
His sermons captivated the eyes of the faith and the ears of the world shook at his mention,

خطب عيون الدين منه ثجوجه

1. His sermons captivated the eyes of the faith and the ears of the world shook at his mention,
He showed the essence of his heart then darkened it with sorrow,

١. خطبٌ عيون الدّين منه ثجوجه
وَمَسامعُ الدنيا به مرجوجه

2. He blinded the paths of grief with it and deafened the stones with his powerful impact,
And deafened every hearing thing with the traces of his clamor.

٢. أَورى الجوانح ثمّ أَظلَمها أسى
عَميت به سبل الأسى المنهوجه

3. He dragged the living of knowledge violently and tied down Islam after its apex,
He destroyed the elevated abodes and demolished the pillars of power,

٣. فتّ الكبود بأسهمٍ مقشوبةٍ
نزعُ النفوس لوقعها سرجيجه

4. And narrowed the horizons with his blazing anger.
He saddened the tombs and the pulpits so their pegs moaned with grief,

٤. أصمى بها فأصمّ بِالمهجِ الحصى
وَبكلّ سامعة أَثار عجيجه

5. He disappointed hopes and tore down the inhibitions of propriety,
So people were confused and matters chaotic.

٥. قد جرّ في حيّ العلوم كلاكلاً
وَأناخَ بالإسلامِ بُعدَ لبيجه

6. They suspected what they saw and ignored the serious admonition,
The eulogists spoke the truth and their truthful elegy was bad,

٦. هَدم الصوى ورمى بهاذمةِ القوى
وَأَضاق من صدرِ الفضاء ضَؤُوجه

7. The master of knowledge, Muhammad Ibn Al-Khuja.
So in God there is separation from every disobedience,

٧. أَشجى المزابرَ وَالمنابرَ فَاِغتَدت
أَوتادُ قاعٍ بالأسى مَسجوجه

8. And to God is our return so there is no obstruction.
The hand of worldly life is severed and her nose is rubbed in the dirt,

٨. كَسفَ الحلومَ ودكّ أطوادَ النهى
فَالنّاسُ حَيرى والأمور مريجه

9. What is wrong with it regarding the virtuous that she shows enmity?
It shrouds them in obscurity and bows down to everything they established loftily,

٩. تَهموا العيان وأعرضوا عن مسمعٍ
وَالأمرّ جدّ دونَما محجوجه

10. She is not one to hold the reins of anyone,
Even if the swollen sea oversteps its shores forever.

١٠. صَدق النعاةُ وساءَ صدق نَعيهم
علم العلومِ محمّد بن الخوجه

11. So cut off its forelock as much as you can, for its blessings and misfortunes are intertwined,
The purity of water - its taste becomes brackish,

١١. في اللّه من كلّ الفوائت خالفٌ
واللّه رُجعاناً فلا مشؤوجه

12. And its sweetness - it changes into bitterness.
The livelihood of all of us in this world is straitened,

١٢. تَبّت يدُ الدنيا وَأرغمُ أَنفها
ما بالها بِالفاضلينَ وجوجه

13. But we try to blend it with purpose.
Our breaths and souls are between the imaginations of passion and its outstretched hands,

١٣. تطويهمُ طيّ السجلّ وَتَنثني
لِجميعِ ما قَد أسّسوه هجوجه

14. And the poisons of the former - its poisons were its beginning,
And the poisons of the latter - its consequence is perilous.

١٤. لَيست بِراعيةٍ ذماماً لاِمرئٍ
ولوِ المجرّةُ تغتدي أبدوجه

15. And the people in their lifetimes are travelers of humble ships,
And time persists relentlessly, not resting or pausing.

