
O radiant one of sublime traits whose forehead gleams

محيا المعالي مسفر ذو تهلل

1. O radiant one of sublime traits whose forehead gleams
With joyous delight and triumph it beams

١. مُحيّا المعالي مُسفرُ ذو تهلّل
طليقُ جبينٍ بالسرورِ مكلّلِ

2. With cheeks all rosy from gladness sincere
And eyes shining bright when my love draws near

٢. مصعّر خدّ باِعتزازٍ مورّد
مُشزّر طرفٍ با أقبلِ

3. As if on his cheeks blossoms appear
That from happiness meaning take form and cohere

٣. كأنّ عَلى ديباجَتيه أزاهرا
تَجسّدن مِن معنى الهنا بتشكُّلِ