1. The hands of congratulations opened their shells,
Or did a star of virtue shine from our horizon and spread its canopy,
١. درٌّ أيادي التهاني فتّحت صَدفه
أَم نجمُ فضلٍ جَلا عَن أفقنا سَدَفه
2. Or did a crescent moon begin in a lofty sky,
Its mansions have become filled with good fortune?
٢. أمِ اِستهلّ هلالٌ في سماءِ عُلى
أَضحت منازلُه بالسعدِ مُكتنفه
3. How auspicious is this time that fulfills its promise,
And how righteous the hand that picked its fruits.
٣. ما أيمنَ الزمنَ الموفي بِطالعهِ
وَما أبرّ يداً عنهُ نضَت سَجفه
4. The pillars of glory, may God make its foundations firm,
Successively, so He may see in His time one to follow Him.
٤. دَعائمُ المجدِ أَولى اللّهُ شائدها
مُوالياً كَي يرى في عصرهِ خَلفه
5. This is the joy whose tidings blew,
So the clouds of illusions dispersed and lifted.
٥. هَذا الهناءُ الّذي هبّت بشائرهُ
فَأصبَحت سحبُ الأوهامِ مُنكشفه
6. The Protector looked after a house of guidance that was raised,
Its glory never lacked a towering pillar.
٦. رَعَى المهيمنُ داراً للهُدى رُفِعَت
وَلا خَلا مجدُها مِن شائٍد شَرَفه
7. God knows best where to place virtue,
And where to keep talents harmonized within it.
٧. اللّه أَعلَمُ حيثُ الفضل يودعهُ
وَحَيث يُبقي المَزايا فيهِ مُؤتلفه
8. A trait of the house of glory, from the family of Birm Al As,
A foundation of religion, then its rooms were supported.
٨. سَمتٌ لِبيتِ العلى من آلِ بيرم أس
ساسٌ مِنَ الدينِ ثمّ دعّمت غُرفه
9. It repelled the vain hopes of those who despaired of it,
And ignited within the heart of its detractor a burning passion.
٩. رَدّت مطامحَ مَن ناواه خاسئةً
وَأَضرمت في حَشا الشاني له لَهَفه
10. You were singled out in every honor,
With a son through whom you compete in rank and description.
١٠. وافاكَ يا مفرداً في كلّ مكرمةٍ
نجلٌ تُحاكي بهِ في رُتبةٍ وَصفَه
11. The insight of the perceptive shows from its sources
The certainty of the eminent in his successors.
١١. رأيُ الفراسةِ يُبدي مِن مخائلهِ
برّ المؤكّد في عليائهِ خَلفه
12. Rather, it has never ceased to be the custom of the Master for your likes,
That the Law takes its water from Him through the ages.
١٢. بَل لَم تَزل عادةُ المولى لِمُنشئكم
أنّ الشريعةَ منهُ الدهرَ مُغتَرِفه
13. Guidance refuses to see any abode but yours,
As its refuge, and its Lord established it upon you.
١٣. يَأبى الهُدى أَن يرى إلّا مَنازِلكم
مَأوىً لَه وَعليها ربّه وَقَفه
14. The heights of the heavens are lower than your achievements,
To the hand that picked the fruits of nobility.
١٤. رَومُ السماكينِ أَدنى من مآثركم
لذي يدٍ أَصبحت لِلفضلِ مُقتطفه
15. The crescent that came to you will indeed be seen,
As a full moon, and your sun cloaked in light.
١٥. إنّ الهِلال الّذي وافاكَ سوفَ يُرى
بَدراً وشَمسك بالإشراقِ مُلتحفه
16. Extending with the perfection of its nature and years,
Until its juristic rulings intertwine.
١٦. مُمدّةً بِكمال طبعهِ وسنا
حتّى تَكون فتاوى صحفهِ دَلِفه
17. Its joy appeared in the garden of your eminence,
As the first fruits of congratulations to be renewed.
١٧. بَدت مَسرّتهُ في روضِ حَضرتِكم
باكورةً لتهانٍ بعدُ مُؤتَنِفه
18. Congratulations on his birth that led to his happiness,
His wedding, and to grandchildren who protected their bosom friend.
١٨. اِهنأ بِمَولدهِ المُفضي لمحتنه
وعرسهِ ولأحفادٍ حَموا كَنفه
19. Yes, and below you a house which I cast
As an arrow that hits the target of your detractor.
١٩. نَعم ودونكَ بيتاً قَد رميتُ به
سَهماً يُقرطسُ من شانيكُمُ هَدفه
20. This, with its two halves, and the missing letter and neglect,
recording the date, compelling the haughty to lower his nose.
٢٠. هَذا بِنصفيه وَالخالي ومهملهِ
مُؤرّخاً مُرغماً مِن شامخ أَنَفه
21. So may God grant the luster of accomplished youth,
A son who protects his father, and inherits those before him.
٢١. فَاللّه مُعطي سنا الفُتيا معوّدها
اِبناً حمى لأبيهِ وارثاً سَلفه