١٥. فَاِقطَع عُراها ما اِستطعتَ فإنّها
نعماؤُها بِبؤوسها مَمزوجه

16. Changing in states - no man persists in goodness,
Except that his goodness is followed by his clamor.

١٦. تَصفو صفاءَ الماءِ يخبثُ طعمهُ
إيه وتعذبُ كي تحول أجوجه

17. And death is departure and the wilds are the pasture,
No wonder in a pasture aiming for pastures.

١٧. ضنكٌ بِدُنيانا معاشُ جميعنا
لكن نُحاولُ بالمنى تمزيجه

18. You see it reaping the weak with havoc,
And at times it harvests the strong.

١٨. أَنفاسنا وَنفوسنا ما بين مق
صورِ الهوى ومَديدهِ معنوجه

19. Asceticism in the world comforts its people,
While greed always leaves behind burning embers.

١٩. وَسمومُ ذلك كنّ بدءَ سمومهِ
وَسمومُ هذا عاقبٌ حرجوجه

20. Craving pleasures - it did not spare a breast from piercing,
And its babies - a heart stricken with grief.

٢٠. وَالنّاسُ بالآجالِ سفرُ رواحلٍ
وَالدهرُ حادٍ لا يريح وسوجه

21. So what is the point of conceit and self-importance?
They are but a cleft path taken.

٢١. مُتلوّنُ الحالاتِ ما برّ اِمرءاً
إلّا وَأتبع برّه تمجيجه

22. And a man meets his death suddenly,
Whether threaded by stabbings or pierced by a sword.

٢٢. وَالموتُ سرحٌ وَالبرايا مرجهُ
لا غَرو في سرحٍ يرومُ مروجه

23. And beyond it there is no salvation,
From the obstacles of an affliction wrapped in misery.

٢٣. فَتراهُ يحصد بالردى معسجّهُ
طوراً ويخضدُ تارةً أغلوجه

24. So beware an ambush of death for what is wished,
And be content with sipping a biting cup.

٢٤. الزّهدُ في الدنيا مريحٌ أهله
وَالحرصُ ليسَ بتارك ياجوجه

25. And meet the future you once ignored,
With insight and determined purpose.

٢٥. ما خالَج التأميلُ في لذّاتها
وَلداتها صدراً به مخلوجه

26. Is not the raising of knowledge one of its portents?
Like smoke that follows its kindling.

٢٦. فيمَ التغالي وَالتقالي إنّما
هيَ شقّةٌ مسلوكةُ مشجوجه

27. Indeed, the one whose body they entrusted to the earth yesterday,
Is a sign that it is convulsed.

٢٧. والمرءُ لاقٍ بالمنيّة بغتةً
سَلكى مِنَ الطعناتِ أو مخلوجه

28. Are days like the Day of Judgement not like the day of his passing?
Or is it a hastened herald of the Trumpet being blown?

٢٨. وَوَراءها ما ليسَ عنه ندحةٌ
عقباتُ بلوى لِلعقابِ زلوجه

29. He who revived knowledge with his lessons passed away lifeless,
And endowed the strength of its living spirit.

٢٩. فَاِحذَر مُفاجأةَ المَنايا للمنى
وَاِقنع برشفِ علالةٍ مَذلوجه

30. The sea of mystic knowledge and the one,
Who made the gardens of intellect flow with his streams.

٣٠. وَاِستقبلِ الخطبَ الّذي اِستدبرته
بِبصيرةٍ وعزيمةٍ محنوجه

31. The one who embroidered the garments of knowledge with his lessons,
So they shone with the perfection of its threading.

٣١. أَوَليس رفعُ العلمِ مِن أشراطِها
كَالدجنِ يعقب صَوبهُ تدجيجه

32. The lamp of the path of the miracles' evidence opened up,
To secrets that have a lofty horizon.

٣٢. إنّ الّذي بِالأمسِ أودعَ جسمهُ
في الأرضِ آية أنّها مرجوجه

33. As for the fundamentals, its sharp sword was in your right hand,
Against the twisting of its meanings.

٣٣. أَمثالُ يومِ الدين يوم نعيّه
أَم معجل راع الخداج نُتوجه

34. You made jurists despair with a method in expressing and deriving,
Purely extracted just as a filter extracts its brew.

