
You deserve all praise, O You who have graced the people of the spiritual path

لك الحمد يا من خص أهل الطريقة

1. You deserve all praise, O You who have graced the people of the spiritual path
With the unveiling of the hidden knowledge of the truth

١. لكَ الحَمدُ يا من خصّ أهل الطريقةِ
بكشفِ خفيّات علومِ الحقيقةِ

2. And revived them with the spirit of all creation
And granted them Your prophetic secrets

٢. وَروّحهم من رَوح كلّ مكوّنٍ
وَأَورثهم أسراره النبويّةِ

3. Muhammad, the essence of praise, the sun of His beauty
Through whom the prophets gained inspiration

٣. مُحمّد عينُ الحمدِ شمس جمالهِ
فمنه بدورُ الأنبياءِ اِستمدّتِ

4. So may Allah send blessings upon him, a pure soul
For his essence which is a spirit and body of mercy

٤. فصلّى عليه اللّه قدماً منزّها
لِطلعته روحاً وجسماً برحمةِ

5. And his Family and Companions, none were guided to their path
Except seekers through the sanctity of the Shadhili way

٥. وآلٍ وصحبٍ ما اِهتدى لطريقهم
مُريدٌ بنورِ العصمة الشاذليّةِ

6. And next, praise be to Allah as the first duty
For the blessings of souls and humanity

٦. وبعدُ فحمد اللّه أوّل واجبٍ
على نعم الأرواح والبشريّةِ

7. And beyond, the blessings themselves transcend
Being encompassed by any praise or spiritual path

٧. وَهيهات والنعماء ذات تجرّدٍ
يحيط بها حمد بكلّ طريقةِ

8. And when Allah, majestic is His majesty
Guided me through my poetry to follow the spiritual way

٨. وَلمّا أراد اللّه جلّ جلاله
هدائي بنظمي في سلوك الطريقةِ

9. I saw what I had only heard in part before
And witnessed the secrets of the hidden unseen world

٩. رَأيت الّذي قد كُنت أسمَعُ بعضه
وَشاهدت أَسرار الغيوب الخفيّةِ

10. When I do not find in praise, though it is obligatory
A tongue of words or a capacity equal to it

١٠. إِذا لم أجد للحمدِ وهو فريضة
لسانَ مقالٍ قادرٍ أو سريرةِ

11. I realized that praise is from Him to Himself
And I acknowledged that incapacity is the limit of my ability

١١. فَأَيقَنت أنّ الحمد منه لنفسهِ
وحقّقتُ أنّ العجز غاية قدرتي

12. The first of them is the blessed Imam, revered scholar
Saint, devout, learned in Sacred Law

١٢. فَأوّلهم حبرٌ إمامٌ معظّمٌ
وليٌّ تقيٌّ عالمٌ بالشريعةِ

13. He is Sayyid al-Bashir son of Aziza
And a branch of pure, noble roots

١٣. هو السيّد البشير نجل عزيزةٍ
وفرع أصولٍ طيّبات رفيعةِ

14. His master was the Mufti of the age, I mean Muhammad
He is al-Shadhili, son of al-Muddab, the trusted

١٤. وَشيخُه مفتي العصرِ أعني محمّداً
هو الشاذليّ بن المؤدّب ثيقةِ

15. His father preceded him, so mention him saying
O Umar, may you be greeted in the best greeting

١٥. وَوالده أولاه فاِذكره قائلاً
أيا عمر حيّيت خير تحيّةِ

16. And ad-Dardir authorized him, and his master
Ali al-Saidi, of vast traditional knowledge

١٦. وأهّله الدرديرُ فيها وشيخهُ
عَليّ الصعيدي ذو العلوم السنيّةِ

17. From Shaykh Nur ad-Din, from his spiritual sun Ahmad al-Badawi in every direction
And from his master Ibn al-Marabout, named Muhammad, from his father Samaia

