1. Speak to me of the one whom I love though he is gone,
My heart is refreshed by the mention of his name.
١. هاتِ لي ذكرَ مَن أحبّ وخلّ
مَسمَعي ينعشُ الفؤادَ برسمِه
2. Repeat it gently, in keeping with passion's ways,
Abandoning all others who aim their arrows.
٢. وَأَعِده وفقَ الغرامِ وَغادِر
كلّ مَن في الوجودِ يَرمي بِسهمه
3. I care not if this love wounds my heart,
For it is a treasure, secured by his spell.
٣. لا أُبالي وَإِن أصابَ فُؤادي
فَهوَ كَنزٌ محصّنٌ بِطِلسمه
4. How could I fear, when the Seal of Prophets announced,
Truly, no harm comes with invoking his name.
٤. كَيفَ أَخشى وخاتمُ الرسلِ أَنبا
إنّه لا يضرّ شيءٌ مع اِسمه