٣٤. هَذي المدامعُ أبحر مسجورةٌ
هَذي الحلومُ شوامخٌ مدحوجه

35. With the outstanding review and critique, we see its freshness
Adorned by the ornaments of its arrangement.

٣٥. أَودى الّذي تُحيي العلومُ بدرسهِ
ميتاً وتكسبُ قوّةً رهجيجه

36. How wondrous is your knowledge, an abundant sea,
Whose surface the planks of this coffin conceal!

٣٦. بَحرُ العوارفِ وَالمعارفِ والّذي
أَجرى بروضاتِ الفهومِ ثجيجه

37. How wondrous is your opinion, a cutting blade,
Sheathed in a long enduring scabbard!

٣٧. مَن طرِّزت حللُ العلومِ بدرسهِ
فَزهت بكونِ رقومها تدبيجه

38. How wondrous is your merit, a brilliant midday sun,
This grief could not conceal its piercing light!

٣٨. قَد كانَ للأحكام سابحَ بحرها
لا يَستطيعُ منافسٌ تلجيجه

39. How wondrous is your speech, a radiant dawn,
However the veil tries to conceal its light!

٣٩. قَد كانَ نجمُ هدايةٍ في ردّ مخ
تارٍ وكنز جواهرٍ مزجوجه

40. No question of a lost one confused you,
No solution of a confused one escapes you,

٤٠. لا يَهتدي البرجيسُ مهداه ولا
يَغدو عطاردُ أن يكونَ حجيجه

41. How pitiful the fortress of Shariah is with its wall breached,
Where no one can close up the gaping holes!

٤١. ذو حجّةٍ ومحجّةٍ سنيّةٍ
بيضاءَ في المُحلَولكات نعوجه

42. In Ashura being the date of his passing,
There is symbolism of a law that has collapsed - so cry bitterly!

٤٢. فَتح القديرُ بقلبهِ ولسانهِ
مَهما اِنبرى لِعويصةٍ مرتوجه

43. No year of his passed except that in its day,
Truths of profound mysteries were solved.

٤٣. أَسَفي لِديوان الشريعةِ بعده
وَعروجهُ فَسيستبين عروجه

44. Oh Muhammad, may we never see the like of you again,
Except in seeing the like of Muhammad, may his elevation be exalted!

٤٤. لا تبلغُ الأطوادُ هضبتهُ ولا
تَزنُ القناطرُ منهُم سطّوجه

45. Oh comforter of the patient, they could not
Withstand a sip of the bitter cup you passed.

٤٥. ما إِن نَرى بينَ الورى أمثاله
إلّا سوائرَ بالنفوسِ زلوجه

46. May God send blessings on the Prophet Muhammad,
And you ascended to the Most High Assembly as his companion.

٤٦. أَنسيجَ وحدك قَد طويت ولم يكن
منوالُ فَضلك بالمعيدِ نسيجه

47. Oh people of Tunis, a guiding moon has fallen from your horizon,
Its sciences of faith were lamps with wicks.

٤٧. قَد كانَ درسكَ روضةً مخضلّةً
تُدني القطوفَ إلى الجناةِ نضيجه

48. Oh people of Tunis, a flag has crumpled in your land,
A banner whose threads and patches will be sought.

٤٨. في حُسنِ تقريٍر نخالُ بقاءهَ
وَقد اِنقضى كصدى المرنّ صنوجه

49. Oh people of Tunis, the keeper of the Chosen's Sunnah has left you,
And separation has intensified its burning embers.

