّا اِنبرى للأرضِ مُستعمراً لها
تجشّم شقّاً يبهضُ النفس جشمهُ
13. So he spread his children across the lands and regions,
That each might tend to the line of a territory and develop it,
١٣. فبثّ بنيهِ في ذرىً ومناكب
ليعنيَ كلّاً خطّ قطرٍ ورضمهُ
14. Thus the center of knowledge, religion and sublimity,
Became where civilization grew and its plan extended,
١٤. فكانَ مناطُ العلمِ والدينِ والعلى
بِحيثُ نَما العمرانُ واِمتدّ رسمهُ
15. You do not see the light of prophecy shining,
Except on a region centered within its curve,
١٥. فَلستَ تَرى نورَ النبوّة مشرقاً
عَلى غيرِ إقليمٍ توسّط خلمهُ
16. And the self has in the expansion of civilization a desire,
By which religious restraint becomes disordered in its form,
١٦. وَللنفسِ في بسطِ الحضارة نزوةٌ
بِها الوازعُ الدينيُّ يختلّ رسمهُ
17. For that you see the shadow of absolute rule preceding,
An era whose shadow envelops the caliphate and tarnishes it,
١٧. لِذاك تَرى ظلّ التملّك سابقاً
بِعصرٍ طَوى ظلّ الخلافة لؤمهُ
18. No kingdom in civilization is more unjust or blameworthy,
Than a kingdom made loose by prosperity and plenty,
١٨. وَما سوسُ ملكٍ في التمدّن واغلٌ
كَملكٍ تخطّاه الرفاهُ وجمّهُ
19. There zeal is uprooted by passions,
And the strength of noble ambitions weakened,
١٩. هنالك تُجتثّ الحميّة بالهوى
ويضعفُ مِن بأسِ التوجُّدِ قسمهُ
20. Passions overshadow one whose mother they are,
Like a shadow to one the sun of knowledge guides,
٢٠. يُظِلّ الهوى مَن أمّه وهو تابعٌ
كظلٍّ لِمَن شمسُ العلومِ تؤمُّهُ
21. Man loses not the face of prosperity,
If his share of the branches of knowledge is ample,
٢١. وَما خسرَ الإنسانُ وجهَ سعادةٍ
إِذا مِن فنونِ العلمِ وُفِّرَ سهمهُ
22. For the body is but a servant to money, striving,
And money is but a servant to status, gathering,
٢٢. فَما الجِسمُ إلّا خادمُ المالِ ساعياً
وَما المالُ إلّا خادمُ الجاهِ لمّهُ
23. And status is but a servant to rule, seeking refuge,
And rule is but a servant to religious law, resolving,
٢٣. وَما الجاهُ إلا خادمُ الملكِ لائذاً
وَما الملكُ إِلا خادمُ الشرعِ حزمهُ
24. And religious law is but a servant to truth, guiding,
By truth existence arose and its darkness receded,
٢٤. وَما الشرعُ إلّا خادمُ الحقّ مرشداً
وَبالحقّ قامَ الكونُ واِنزاح ظلمهُ
25. You do not see towering might continuing forever,
Unless knowledge is its pillar of support,
٢٥. فَلستَ تَرى ما أرزمت أمُّ حائلٍ
عُلىً مُستمرّاً ليسَ بالعلم دعمهُ
26. It reaches the nests of ostriches, though high,
And descends from the slopes of gazelles, though lofty,
٢٦. يطالُ به بيض الأنوقِ وإن سما
وَتنزل من نيقِ الحوالقِ عصمهُ
27. When man perfects the outward authority,
And its inward reality with firm knowledge,
٢٧. إِذا أحكم الإنسانُ ظاهرَ منصبٍ
وَباطِنَه علماً مَضى فيه عزمهُ
28. Then he who knows things and fulfills their rights,
To him is submitted what his opponent contends,
٢٨. فَمَن عَلِمَ الأشياءَ وفّى حُقوقَها
وَدانَ لَه فيما يحاولُ خصمهُ
29. And every branch of knowledge is beneficial to rule,
Especially what agrees with the wisdom of rule,
٢٩. وَكلُّ فنونِ العلمِ للملكِ نافعٌ
وَلا سِيما ما سايرَ الملكَ حكمهُ
30. I see the king like a sphere under its head,
Needing his subordinates for what concerns him,
٣٠. أَرى الملكَ مثلَ الفلكِ تحتَ رئيسهِ
عويزٌ إِلى الأعوانِ فيما يؤمّهُ
31. One is the navigating pilot whose action,
Another the retreating sailor whose knowledge is short,
٣١. فَذلكَ نوتيّ يعينُ بفعلهِ
وَآخرَ خرّتتٌ قصاراه علمهُ
32. And the aim is sailing the ship and keeping it safe,
That each may be secure or profit greatly,
٣٢. وَمقصدُهُ جَريُ السفينِ وحفظها
ليسلمَ كلٌّ أو ليعظم غنمهُ
33. Does he sail the seas' swell without resisting waves,
While in its folds there is war, as its name indicates?
