1. No mother of a hopeful son protects him
Except that hope shines out like a bride's smile.
١. ما أمَّ ذو أملٍ حِمى اِبن عروسِ
إلّا اِجتلى الأملَ اِجتلاء عروسِ
2. He is the pole around which all affairs revolve
In the land of Tunis, abode of familiar zeal.
٢. قطبٌ عليه مَدارُ كلّ تصرّفٍ
في قُطرِ تونسَ ذي الحمى المأنوسِ
3. The bird of his fame never veered from its path
Despite the length of his moldering confinement.
٣. لَم يثنِ طائرُ صيتهِ عن جوّهِ
طولَ الثواءِ لِجسمهِ المرموسِ
4. His life and death are equal now
Since life is no more than the life of souls.
٤. فَسيان حالاً موتهُ وحياتهُ
إِذ ما الحياةُ سِوى حياة نفوسِ
5. Rather, death removes the veil from him
As clouds part to reveal suns.
٥. لا بَل تزحزحَ بِالمماتِ حجابهُ
كَالسحبِ إِذ تنجابُ دونَ شموسِ
6. With every brilliant rising you see his visitors
Receive from his grace what the smile of a bride promises.
٦. فَبكلِّ شارقةٍ ترى زوّارهُ
مِن فضلهِ ما في اِبتسامِ عروسِ
7. How many returned cheerful of spirit
After being disconsolate of heart.
٧. كَم عادَ عافيهم قريرَ جوانحٍ
مِن بعدِ أَن ضمّت فؤاد يؤوسِ
8. Oh how many an abode he illuminated
Dawn breaks from it instead of darkness.
٨. إيهٍ وَكَم مِن منزلٍ جلّى به
يَعتاظُ مِنها الصبحُ عن أدموسِ
9. I swear by Him who made him guardian of His dependents
After losing the most beloved of intimates.
٩. قَسمي بِمَن ولّاه نقعَ عيالهِ
فَقدُ الأحبِّ إِليه غير غموسِ
10. For no desirous or devout soul is deprived
By him of hopes or safety from fears.
١٠. إِذ ليسَ يحرمُ راغبٌ أو راهبٌ
مِنه المُنى والأمن من موجوسِ
11. His shelter saves the healthy and his balm
Cures the wounded heart and frees every prisoner.
١١. مَغناهُ درياقُ السليمِ ومرهمُ ال
قلبِ الكليمِ وفكُّ كلّ حبيسِ
12. Why not, and didn't Solomon-like power devolve upon him
After which no intimate can befit him.
١٢. لِم لا وَخِلعتهُ سليمانيّةٌ
لا تَنبَغي مِن بعده لأنيسِ
13. The earth folds up and the air is subjugated
To speed his passage, and the dictionary too.
١٣. فَالأرضُ تُطوى وَالهواء مسخّرٌ
لمطارهِ وَكذا مطا القاموسِ
14. The banners of his hospitality are woven
By his hands alone - their pattern is sacrosanct.
١٤. أَعلامُ ضافيه نَسيجةُ وحدِها
لَم يُستَبح منوالها للبوسِ
15. Embroidered with a pampering that trails
The carpets of beloved traditional ways.
١٥. رُقمت بِإدلالٍ يجرّ ذيولها
بِبساطِ مَحبوبيةٍ قدموسِ
16. And by his emergence from the revered station
Their warp was never debased by lessons.
١٦. وَمِن المقامِ الأحمديِّ بُروزها
فَلِذلِكم لَم تُمتَهن بدروسِ
17. By his inheritance this man said:
"These feet of mine are above the heads of saints."
١٧. وَبإِرثِها قَد قال رجلي هذهِ
مِن أولياءِ اللّه فوق رؤوسِ
18. And his affection came to encompass all the worlds
When he appeared as a manifestation of the Holy Sanctifier
١٨. وَغَدا يعمّ العالمينَ حنانهُ
إِذ صارَ مظهر رحمة القدّوسِ
19. To care for the dispossessed and to carry them all,
And to promptly relieve afflictions by making them easy.
١٩. يُولي عَديمهم ويحملَ كلّهم
وَيُبادرُ الكربات بالتنفيسِ
20. O ever-present savior who redirects
When the directing of affairs leaves men at their wits' end.
٢٠. يا أيّها الغوثُ المصرّف دائماً
إِن فارقَ التصريفُ أهل رموسِ
21. And so when he was hidden his traces
Did not disappear from its well-trodden path.
٢١. وَلِذاك لمّا أَن توارى لم تحل
آثارُهُ عَن نهجها المحسوسِ
22. O lord of plenty and legacy engendered
By Abi Saraya, Ahmad son of the noble virtuous.
٢٢. يا ذا النوالَةِ وَالعريشِ المكتنى
بِأبي الصرائِرِ أحمدِ بن عروسِ
23. O possessor of expansive glory and aid
To the disconsolate desperate supplicant.
٢٣. يا مَن له الجاهُ العريضُ وراثةً
وَإِغاثةُ المُستَصرخ المبؤوسِ
24. O you whose actions are verified by experiment and analogy,
And when words coincide on your direction.
٢٤. يا مَن قَدِ اِتّفقت عَلى تصريفه ال
كلماتُ بالتجريبِ والتقسيسِ
25. O you whose tomb can scarcely contain
The teeming visitors, so vast is your bounty.
٢٥. يا مَن يكادُ مَزارهُ مِن بشرهِ
لِلزّائرينَ ينمّ عن قابوسِ
26. And your awesomeness is such that it seems
Any violator of it trespasses against what is inviolate.
٢٦. وَتكادُ هَيبتهُ تخيِّل أنّ من
يَلمُم به متقحّمٌ للخيسِ
27. Muhiddin, aspiring to your gift-bestowal
Has exposed himself to your accustomed generosity.
٢٧. مُهدي الثنا مُتعرّض لنوالكم
آلٍ إِلى معهودِ فضلك شوسِ
28. He did not aim, in praising you,
At anything but following a noble purpose.
٢٨. لَم يَعتَمِد إيفاءَ مدحكَ حقّهُ
بِل قصدَ هادٍ مقتفٍ لغموسِ