٤٩. وَنرى الّذي نَدريه مهما تلقه
أَنِقاً لصوغكَ محكماً تضريجه

50. Oh people of Tunis, the bearer of the interpretation's banner is gone
To the last of the righteous predecessors.

٥٠. وَإِذا نحوتَ النحوَ كنت خليله
مُنسي به زجّاجه تزجيجه

51. Oh people of Tunis, no consolation for it,
And no blame upon one who prolongs lamenting it.

٥١. ما لاِبنِ عصفورٍ بجوّك مسرحٌ
ما للكسائي من حلاكَ سبيجه

52. Oh people of Tunis, the calamity of his death,
Dries tears and isolates the stricken.

٥٢. وَإِذا عطفتَ إلى المعاني فكرةً
فُتِحَت لَديك كنوزها المزلوجه

53. Oh people of Tunis, the bitterness of his loss,
Is a matter more bitter than a cup of poison.

٥٣. فَتمرّ مِن سحرِ البيان نسائم ال
أسحارِ في روضِ البديع أريجه

54. Oh people of Tunis, he who was eradicated,
From the center of Islam - how can it be redressed?

٥٤. وَتلوحُ في أفقِ البلاغةِ ثالث الس
سعدينِ تلوهما تلوّ نتيجه

55. Oh people of Tunis, the most agonizing loss,
Is one whose like we see in none.

٥٥. مِصباح نهجِ دلائلِ الإعجاز مف
تاحاً لأسرار لها مرتوجه

56. Your afflictions and rewards in it are equal,
So expressing condolences reveals its course.

٥٦. أمّا الأصولُ فَفي يمينك سيفُهُ ال
قاضي عَلى لاماتِهِ المصجوجه

57. What harm to one who had in his scale,
This protector whose deeds were refined?

٥٧. تُعيي المفاقهَ فيه من نهجٍ على
أُسلوبِ إبداءٍ نوى تَخريجه

58. Through his life and death you did not lack,
Good, just as clouds do not withhold their rain.

٥٨. لَكَ مُنهتى المحصولِ والتحريرِ مس
تَصفى كَما اِستَصفى المخيضُ نخيجه

59. If your livers blaze from his loss,
Then your souls will be lodged at his horizons.

٥٩. بِبديعِ تنقيحٍ نرى ابكارهُ
قَد زيّنت مِن حليها تبزيجه

60. What are your assumptions about God, His Majesty,
Except that He will meet a soul that came to Him sincerely?

٦٠. عَجباً لعلمكَ وهو بحر زاخرٌ
تَطوي صفائحُ ذا الضريح ثبوجه

61. A servant whose old age was perfumed with the scent,
Of the breaths of prophethood they always helped refine.

٦١. عَجباً لِرأيك وهو صلتٌ صارمٌ
قَد عضّه غمدٌ يطيل لحوجه

62. He did not tire of memorizing, understanding,
Relating and deriving the Prophetic traditions.

٦٢. عَجباً لفضلكَ وهو شمس ظهيرةٍ
لَم يجلُ مِن هذا الأسى ديجوجه

63. He mastered the fundamentals with his mind encompassing them,
Like a body to the directions - fully enclosed.

٦٣. عَجَباً لِنطقكَ وهو صبحٌ مسفرٌ
أنّى يواري الرمسُ منه بلوجه

64. But his authentic collection is like the soul in its breaths,
Never tiring of producing its intended meanings.

٦٤. ما إن تحير لسائلٍ مرجوعة
ما إِن تبينُ لحائرٍ مَنهوجه

65. He was the transmitter and transmitted amongst us,
About his Lord and the well-guided Sunnah.

٦٥. أَسفاً لحصنِ الشرعِ ثلّم سورهُ
مِن حيثُ لا أحدٌ يسدّ فروجه

66. How much of its implied meanings were extracted from its recitation!
And how much of its rhythmic beauty dissolved with his melodious recitation!

