
My God, by the masters of pure souls,

إلهي بأرباب النفوس الزكية

1. My God, by the masters of pure souls,
Men who aspired in the Shadhiliyya presence,

١. إِلَهي بِأربابِ النفوس الزكيّةِ
رِجالٌ سَمَوا بالحضرة الشاذليّةِ

2. Men who were called by their Master and hastened,
And had no remainder in them but Him,

٢. رجالٌ لِمولاهم دُعوا فَتَسارعوا
وَما لِسواه فيهم من بقيّةِ

3. By His remembrance they are healed of every malady,
And find the times pleasant from every desolation,

٣. بِذكراهُ يَستشفون من كلّ علّةٍ
وَيَستأنسون الدهر من كلّ وحشةِ

4. Successions of His words come to them,
So He explains to them secrets in the wilderness,

٤. تَوالى عليهم وارِدات كلامهِ
فَتُفهمهُم أَسراره في البريّةِ

5. And by replenishment the soil of their hearts is watered
Gushing with every knowledge and wisdom,

٥. وَتُصبحُ بالإمدادِ أرضُ قلوبهم
مفجّرةً مِن كلّ علم وحكمةِ

6. By them the Merciful looks upon all creation,
By them descend mercies upon every nation,

٦. بِهم ينظرُ الرحمنُ للخلقِ كلّهم
بِهم تنزلُ الرحمات في كلّ أمّةِ

7. My God, through them bring Your servants near to them
That he may delight from the cup of love and favor,

٧. إِلهي بِهم قرّب عُبَيدك منهمُ
لِيَسعد مِن كأسِ الغرامِ بفضلةِ

8. And accomplish for that succor our kinship to him,
And take us by the forelock to the best way,

٨. وحقّق لذاكَ الغوث نسبةَ جَمعِنا
وَخُذ بنواصينا لأهدى طريقةِ

9. And manifest the Shaykh’s traits within us though we
Are not worthy - but we have a kind of connection,

٩. وَأظهِر مزايا الشيخ فينا فإنّنا
وَإن لم نَكن أهلاً لنا نوع نسبةِ

10. They are a people whose companion is not wretched,
So what of one who has a superior claim to them?

١٠. أُولئكَ قومٌ ليسَ يَشقى جليسُهم
فَكيفَ بِمن منهم له فضل ذمّةِ

11. You have favored us, my God, by their love,
So that is for us from You the firmest pact,

١١. مَننتَ عَلينا يا إلهي بحبّهم
فَذاك لدينا منك أوثق عهدةِ

12. To You belongs all praise - no praiser encompasses Your praise -
To You belongs all gratitude, our Master, for every blessing!

١٢. لَك الحمدُ لا يُحصي ثناءك حامدٌ
لك الشكر مولانا على كلِّ نِعمةِ