
O best preserver of a lover's affection,

يا خير محتفظ لود حبيب

1. O best preserver of a lover's affection,
And most forgiving pardoner of a repentant sinner's misdeeds,

١. يا خيرَ محتفظٍ لودّ حبيب
وَأجلّ مغتفر لذنب منيبِ

2. I send you a cordial greeting,
With no ill intent from any foe.

٢. أُنهي إِليك تحيّة ودّيّةً
ما وجهها من مكره بقطيبِ

3. I have been purely devoted, repeating my dedication
Against the onslaught of ruinous devastation.

٣. خلصت خلوصَ التبرِ كرّر سبكهُ
في جاحمٍ من فادح التخريبِ

4. It is no fleeting foam, soon dissipating,
Enduring beyond the passing of all that is tainted.

٤. ما شانَها زبدٌ يزولُ جفاؤهُ
وَتَدوم بعد فناء كلّ مشوبِ

5. And behind it, a lament reminding of Joseph,
And how his brothers treated him before Jacob.

٥. وَوراءها شكوى تُذكّر يوسفاً
وَصَنيع إخوته لدى يعقوبِ

6. Do not think me heedless, having strayed
Into neglect that led me to oppose you.

٦. ما إن ترى اِستعفاء واطي عشوة
عن غفلة جرّت إلي تشغيبِ

7. The noble one overlooks the stumbling of his like,
Especially if he is free of doubt.

٧. إنّ الكريمَ يقيل عثرة مثله
لا سيّما إن كان غير مريبِ

8. He lets down the curtains of excuse over sins
And protects him from shameful rebuke.

٨. يُرخي سدول العذرِ دونَ ذنوبهِ
وَيَصونه عن مخجل التأنيبِ

9. And when he sees the pain of punishment as his cure
From an illness, no gentler physician remains.

٩. وَإِذا رأى ألَم العقاب شفاءه
من علّة لم يعد رفق طبيبِ

10. I swear by Him who knows your supporters in presence and absence
For your noble self.

١٠. قَسماً بِمن هو عالم بتشيّعي
لِجنابكم في حضرةٍ ومغيبِ

11. Had I kept it secret, I would not have divulged it
To them, but I was not wise.

١١. لو خلتهُ سرّاً لما أفشيته
لهمُ ولكن كنت غير مصيبِ

12. Could I have deemed it secret, then trusted them, while
Among them were those hostile to every confidant?

١٢. أَأراهُ سرّاً ثمّ آمنهم وحا
لهُم معي بادٍ لكلّ أريبِ

13. I preferred to advise them, despite my knowledge of them,
Yet their stings were those of venomous snakes.

١٣. آثرتُ نُصحهم على علمي بهم
فإذا عقاربهم ذوات دبيبِ

14. But they provoked a solid barrier
And stirred a sea by wading into sins.

١٤. لكنّهم غَمزوا قناة صلبةً
وَاِستكدروا بحراً بخوض ذنوبِ

15. So their derision became subjected to the hands of critics
And the specter of their misdeeds to the eyes of the wise.

١٥. فَغَدت بَهارِجهم بأيدي ناقدٍ
وَخيال ظلّهم أمام لبيبِ

16. And I have sworn to God Almighty
A vow that is no fabrication.

١٦. وأليّتي باللّه جلّ جلاله
وعليّ عهد ليس بالمكذوبِ

17. However much I hear talk from some speaker
And am asked about it, I shall not respond.

١٧. مَهما سمعتُ مقالةً من قائلٍ
وَسُئلت عنها لم أكن بمجيبِ

18. So allow my excuse to adopt, through your acceptance,
A course leading to your desired approval,

١٨. فأبِح لعذري من قبولك منهجاً
يُفضي إلى رضوانك المرغوبِ

19. Deterring those whose modesty
Did not prevent them from insulting your like.

١٩. زَجراً لمن لَم يَنهه اِستحياؤه
عن أن يشافِه مثلكم بمريبِ

20. And disobeying chivalry and religion, whoever strives
With gossip deserving discipline.

٢٠. وَعصى المروءة والديانة من سعى
بِنَميمة مستوجب التأديبِ

21. While I remain righteous, appeasing every
Loving friend with righteousness.

٢١. وَبقيت برّاً مستميلاً للعدى
وموالياً بالبرّ كلّ حبيبِ