٦٦. في كونِ عاشوراء تأريخاً له
رمزٌ لشرعٍ هُدّ فاِبكِ دروجه

67. The delicacy of his nature superseded the Unveiler,
And leaned towards the proper approach without crookedness.

٦٧. ما كانَ يولجُ عامهُ في يومه
إلّا لقلبِ حقائقٍ موشوجه

68. And if you directed an idea towards meaning,
Its hidden treasures opened up to you.

٦٨. أَمحمّد رزءاً بمثلك لا نرى
إلّا برزء محمّدٍ تفريجه

69. So the breezes of daybreak blew through the magic of rhetoric,
In the garden of eloquence - an aromatic breeze.

٦٩. أمّا لهاةُ الإصطبارِ فلم تكن
لتُسيغ علقمَ كأسه الممجوجه

70. And on the horizon of rhetoric the third of the two fortunate ones appeared,
Then after them you alternated beautifully.

٧٠. صَلّى الإله على النبيّ محمّدٍ
وغدوتَ مِن أعلى الرفيق لزيجه

71. A lantern of the path of the miracles' evidence opened,
To secrets that have a lofty horizon.

٧١. يا أَهلَ تونسَ قد هَوى عن أفقكم
بدرٌ علومُ الدينِ كنّ بروجه

72. As for the fundamentals, its sword was in your right hand,
Against the twisting and coiling of its meanings.

٧٢. يا أهلَ تونس قَد طَحا في أرضكُم
عَلمٌ ستفقد رسوهُ وعروجه

73. You made the jurist despair with a method of expression and derivation,
Pure and immaculate like a filter's extraction.

٧٣. يا أَهل تونسَ إِنّ حافظ سنّة ال
مُختار فارقكُم وجدّ نؤوجه

74. With the outstanding review and critique, we see its novelty,
Adorned by the ornaments of its arrangement.

٧٤. يا أهل تونس إنّ حاملَ رايةِ الت
تَفسيرِ للأُخرى حَدا حرجوجه

75. How amazing is your knowledge, a gushing sea,
Concealed by the planks of this coffin!

٧٥. يا أهلَ تونسَ لا عزاءَ بهِ ولا
لومٌ عَلى باكٍ يطيلُ نشيجه

76. How amazing is your opinion, firmly principled,
Sheathed in an enduring scabbard!

٧٦. يا أهلَ تونس إنّ روعة نعيهِ
تجفي الدموعَ وتعزبُ المخلوجه

77. How amazing is your merit, a midday sun,
This grief could not conceal its light!

٧٧. يا أهلَ تونسَ إِنّ جرعة فقدهِ
لأمرّ مِن كأسِ الردى الممجوجه

78. How amazing is your speech, a radiant dawn,
However the veils try to conceal its illumination!

٧٨. يا أهلَ تونس رُزؤه مستأصلٌ
مِن دوحةِ الإسلامِ أيّ وشيجه

79. No questioner of one returned confused you,
No solution of one confused escaped you,

٧٩. يا أهلَ تونس إنّ أفجعَ هالكٍ
مَن لا نَرى أحداً يشقّ رهوجه

80. Directing the perplexed with the paved approach.
The citadel of Shariah - its wall is breached,

٨٠. سيّان فيه مُصابكم وثوابكم
فَعزا التعزّي أَن يبين نهوجه

81. Where none can mend the gaping holes.
Regarding Ashura as his death date,

٨١. ما ضرّ مَن قَد كان في ميزانهِ
هَذا الهمامُ فعاله المخدوجه

82. A symbol for a collapsed law - so cry bitterly!
No year of his passed except in its day,

٨٢. لَم تَعدموا بِحياتهِ ومماتهِ
خيراً كما يُبقي الغمامُ ثَجيجه

83. Profound truths and mysteries were solved.
O Muhammad, may we never lose the like of you again,

٨٣. إِن أُضرِمَت أَكبادُكُم مِن فقدهِ
فَنُفوسُكم بمفازِهِ مَثلوجه

84. Except by losing one named Muhammad - may his rise be exalted!
O comforter of the patient - they could not withstand,