٣٣. أَيَركب هولَ البحرَ دون مقاومٍ
وَفي طيّه حربٌ كَما يؤذنُ اِسمهُ
34. For this you see the king of the Franks empowered,
By knowledge of the modern sciences and arts,
٣٤. لِذاك تَرى ملكَ الفرنجِ مؤثّلاً
بعلمٍ على الأيّامِ يمتدّ يمّهُ
35. While the kingdom of Islam diminishes in shade,
And parts of its edges crumble from what they encompass,
٣٥. وَمملكة الإسلامِ يقلصُ ظلّها
وينقصُ مِن أَطرافها ما تضمّهُ
36. Though it is more enduring and vaster in expanse,
And more moderate in climate by nature,
٣٦. عَلى أنّها أَجدى وأبسط رقعةً
وَأوسطُ إِقليماً مِنَ الطبعِ عظمهُ
37. With the most deeply rooted place in civilization's growth,
And the longest historical reach cleaving resolves,
٣٧. وَأعرَق في مَنمى الحضارةِ موقعاً
وَأَطولُ باعاً يفلقُ الهامَ خذمهُ
38. With steps advanced far in the sciences,
Having gathered the bounty of crafts within it,
٣٨. وَقدماً تناهَت في الفنونِ توغُّلاً
وجمِّعَ طمُّ الصنعِ فيها ورَمُّهُ
39. And made its expeditions conquer the seven climes,
And neighboring from the barrier of Gog and Magog its buildup,
٣٩. وَدوّخَ مَغزاها الأقاليمَ سبعةً
وَتاخَمها من سدّ يأجوجَ ردمهُ
40. The subjugated found no path to its glory,
Except knowledge, the exemplar of leadership and mother,
٤٠. فَلَم يجدِ المستعبدونَ لعزّها
سِوى العلمِ نهجاً للرئاسةِ أمّهُ
41. With it they gained access to wishes,
Especially where an aspect of it was deficient,
٤١. فَكانَ لَهم منهُ النفوذُ إِلى المنى
وَلا سيما ثغرٌ خَبا منه حجمهُ
42. Whoever is ignorant of Europe and its rule,
And does not penetrate into industries with understanding,
٤٢. فَمَن لم يجس خبراً أروبا وملكها
وَلَم يَتَغلغل في المصانعِ فهمهُ
43. Remains in the bosom of ignorance,
Distracted in the bed of customs by his dream,
٤٣. فَذاكَ في كنِّ البلاهةِ داجنٌ
وَفي مضجعِ العاداتِ يُلهيه حلمهُ
44. Whoever clings to homelands becomes like herbage,
Growing in its place, then plucked and discarded,
٤٤. وَمَن لزمَ الأوطانَ أصبحَ كالكلا
بِمنبتهِ منماهُ ثمّت حطمهُ
45. They planted the tree of civilization, on its boughs,
Mathematics and natural philosophy flourished,
٤٥. هُمُ غَرسوا دوحَ التمدّن فرعُه الر
رياضيّ وَالعلمُ الطبيعيّ جذمهُ
46. In its shade they took comfortable refuge,
From severity, protected by schemes,
٤٦. فَكانَ لَهُم في ظلّه متقيِّلٌ
مِنَ الصولِ يُحمى بالمكائدِ أطمهُ
47. We have in the beginning of opinion missed our path,
And would to my life the conclusion be not missed!
