
O mouth that I greeted with a kiss

يا ثغر حييت بالمرابط

1. O mouth that I greeted with a kiss
How many envious and spiteful ones you have

١. يا ثغرُ حيّيت بِالمُرابِط
كَم لَك مِن حاسدٍ وغابِط

2. The prince has ignited in you a light
That guides to righteousness everyone who gropes

٢. أَوقدَ فيكَ الأميرُ نوراً
يَهدي إِلى الرشدِ كلّ خابِط

3. Yet he has surrounded you with a fence of resolve
Against the foiled deeds of the envious

٣. حاطَكَ لكن بسورِ عزمٍ
لِعملِ الحاسدينَ حابِط

4. Their intestines writhe but
Your serene heart is steadfast

٤. تَخفقُ أَحشاؤُهم ولكن
فُؤادكَ المطمئنّ رابِط

5. Religion spends the night with you exalted
And wakes while abased

٥. يُمسي بكَ الدينُ وَهو عالٍ
وَيصبحُ وَهو هابِط

6. May God make you endure from a fortress
Where the best guardian keeps vigil

٦. عمّرَكَ اللّه مِن رباطٍ
مُرابطٌ فيهِ خيرُ ضابِط