٨٤. ما ظنّكم باللّه جلّ جلالهُ
وافاهُ ذو نفسٍ إليهِ لَهوجه

85. A sip of the bitter cup you passed.
May God send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad,

٨٥. عَبدٌ تحنَّك شيبهُ بعبيرِ أن
فاسِ النبوّةِ لَم تَزل مضموجه

86. And you ascended to the Most High Assembly as his companion.
O people of Tunis! A guiding moon set on your horizon.

٨٦. لَم يألُ حفظاً للحديثِ درايةً
تَحريرهُ وَروايةً تخريجه

87. Its sciences of faith were lamps with wicks lit.
O people of Tunis! A flag crumpled in your land -

٨٧. ستّ الأصولِ بفكرهِ كالجسمِ للس
ستّ الجهاتِ مُحاطةٌ مَنسوجه

88. A banner whose threads and patches are sought.
O people of Tunis! The keeper of the Chosen's Sunnah left you,

٨٨. لكن صحيحُ سميّه كالروح في
أنفاسهِ ما إِن يملُّ نتيجه

89. And ardent sorrow intensified its burning embers.
O people of Tunis! The bearer of the interpretation banner passed on,

٨٩. قَد كانَ وردُ صبوحهِ وغبوقهِ
كأساً بصفوِ شروحهِ ممزوجه

90. To join the righteous predecessors.
O people of Tunis! No consolation for it,

٩٠. كانَ المحدّثُ وَالمحدَّثُ بَيننا
عَن ربّه وَالسنّةِ المَنهوجه

91. No blame on one who laments it.
O people of Tunis! The calamity of his passing,

٩١. كَم بانَ مِن تنزيلهِ تَأويله
كَم حلّ مِن تَرتيلِه تَرتيجه

92. Dries tears and isolates the grief-stricken.
O people of Tunis! The bitterness of the loss,

٩٢. شفَّت عَلى الكشّافِ رقّةُ طبعهِ
وَثنَت إِلى النهجِ السويّ لجوجه

93. Is more bitter than a poisonous cup.
O people of Tunis! His uprooting,

٩٣. يا راحلاً قَد شايَعَته جُفوننا
بِمدامعٍ بدمِ الكبودِ ذؤوجه

94. From Islam's center - how can it be redressed?
O people of Tunis! The most agonizing loss,

٩٤. لا تَبرحُ الأنفاسُ إثركَ صعّداً
وَعَلى ثراكَ شُؤوننا مَثجوجه

95. Is one whose equal is seen in no other.
In it, your rewards and afflictions are equal,

٩٥. لا ريعَ بيتُك إنّما العلياءُ شن
شنةٌ لأحزمَ فيه أَو سرجوجه

96. So condolences show the way.
No harm to one who had in his scale,

٩٦. مثلَ الّذي أورثتَها أورَثتها
مَن يَقتَفي آثارَكَ المَدروجه

97. This guardian whose deeds were immaculate.
Through his life and death, you did not lack

٩٧. راحَت ضريحكَ نفحةُ الرضوان واِن
هلَّت بهِ أَنواؤهُ المَزموجه

98. Goodness, as clouds do not withhold their rain.
If your livers blaze for his loss,

٩٨. وتحفّلَت لكَ فيهِ روضةُ جنّة
فَيحا بِأزهارِ المُنى مدبوجه

99. Then your souls find rest at his horizons.
