1. My God, my intention in my poem
Is to please You, and nothing more
١. إِلَهي إنّ قَصدي مِن قَصيدي
رضاكَ وَما عليه من مزيدِ
2. Whenever it is recited or dated
I sought Your pleasure, so grant the poem
٢. مَتى يُنشَد أقُل وَمَتى يؤرّخ
قَصَدتُ رِضاكَ فَاِمنح للقصيدِ
3. I composed praise of Ahmad in moderation
And praise of his family with a unique string
٣. نَظمتُ مَديحَ أَحمدَ فيهِ وُسطى
لِمدحِ الآلِ بالعقد الفريدِ
4. I made them the means to get near You
So I don't miss the purpose from afar
٤. جَعلتهمُ الوسيلةَ لاِقتِرابي
فَلَم آتِ المَقاصدِ من بعيدِ
5. And whoever I singled out to mention
It’s out of love for their affectionate son
٥. وَمَن خصّصتهُ منهم بذكرٍ
فَعَن ودّ لِنَجلهم الودودِ
6. For Your sake, not for expected gain
Nor for spreading excellent reputation
٦. لِوجهكَ لا لعائدةٍ ترجّى
وَلا لإذاعةِ الذّكرِ الحميدِ
7. No other motives marred our love
Nor diverted it from the right path
٧. وَما شابَت لَنا الأغراضُ ودّاً
وَلا صَرَفتهُ عن نهجٍ سديدِ
8. Nothing between us but supplication
In private from a sincere heart
٨. وَما إِن بَيننا إلّا دعاءٌ
بِظهرِ الغيبِ عَن قلبٍ شهيدِ
9. You have made us needless of selling lasting
For unsafe fleeting and paltry
٩. وَقَد أَغنَيتنا عَن بيع باقٍ
عَظيمِ الخطرِ بِالفاني الزهيدِ
10. We both have pride in belonging
To You, of lofty, inherited vigor
١٠. كِلانا ذو اِعتزازٍ بِاِنتسابٍ
إِليكَ رفيعُ همٍّ ذو تليدِ
11. We hope for salvation in loving You
In Your shade on the day of threat
١١. نُرجّي بِالتحاببِ فيكَ فوزاً
بِظلّك يومَ قارعةِ الوعيدِ
12. So realize our hopes and conclude with goodness
And let us know Your bounty with increase
١٢. فحقّق ظنّنا وَاِختم بخيرٍ
وَعرّفنا نَوالك بالمزيدِ
13. And spread the benefit of this poem and explain
Hearts that pulsed hearing its melody
١٣. وَعمّم نَفعَ هَذا النظمِ وَاِشرح
صُدوراً منهُ جاشَت للنشيدِ
14. Through it the memory of a beloved circulates
Whose love is bliss for the fortunate
١٤. تُدارُ لَها بِه ذكرى حبيبٍ
محبّتهُ السعادةُ للسعيدِ
15. Cup after cup will be served from it
For the return and the celebrator
١٥. فَتُسقى منهُ كأس بعد كأسٍ
وَتضربُ لِلمعاد وللمعيدِ
16. She is filled, but gatherings for Him don't bore her
It hides the dormant longing and fervor
١٦. تَملّ فَلا يملّ لها معادٌ
وَتوري كامنَ الشوقِ الخمودِ
17. What rapture does not increase
Praise of her Prophet, the light of existence
١٧. وَأيّ حشاشةٍ لا يَزدهيها
مَديحُ نبيّها نور الوجودِ
18. No mercy in the universe but
The Lord endowed it to servants through him
١٨. وَما مِن رحمةٍ في الكونِ إلّا
بهِ المولى حَباها للعبيدِ
19. The prayers and peace of Allah poured
Its springs in a cooled oasis
١٩. صَلاةُ اللّه والتسليمُ سحّت
فُيوضُهما بمنهلٍّ برودِ
20. For Ahmad’s meadow and resting places
And abode of his living, affectionate family
٢٠. لِروضةِ أحمد وَمُضاجعيه
وَمَأوى آلهِ حيّ ومودي
21. And all his companions and followers
To the Day of Resurrection from the graves
٢١. وَسائرِ صحبهِ ومتابعيهِ
إِلى يومِ القيامِ من اللحودِ
22. Prayers that have no match in brilliance
And peace that has surpassed increase
٢٢. صَلاةٌ لا لِنُضرتها نظيرٌ
وَتسليمٌ تعاظمَ عَن مزيدِ
23. From the Merciful, endless
Upon him and his family, for all eternity
٢٣. مِنَ الرحمنِ ما لهما انتهاءٌ
عَليه وآله الأبد الأبيدِ