١٧. عن الشيخِ نور الدين عن شمسه ذروا
بها أحمد الفيّاض في كلّ وجهةِ

18. And his master Ibn al-Qassim, I mean Muhammad
To whom contentment has raised him to the peak of truth

١٨. وَعن شيخه اِبن المرابط واِسمهُ
محمّد وهو عن أبيه سمايةِ

19. From al-Qalafti, from his master al-Wasti, who was quenched
By the beloved's drink and the cup of affection

١٩. وشيخُه اِبن القاسم أعني محمّداً
ورضوانُ قد رقّاه أوج الحقيقةِ

20. From al-Kamil al-Mursi, from al-Shadhili, whose lights
Illuminated the stars of sainthood

٢٠. عن القلفتي عن شيخهِ الواسطي من
سُقي قلبه الميّودُ وَكأسُ المودّةِ

21. Say about him, the master of both worlds in one
And say the pure, in body and soul

٢١. عَن الكاملِ المرسي عن الشاذلي الّذي
بِأنوارهِ ضاءت نجوم الولايةِ

22. From Ibn Mashish al-Qutb, from his master
From al-Hasan al-Basri who won spiritual death

٢٢. فَقُل فيه كلّ العالمينَ بواحدٍ
وَقُل طيّب الأصلين روحٍ وجثّةِ

23. From Ibn Daqqaq and his master al-Ansari
From the Pole Ibrahim, the learned of Basra

٢٣. عَن اِبن مشيش القطب عن شيخهِ
عنِ الحسنِ البصري فاز بِمُنيةِ

24. From the Knower Shaykh Abu al-Hasan whom
Al-Junayd guided, Imam of the spiritual path

٢٤. عَن اِبن الدقاق والأنصاري شيخه
عنِ القطبِ إبراهيمَ عالم بصرةِ

25. From the scholar al-Mirari, from Jabir ibn
Abdillah, Imam of alchemical wisdom

٢٥. عَن العارفِ الشيخ أبي الحسن الّذي
هَداهُ الجنيديّ إمام الطريقةِ

26. From al-Hasan the grandson, lofty in rank
The first of the second, my master of Paradise

٢٦. عن العالم المراري عن جابر بن عب
دِ اللّه إِمامِ الحكمة الكيماويةِ

27. And then his father, I mean the door to the City of Knowledge
Ali the valiant lion on the day of battle

٢٧. عَنِ الحسنِ السبط الرفيع مكانةً
وأوّل ثاني سيّدي أهل جنّةِ

28. From al-Mustafa, then al-Amin by His revelation
From Allah, exalted is He, Lord of creation

٢٨. وثمّ أبوه أعني باب مدينة ال
علومِ عليّاً ليث يوم الكريهةِ

29. So excellent is the strong rope, if a servant holds fast to it
He will attain the firmest handhold

٢٩. عَنِ المُصطفى ثمّ الأمينِ بوحيهِ
عَنِ اللّه جلّ اللّهُ ربّ البريّةِ

30. What a mercy Allah has placed its essence
In the shells of the secret of the Shadhili masters

٣٠. فَيا حَبّذا الحبلُ المتينُ متى بهِ
تَمسّك عبدٌ نال أوثق عروةِ

31. Men whom you see the states radiating from them
As suns illuminating the heart by force

٣١. وَيا رَحمةً قد أودع اللّه درّها
بأصداف سرّ السادة الشاذليّةِ

32. As if the fragrance of musk from some of their sanctity
But far be it that musk can match the diffusion of Hamza's fragrance

٣٢. رجالٌ ترى الأحوال من نَفَحاتِهم
شموساً تضيء القلب قهراً بسطوةِ

33. They are the people whose company brings no misery
The intoxicated by the single cup

٣٣. كَأنّ عبيقَ المسكِ من بعضِ عَرفهم
وَهيهاتَ أينَ المسكُ من نشر حمزةِ

34. For their ecstasy, a knower has deemed sobriety improper
Because they are the elite of those granted divine care

٣٤. هُم القوم لا يشقى جليسهمُ همُ الس
سَكارى بصرفِ الخمرةِ الواحديّةِ

35. And if concealing sainthood were not obligatory
Fearing people's inclination towards ignorance

٣٥. لِمجذوبهم قد أوجبَ الصحوَ عارفٌ
بِأنّهم من صفوِ أهلِ العنايةِ

36. The Messenger of Allah would have told the Companions
Of the party of the Shadhili Saint, secret of the Quranic signs

٣٦. وَلَو لم يكن كتمُ الولاية واجباً
مَخافةَ ميلِ الناسِ للجاهليّةِ

37. I was inspired to say this in a dream, by His permission
And I have not said it out of mere intellect and thought

٣٧. لَقال رسولُ اللّه للصحب مخبراً
بِحزبِ الوليّ الشاذلي سرّ آيةِ

38. The time has come for me to restrain the reins, and what can I hope
When praising the Elect, for my praise and poem to reach him

٣٨. وَألهمتُ ذا في النوم إذناً بقوله
وما قلتهُ عَن محضِ عقلٍ وفكرةِ

39. Upon him the prayers of Allah, for as long as his light
Remains in the niche of the breast of the master of the Cave

٣٩. وَقَد حان أن أثني العنان وما عسى
إِذا مدح المختار مدحي وقولتي

40. And his Family and Companions for as long as its people
Revolve as stars glittering in every direction

٤٠. عَليه صلاةُ اللّهِ ما دام نورهُ
بِمشكاةِ صدرِ شيخ أهل المغارةِ

٤١. وَآله والأصحابِ ما دام أهلها
بدور دياجي المجد في كلّ وجهةِ