What notions have you of God, His Majesty?

٩٩. هَل يَعلمُ الزوّار حَولكَ أنّهم
طافوا لَديكَ بكعبةٍ مَحجوجه

100. Except a soul meets Him sincerely.
A servant whose old age was scented by the breath,

١٠٠. قَبرٌ سَناهُ دَليلُ قولِ مؤرّخٍ
قَبروا علومَ الدينِ لاِبنِ الخوجه

101. Of prophethood that always helped refine him.
He never tired of memorizing, comprehending,

١٠١. أَو ليسَ ما زرّت عليه جيوبنا
قَد لفّ في أكفانِهِ المَوثوجه

102. Relating and deriving prophetic traditions.
He mastered the fundamentals by encompassing them in his mind,

١٠٢. وَلَهُ المآثرُ في جباهِ الدهرِ قد
رُقِمَت سَنا لا نختَشي تَرميجه

103. As a body to its directions - fully enclosed.
Yet his authentic collection is the spirit in its breaths,

١٠٣. عَمَرَ الجوامعَ والدسوتَ بصالحي
أَبنائهِ وعلومهِ المَثجوجه

104. Never tiring of arriving at the intended meanings.
He was transmitter and transmitted amongst us,

١٠٤. وَقَضى وَأَفتى نحوَ ثلث هنيدةٍ
وَقَضى رَئيساً مُحمَداً منهوجه

105. About his Lord and the well-guided Sunnah.
How much of its implied meanings were extracted from its recitation!

١٠٥. لِثلاثهنَّ لسانُ صدقٍ في الألى
غَبروا إِلى صَدقاتهِ المَضروجه

106. How much of its rhythmic beauty dissolved in his melodiousness!
The gentleness of his nature outshone the Unveiler,

١٠٦. حوجاً لَكم لا تَحسبوهُ آسِفاً
لِفراقِهِ وطن البِلى وَفروجه

107. And leaned to the proper approach without crookedness.
And if an idea was directed towards meaning,

١٠٧. فَلَقد دَعاه ربّه للقائهِ
فَنَضى ثيابَ النطفةِ المَمشوجه

108. Its hidden treasures opened up before you.
So the breezes at dawn blew with the magic of rhetoric,

١٠٨. وَتَبادَرت للقائهِ الأملاكُ وال
حورُ اللّواتي يَرتَقبنَ عروجه

109. In the garden of eloquence - an aromatic breeze.
And in rhetoric's horizon, the third of two fortunate ones appeared,

١٠٩. مُستَبشرينَ بِما حَباه ربّه
مِن كلّ عارفةٍ بهِ مَسدوجه

110. Then after them, you alternated beautifully.
The lantern lighting the miraculous' path of evidence opened up,

١١٠. لا غروَ أَن يَحظى بكلِّ كَرامةٍ
في عيشةٍ مرضيّةٍ رُهجوجه

111. To secrets that have a lofty horizon.
As for the fundamentals - its sword was in your right hand,

١١١. هو حجّةٌ للّه بينَ عبادهِ
ردّت إِليه غَير ما مَحجوجه

112. Against the twisting and coiling of its meanings.
You made the jurists despair with your method of expression and derivation,

