
As if the roses were surrounded by blossoms

كأن الورد محفوفا بزهر

1. As if the roses were surrounded by blossoms
And leaves of emerald green

١. كأنّ الوردَ مَحفوفاً بزهرِ
وَأوراقٍ منَ النارنجِ خضرِ

2. Cheeks behind a silken veil
With borders embroidered by pearls

٢. خُدودٌ في لثامٍ سندسيٍّ
مُطرّزةٌ حواشيهِ بدرِّ

3. Have you not seen leaves and blossoms
Like cups of aquamarine filled with wine

٣. أَلَم تَنظر إِلى وَرَقٍ وزهرِ
كُؤوسِ زَبرجدٍ بحباب خمرِ

4. Like a silken garment above a necklace
That appeared beneath a pomegranate bosom

٤. كَثوبٍ سندسيٍّ فوقَ عقدٍ
بَدا مِن تحتِ رمّانٍ لصدرِ

5. It turned the roses among leaves and blossoms
Like cups of aquamarine filled with wine

٥. أَدارَ الوردَ في ورقٍ وزهرِ
كُؤوس زبرجدٍ بحباب خمرِ

6. As if it wore a silken cloak
The pillows of a languid one have bitten its lips

٦. كَما اِلتَثَمت ببردٍ سندسيّ
مَراشفُ غادةٍ عضّت بثغرِ

7. And mimicked the blossoms in the green
A blossom opened up around it from particles of aloeswood

٧. وَحاكى الزهرَ في الخضراءِ زهرٌ
تَفتّح حوله مِن شذرِ تبرِ