
I seek protection for my son from the evils

أعيذ نجلي بالسور

1. I seek protection for my son from the evils
Of what has been and what is yet to come

١. أُعيذُ نَجلي بالسور
مِن شرّ ما ساءَ وَسَر

2. I seek protection for him through the essence
Of its verses and what is apparent

٢. أُعيذُه بباطنٍ
مِن آيِها وما ظَهَر

3. I have fortified him from the evil of one
Who is envious and the evil glance of eyes

٣. حَصّنتهُ مِن شرّ ذي
حَسدٍ وذي عينٍ نَظَر

4. And the evil of those with venomous breath and those
Who persist in sorcery and spells

٤. وشرّ كلّ ذي نفثٍ وذي
عقدٍ عَلى السحرِ اِستَمر

5. And every defiant devil
Of every jinn and human

٥. وكلِّ شيطانٍ بَغى
مِن كلّ جنّ وَبَشر

6. And the evil of every sneak
And mischief-maker and harm-doer

٦. وَشرّ كلّ طارقٍ
وَغاسقٍ وَذي ضَرَر

7. Through the protection of He who has the Throne
Who encompasses all knowledge and decree

٧. بِحفظِ ذي العرشِ الّذي
أَحاطَ علماً وَقَدر

8. And through what the Generous One is protected
Whose remembrance is without compare

٨. وَما بِه قَد حُفظ الذ
ذكرُ الكريمُ مِن غِيَر

9. I have entrusted him to God
Saying words of one grateful

٩. أَودعتهُ للّه قا
ئِلاً مقالَ مَن شَكَر

10. Praise be to God who
Granted me in my old age

١٠. الحمدُ للّه الّذي
وهبَ لي عَلى كِبَر