١١٢. يا أيُّها المغبوطُ بالعيشِ الّذي
سَعدت مُقدّمةٌ له وَنَتيجه

113. Pure and immaculate like a filter's extraction.
With peerless review and critique, we see its novelty

١١٣. نَم آمناً نومَ العروسِ قريرةً
عَيناكَ مُنشرحَ الفؤادِ ضؤوجه

114. Adorned with ornaments of arrangement.
How amazing is your knowledge, a gushing sea,

١١٤. حَتّى يُقدّر في القيامِ لقاؤنا
بكَ آمنينَ خطوبَه المَحضوجه

115. Concealed by this coffin's planks!
How amazing is your opinion, firmly principled,

١١٥. لَو كنتُ أعلمُ أنّ في التأبينِ ما
يوفي حُقوقك ما بَرِحت لَزيجه

116. Encased in an enduring scabbard!
How amazing is your merit, a blazing midday sun,

١١٦. لَكنّني أَدري بأنّ مِنَ الدعا
تحفاً تَروقكَ إِذ ُتزفّ بَهيجه

117. This grief could not conceal its piercing light!
How amazing is your speech, a radiant dawn,

١١٧. فَلِذا أقولُ وقَد لَجَأت لِمَن له ال
مُضطرُّ يَشكو بثّه وَنَشيجه

118. However much the veils try to conceal its illumination!
No confused questioner was returned confused by you,

١١٨. يا أَرحمَ الرُحَماءِ فضلكَ يَغمرُ الر
راجي وَيسبقُ ظنّه وَنَتيجه

119. No solution escaped you for one perplexed.
Guiding the lost with the paved approach -

١١٩. شأنُ الكريمِ ولا كَريم سواك إي
ناسُ النزيعِ بِما يريحُ ضَجيجه

120. The citadel of Shariah, its wall torn down,
Where none can mend the gaping holes.

١٢٠. هَذا نَزيعك بَل نَزيلك لائذاً
بِحِماكَ جلّله الحياءُ فَضيجه

121. Deeming Ashura the date of his passing,
A symbol of a collapsed creed - so cry bitterly!

١٢١. عَبدٌ لطيءٌ بِالثرى لا قوّة
تُنجي ولا حولٌ تَرى تَفريجه

122. No year of his passed except in its day,
Profound truths and mysteries were solved.

١٢٢. قَد أُشربَ الإيمانَ ملءَ إهابهِ
وَدلى إِلى إِحسانِهِ مَزجوجه

123. O Muhammad! We will never lose the like of you,
Except by the loss of one named Muhammad - may his rise be exalted!

١٢٣. وَجَلَت مَرايا العلمِ من إيقانهِ
نوراً أضاءَ مِنَ المشيبِ سنيجه

124. O comforter of the patient! They could not withstand,
A sip of the bitter cup you passed around.

١٢٤. تَرَك الأحبّة صارماً لِحِبالِهم
وببابكَ المفتوحِ حطّ حُدوجه

125. May God exalt the Prophet Muhammad!
You ascended to the Most High Assembly as his companion.

١٢٥. وَقَدِ اِبتَغى الظنّ الجميلَ وسيلةً
وَعوائدُ الإحسانِ منكَ وَليجه

126. O people of Tunis! A guiding moon set on your horizon,
Its sciences of faith were lamps with lit wicks.

١٢٦. وافاكَ أَظمأ ما يكونُ لنهلةٍ
مِن صوبِ فضلكَ حيثُ شامَ حلوجه

127. O people of Tunis! A flag crumpled in your land -
A banner whose threads and patches are sought.

١٢٧. فَاِنقَع صَداه بكأسِ عفوٍ سائغٍ
قَد مازَجت صفوَ الرّضا وَفريجه

128. O people of Tunis! The keeper of the Chosen's Sunnah left you,
And ardent grief intensified its burning embers.

١٢٨. أَبدِله بِالأكفانِ حلّة سندسٍ
وَمِن الترابِ أرائكاً مَعروجه

129. O people of Tunis! The interpretation banner-bearer moved on,
To join the righteous predecessors.

١٢٩. وَبأهلهِ أهلينَ أَصفى خلّةً
وَبِبيتهِ بيتاً أمدّ فليجه

130. O people of Tunis! No consoling this,
No blaming one who grieves it long.

١٣٠. وَأضئ مَطاوي قبرهِ واِمهد له
أَكنافهُ وَاِفسَح لَه تَخريجه

131. O people of Tunis! The calamity of his passing,
Dries tears and isolates the bereaved.

١٣١. وَاِنظر إِليه بعينِ رَحمتك الّتي
مَن لاحَظتهُ فَقد كَفتهُ حؤوجه

132. O people of Tunis! The bitterness of his loss,
Is more bitter than a poisoned cup.

١٣٢. وَأَنلهُ مِن سَبحاتِ وَجهك منظراً
يَكسو أسرّة وجههِ تَسريجه

133. O people of Tunis! His removal,
From Islam's center - how can it be restored?

١٣٣. قَد عزّ جارُك أَن يُضام وجلّ ضي
فُكَ أَن يُرى مُستنزراً تَمزيجه

134. O people of Tunis! The most agonizing loss,
Is one whose peer we cannot see.

١٣٤. لَكن يقولُ ليستزيدَ مؤرّخٌ
كُن يا كريمُ لِضيفك اِبنِ الخوجه