1. The lover wrote upon the page of his cheek
A lam, completing its beauty.
١. كَتبَ العذارُ عَلى صحيفةِ خدّهِ
لاماً بِها قَد تمّ حُسنُ جمالهِ
2. And he added to it from the bow of his eyebrows
A noon, dotting it with the mole of his cheek.
٢. وَأَضافَ مِن قَوسي حَواجبِهِ لَها
نوناً وَأَعجَمَها بِنقطةِ خالهِ
3. So it was as if he gave for answer the word lan
To those yearning for the sweetness of union with him.
٣. فَكأنّه اِعتَمدَ الجوابَ بِلفظِ لَن
لِلشائِقينَ إِلى لذيذِ وصالهِ