1. I send my son fragrant, perfumed greetings
With words other than mentioning him I have not uttered
١. أُنهي إِلى اِبني سلاماً عاطراً أرجاً
مِن مقولٍ بِسوى ذكراه ما لَهجا
2. And so I hope for forgiveness that will return
With my face turned happily towards your highness
٢. وَبعد فَالمرتَجى عفوٌ يَعود به
وَجهُ اِعتِذاري إِلى علياكَ مُبتَهِجا
3. That is because since I left your presence
I have been anxious from the excess of what went wrong, confused
٣. وَذاك أنّي مذ فارقتُ حَضرتكم
حُممتُ من فرطِ ما قَد ساء مُمتزجا
4. I remained five days in anxiety with it
And after that the innocence that was disturbed
٤. بَقيتُ خمسةَ أيّامٍ بِه قلقاً
وَبعدها فتحَ البرءَ الّذي رُتِجا
5. And here I am today striving towards your purpose
May God not disappoint me of your great hope
٥. وَها أَنا اليوم ساعٍ في مرادكمُ
لا خيّب اللّه لي فيكُم عظيمَ رَجا