٤٧. لَقَد فاتَنا في بادئِ الرأي صوبُنا
وَأشفى لَعمري أَن يفوّتَ ختمهُ
48. One procession moves ahead and another lags behind,
If attention be not given to bring the latter group up,
٤٨. تَباعَد شوطاً مقدمٌ ومقهقرٌ
إِذا لم يَحِن منهُ اِلتفاتٌ يزمّهُ
49. By my life, not dead is he who is laid in the dust,
But dead of strength is he who cannot equip himself,
٤٩. لَعَمري لَيس الميتُ من أُودِعَ الثرى
وَلكن مطيقٌ لِلغنى بانَ عدمهُ
50. Where his body falls short, though his spirit urges,
They killed the life of the two abodes in knowledge,
٥٠. وَميتُ القوى مَن لا يهيء بنفسهِ
لإنصافها من حيثُ يغبنُ جسمهُ
51. Whoever does not participate with them, his arrow has missed,
Every superior whose merits empower him,
٥١. لَقد قَتلوا دُنيا الحياتينِ خبرةً
فَمن لم يُساهِمهم فقد طاشَ سَهمهُ
52. Should employ them to benefit the people, and this is his concern,
Shall the free soul remain stuck in confusion,
٥٢. وَكلُّ رئيسٍ أَمكَنته فضائلٌ
فَأعوَدها نفعاً عَلى الخلقِ همُّهُ
53. Lingering over idols, distracted by its cares,
While its path is clear and the guide to it beautiful,
٥٣. أَيلزمُ حرُّ النفسِ برزخ حيرةٍ
عكوفاً عَلى أصنام وهم تهمّهُ
54. And the daily guide manifest, its time come?
Nay, but he has resolved the matter and embarked,
٥٤. وَمسلكهُ نهجٌ وحاديه شائقٌ
وَمُرشدهُ يومي وَقد لاح أمّهُ
55. Upon restoring what diminished from its glory by his resolve,
A brilliant minister of supreme command,
٥٥. بَلى إنّه قد أبرمَ الأمرَ واِنبرى
إِلى ردّ ما قَد بزّ من عزّ عزمهُ
56. Preceding consideration, his mind piercing and speech decisive,
You see him, not knowing whether kindness melts his severity,
٥٦. وزيرٌ عصاميُّ السيادةِ سابقٌ
عَلى المُرتأي مغزاهُ والخطبُ حزمهُ
57. Or judgment stirs a concern that preoccupies him,
Justice shows him the merit of his opposite,
٥٧. تَراهُ فَلا تَدري لإفراط بشرهِ
تودّدَ أم دارى لأمرٍ يهمّهُ
58. But he conceals the faults in forbearance,
I envy him that knowledge, like one envying,
٥٨. يُبينُ له الإنصاف إحسانَ ضدّهِ
وَلكنّه يُخفي المساوئ حلمهُ
59. The throne of Bilqis, though rejecting its pagan engraving,
He aimed its horizons with the two brilliant stars, Muhammad,
٥٩. أغارُ عَلى تلكَ العلوم كآصفٍ
عَلى عرشِ بلقيس المنكّر رضمهُ
60. The praised, and The Savior, the blessed celestial bodies,
His two noble sons, both of whom spoke in the cradle,
٦٠. رَمى أُفقها بِالفَرقدينِ محمّدِ الش
شمائِلِ وَالمنجي المبارك نجمهُ
61. Articulating his name in their loftiness and sublimity,
And paralleled with two mirrors of their thoughts,
٦١. سَليليه نَجليه اللّذين كلاهِما
تَكلّم في مهدٍ بعلياه وسمهُ
62. Transcribing until its form was displayed,
And when they expressed the core of a heart, marveling,
٦٢. وَحاذى بِمرآتينِ مِن فكرتَيهما
مُدوّنها حتّى تمثّل رسمهُ
