1. O master of scholars, with established knowledge,
And piety, towering glory, and nobility.
١. يا سيّد العلماءِ علماً راسخاً
وَتقىً ومجداً شامخاً ومكارما
2. This is my messenger, son of the Imam, who came to you
Seeking guidance, adorned, fasting makes him radiant.
٢. هَذا رَسولي اِبن الإمامِ أتاكمُ
مُستهدياً تُحَفاً تروقُ الصائما
3. From it a yearning that matches his manner,
Sweet, his being so it revived the smiling.
٣. مِنها نشوقٌ قَد تَطابقَ عرفهُ
طيباً وَعنصره فَأنعش ناسما
4. And drinks that tell of aroma and sweetness,
The darkness of beautiful smiles obscured.
٤. وَمشاربٌ تَحكي شذاً وعذوبةً
ظلمَ الحسانِ العاطِراتِ مباسما
5. So send through him to a mouth mentioning you
Love, and a nose turning away from other than you disgusted.
٥. فَاِبعَث بِها لفمٍ بِذكرك يلتجي
حبّاً وَأَنفاً عَن سِواك تشامما
6. And you remained a star we seek guidance from rising forever
And we seek your guidance as a raging sea.
٦. وَبَقيتَ نَستهديكَ نجماً طالعاً
أَبداً ونَستهديك بحراً فاعما