
Pause and reflect on what the owner of this tomb achieved with virtue,

قفا نعتبر ما وارث الأرض بالصفا

1. Pause and reflect on what the owner of this tomb achieved with virtue,
And how he inclined the two worlds towards clemency.

١. قِفا نَعتَبِر ما وارثُ الأرضِ بِالصفا
وَكيفَ مالَ العالمين إِلى العفا

2. If you but knew who lies in this grave,
You would shake off the world from your hands in passionate desire.

٢. فَهذا ضَريحٌ لو عَلِمت ضجيعهُ
نَفضتَ مِنَ الدنيا يَديك تلهّفا

3. He folded up the high standard of glory, unassailable,
And so his lofty virtues became as a barren plain.

٣. طَوى طودَ عزٍّ لا يرامُ فَأَصبحت
مَغانيهِ قاعاً مِن مَعاليهِ صَفصفا

4. The intrepid leader of the elite, who was a pillar
Of support for the family of Hussein, in competence and loyalty.

٤. أَبو النخبةِ الشهمُ الّذي كان عمدةً
لِآلِ حسينٍ في الكفايةِ والوفا

5. He established the praiseworthy endeavor in serving their kingdom
For thirty years as their minister, walking the straight path.

٥. أَقام حميدَ السعيِ يَخدم مُلكَهم
ثَلاثينَ حَولاً في الوزارةِ مُقتفى

6. And he offered the people of the land extensive clemency and attainment,
With worldly affairs well-managed, and the hereafter a protective cloak.

٦. وَأَوسعَ أهلَ القطرِ حلماً ونائلاً
ودُنياهُ تَدبيراً وَأُخراه معطفا

7. And when God called him, he came obediently,
At a time when neither avarice argued nor harshness resisted.

٧. وَحينَ دَعاهُ اللّه جاءَ ملبّياً
عَلى حين لا حرصٌ يعقّ ولا جفا

8. He had good expectations of his Master, though indeed
He was granted less than he expected, out of kindness.

٨. وَأَحسنَ في مَولاه ظنّاً وإنّه
لَأدنى له ممّا يظنّ تَعطّفا

9. O you who visit this tomb and befriend
His brothers in religion with an embracing fellowship!

٩. أَلا أيّها الرائيهِ وَالزائرُ الّذي
بِإِخوانهِ في الدينِ شَملاً تألّفا

10. When you scent the perfume of this grave,
Make sure to bless him sincerely with your prayer.

١٠. إِذا شمتَ مِن هَذا الضريحِ خلالهُ
فَكُن بِجميلٍ مِن دعائكَ مُتحِفا

11. Joy and spirit have perfumed a garden containing you,
Watered by grace, carefully tended.

١١. وَقَد جلّل الريحانُ والروحُ روضةً
حَوَتك وَروّاها الرِّضا مُتوكّفا

12. You lived praiseworthy and came recorded in history,
With Paradise as your home, like your name, "the Chosen One."

١٢. فَقَد عشتَ مَحموداً وَجئتَ مؤرِّخاً
وَمَأواكَ بِالفردوسِ كاِسمكَ مُصطفى