63. All acknowledged the precedence of Arabs in knowledge,
And each was certain that it was the start of an era,
٦٣. وَمُذ أَعربا عَن ظهرِ قلبٍ فَأغربا
أقرّت بفضلِ العربِ في العلم عجمهُ
64. In which the horizon of Tunis renews its star,
While the benefit of the chiefs' rule to the people generally,
٦٤. وَأيقَن كلٌّ أنّه بدءُ دورةٍ
يُراجعُ فيها أفقَ تونس نجمهُ
65. Is complete, once the conclusion unites with the aim,
If the beginning of a matter is rightly guided, then fortunate,
٦٥. وَجزئيُّ أربابِ الرئاسَةِ نفعهُ
إِلى الخلقِ كليٌّ إِذا حان تمّهُ
66. Are its consequences, and the approach, its protected mother,
O You, O Minister, by whom God has granted virtue to this land,
٦٦. إِذا كانَ مبدأ الأمرِ هديا فغبطةٌ
عَواقبهُ والنهجُ قصدٌ مأمّهُ
67. Adorning it with a pride reaching all,
May the high station your two sons have erected,
٦٧. أَلا أيّها المولى الوزيرِ الّذي بهِ
حَبا اللّه هَذا القطر فخرا يعمّهُ
68. And the glories you sired through them, endure,
Advance them into public offices as teachers,
٦٨. لِيهناك ما قَد شادَ نجلاكَ من علىً
وَما أتلدا من مفخرٍ أنت جذمهُ
69. And pave for them steps of merit guiding,
And raise them in the state of the King who knows from you,
٦٩. فَرشّحهما للمعلواتِ محاضراً
وَأوطئهما أعقابَ فضلٍ تؤمّهُ
70. What is hidden from the people, of your knowledge,
Seek the pleasure of the Merciful through what He has chosen for you,
٧٠. وَرقّهما في دولةِ الملكِ الّذي
دَرى منك ما يَخفى على الناس علمهُ
71. Of merit penetrating your understanding,
A special quality, veiled in the dark of humanity,
٧١. توخّى رضا الرحمنِ فيك بِما اِصطفى
إِليك منَ الفضلِ الّذي دقّ فهمهُ
72. Decreed for Adam beforehand in its judgment,
Clarifying it while people are in the veil of heedlessness,
٧٢. خُصوصٌ توارى في غِشىً بشريّة
لآدم من قبل تقرّر حكمهُ
73. Until its dawn uncovered their long night,
So to God belongs the guidance He inspired,
٧٣. تبيّنه والناسُ في حجب غفلةٍ
إِلى أَن جَلا عن صبحه مُدلهمّهُ
74. And the thought He expanded to encompass existence, gathered,
And I am humbled by elaborating on some of his praise,
٧٤. فللّه ما أَهدى وأنفذ فكرةً
وَأوسعَ جأشاً يحتوي الكون ضمّهُ
75. And magnify him beyond being named by his name,
But it is a debt upon me, prohibiting satisfaction
٧٥. وَيُخجِلُني اِستطرادُ بعض مديحهِ
وأُكبره عَن أن يسمّى به اِسمُهُ
76. Of my duty to him with the poetry I have composed,
You have remained for this King a man of insight,
٧٦. وَلكنّه دين عليّ يصدّ عن
قَضائي له اِستنزارُ ما عنّ نظمهُ
77. Your view his mirror and his bounty your mirror,
And you have conveyed in self, family and world,
٧٧. بَقيتَ لهذا الملكِ إنسانَ ناظرٍ
بِرأيك مرآهَ ومرآك نعمهُ
78. A purpose it is the source of every winning and conclusion,
٧٨. وَبلّغتَ في نفسٍ وأهلٍ وفي الورى
مُنىً هي مبدأ كلّ فوزٍ وختمهُ